1,987 research outputs found

    Intelligent Design Support System for Japanese Kimono

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    A yukata is a type of traditional Japanese clothing. The designers have difficulty in drawing its cutting pattern with texture alignment. In this paper, we describe a CAD system for the yukata. First, we developed image processing algorithms for achieving the texture alignment. Second, we developed a measurement system for the wearer's body shape. Third, a three-dimensional garment simulation was achieved. By using this system, designers easily tailor the yukata regardless of their skill </p

    Tumbling motion of a single chain in shear flow: a crossover from Brownian to non-Brownian behavior

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    We present numerical results for the dynamics of a single chain in steady shear flow. The chain is represented by a bead-spring model, and the smoothed profile method is used to accurately account for the effects of thermal fluctuations and hydrodynamic interactions acting on beads due to host fluids. It is observed that the chain undergoes tumbling motions and that its dimensionless frequency F depends only on the Peclet number Pe with a power law. The exponent of Pe clearly changes from 2/3 to 1 around the critical Peclet number, indicating that the crossover reflects the competition of thermal fluctuation and shear flow. The presented numerical results agree well with our theoretical analysis based on Jeffery's work

    Multi Agent Micromanipulation System

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    In the area of biotechnology, a micromanipulation is widely used for such purposes as operating on genes and transferring biological materials into cells. For the some experiments, such as biochemical experiment, a large number of cells have to be manipulated in a short time. We have developed an automatic micromanipulation system under the stereoscopic microscope. Micromanipulation system carries out various processes, such as detection of the target, the detection of the needle head, and motor control. By sharing these processes with several computers, the micromanipulation can be performed at high speed. As a result, computer cooperation becomes very important. In this paper, we propose a multi agent micromanipulation system. At first, we developed a multi agent system, which performs image processing, motor control, and management of the micromanipulation processes. Secondarily, we proposed to operate computers cooperative. We use a computer as a single agent. And several computers are connected to a local area network. The multi agent micromanipulation system performed the micromanipulation at a realistic rate through cooperation of multi agents.</p

    Education for Sustainable Development -Community Learning Centers as the Platform for the Community Based Disaster Preparedness

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    Climate change and Disasters are the challenges to the sustainable society. The concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was declared at the WSSD (World Summit for Sustainable Development) that was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002. United Nations proclaimed the 10year period (2005-2015) as the United Nations Decade of ESD (UNDESD) to promote ESD worldwide. The roles of the non-formal education and life-long learning are as important as the formal education system. Community Learning Centers (CLCs) that were introduced into the Asian Countries by the initiatives of the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Office. This program is based on the social learning system of “Kominkan” (public- citizen-hall) in Japan. In the Kominkan summit 2007, Kominkan-CLC was acknowledged as the platform of the community to link the CBOs (Community Based Organizations) for the learning activity to promote ESD as “Okayama Declaration” in 2007. In the final year of the decade of ESD (2005-2014), the World Congress on Education for sustainable Development was held in Nagoya and Okayama.  One of the stakeholders meetings of the congress, International Community Learning Center and ESD was held in Okayama. The roles of Community Learning Centers (CLCs) were discussed among the 650 international participants. Disaster Risk Reduction was one of the specific topics of the agenda. In the conference document of  “Okayama Commitment2014”, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the ESD in the community were mentioned in the document. In the charter of Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), the role of the community was emphasized to create the resilient community to mitigate the damages of the disaster and prepare for the future disaster. In the UN decade of the disaster (2005-2015), the role of the community was emphasized for the immediate disaster response and preparedness. In the aspect of ESD, Community based disaster preparedness program had been done at the public schools of Miyagi prefecture before the Great Eastern Great Earthquakes (2011). Based on those experiences, the lives of the school children were saved from the Tsunami disaster in the Earthquakes.  To strengthen the capacity of the community, the role of the education in the community would be reaffirmed. ESD should be integrated with HFA and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a community based strategy for the disaster to create the resilient community and society. Keywords: ESD (Education for Sustainable Development), CLC (Community Learning Center), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Okayama Commitment 2014, HFA (Hyogo Framework for Action), MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals

    Parameters for Analysis on Distributed Circuit Properties of Etched Alunimum Oxide Film

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    The distributed circuit properties based on pores in the etched aluminum oxide film of the electrolytic capacitor have been analysed by the mathematical equation. This paper proposes the selection and the determining method of the parameters appearing in the analysis

    Field Analysis of SF(6) Gas Insulated Cables and Its Application to Spacer Design

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    This paper describes the spacer design for SF(6) gas insulated cables. The maximum electric stress within the cable is calculated by a numerical method, and it is recognized that the breakdown voltage depends linearly on the calculated values. Moreover, the effects of varying the shape of the spacer are made clear in this study for designing an optimum spacer

    Study of micromanipulation using stereoscopic microscope

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    In this paper, we describe a visual feedback system using a stereoscopic microscope that controls a micromanipulator so that a needle may pierce a target as much length as desired. At first, for achieving the manipulation at a realistic rate, we proposed a strategy of moving the needle head. Secondarily, we developed an algorithm for prediction of the tip position of the needle head within the target. Before the needle pierces the target, the shape of the needle head is preserved as a reference pattern. After the needle piercing the target, the shape of the needle head within the target is predicted using the reference pattern and the tip position of the needle head can be detected. Experimental results indicate that the proposed system may be useful in micromanipulation such as microinjection to seeds </p

    CAD System for Japanese Kimono

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    A yukata is the same shape regardless of the wearer's height or weight. An arrangement of its texture pattern becomes an important factor for designing the yukata. It is desirable to draw the cutting pattern so that the yukata is set up for the wearer. Because drawing the cutting pattern requires great skill, it causes difficulties for beginners. In this paper, the authors propose a CAD system that support designers for drawing cutting patterns: (1) by using this CAD system, beginners can draw cutting patterns of yukatas which are in harmony with the wearer's personality; (2) by the texture analysis of the striped pattern and the stencil pattern, the cutting pattern is drawn semi-automatically </p

    Micromanipulation using Stereoscopic Microscope

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    this paper, we developed a visual feedback system that controls a micromanipulator so that a needle head may reach a target. The system consists of a stereoscopic microscope, a micromanipulator, two CCD cameras and a personal computer, The positions of the target and the needle head under stereoscopic microscope are measured three dimensionally by using two CCD cameras which are set to eyepieces of the microscope. In order that the micromanipulation can be carried out at a realistic rate, it is necessary that the image processing is employed be fast. The image processing time for detecting the target and the needle head is greatly reduced by using image data compression.</p