3 research outputs found

    COVID-19 in old age

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    Schwerwiegend verlaufende COVID-19-Erkrankungen betreffen vorwiegend die ältere Bevölkerung. Die Mortalität der hospitalisierten COVID-19-Patienten im Alter über 80 Jahre liegt international bei bis zu 54 %. Daher ist ein Blick auf die Erkrankung aus geriatrischer Perspektive erforderlich. Diagnostik und Therapie der COVID-19-Erkrankung unterscheiden sich bei den älteren Patienten nicht grundsätzlich von der bei jüngeren Patienten. Allerdings ist bei Patienten im hohen Alter gehäuft mit einer atypischen Symptomatik zu rechnen. Der Rehabilitationsbedarf nach durchgemachter Infektion ist bei älteren COVID-19-Patienten deutlich höher als bei jüngeren Patienten. Paradoxerweise steht der Notwendigkeit vermehrter Rehabilitationsleistungen jedoch ein sinkendes Angebot geriatrischer Rehabilitationsmöglichkeiten gegenüber, da viele Abteilungen entweder geschlossen oder deren Behandlungskapazitäten reduziert wurden. Generell sollten Quarantäne- und Isolationsmaßnahmen in der älteren Bevölkerung verstärkt auf ihre Verhältnismäßigkeit überprüft werden, da die gesundheitlichen und emotionalen Auswirkungen gravierend sein können. Angesichts der ungünstigen Prognose bei hochaltrigen COVID-19-Patienten kommt der Berücksichtigung des Patientenwillens eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Daher sollten Angehörige und Ärzte sich frühzeitig, d. h. möglichst bereits vor dem Auftreten einer Infektion, bemühen, diesen zu eruieren und angemessen zu dokumentieren. Erfreulicherweise lassen die bisherigen Daten hoffen, dass die Impfung mit den in Deutschland zugelassenen mRNA-Impfstoffen gegen SARS-CoV‑2 auch im hohen Alter gut wirksam ist.Predominantly the older population is affected by a severe course of COVID-19. The mortality of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 above the age of 80 years is up to 54% in international studies. These observations indicate the necessity to highlight the geriatric perspective on this disease. The diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19 do not differ between younger and older patients but atypical symptoms should be expected more frequently in old age. Older subjects show an increased need for rehabilitation after COVID-19. Paradoxically, increasing rehabilitation demands go along with a reduced availability of geriatric rehabilitation options, the latter being a consequence of closure or downsizing of rehabilitation departments during the pandemic. In general, measures of isolation and quarantine should be diligently balanced as the health and emotional consequences of such measures may be severe in older persons. In light of the poor prognosis of older COVID-19 patients, advanced care planning becomes even more relevant. Caregivers and physicians should be encouraged to compose advanced care directives that also reflect the specific circumstances of COVID-19. Fortunately, current data suggest that the effectiveness of the vaccination with the mRNA-vaccines approved in Germany may be equally high in older compared to younger persons

    Characterization of patients admitted to specialized geriatric acute care hospital units with the German version of the Standardized Evaluation and Intervention for Seniors at Risk (SEISAR) screening-instrument

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    Background\bf Background The S\bf Standardized E\bf Evaluation and I\bf Intervention for S\bf Seniors at R\bf Risk (SEISAR) screening tool records major geriatric problems, originally applied in the emergency department. Particularly, the distinction of compensated and uncompensated problems is an interesting and new approach. Therefore, we translated the SEISAR in German language and used it to characterize patients in specialized geriatric hospital wards in Germany and to gather initial experience regarding its usability and practicability. Methods\bf Methods The tool was translated by three independent specialists in geriatric medicine and backtranslated for quality-assurance by a non-medical English native speaker. In a second step, 8 acute care geriatric hospital departments used the translated version to characterize all consecutive patients admitted over a period of one month between December 2019 and May 2020 at time of admission. Results\bf Results Most of the 756 patients (78%) lived in an own apartment or house prior to hospital admission. Participants had on average 4 compensated and 6 uncompensated problems, a Barthel-Index of 40 pts. on admission with a median increase of 15 points during hospital stay, and a median length of stay of 16 days in the geriatric hospital department. Conclusion\bf Conclusion SEISAR is an interesting standardized brief comprehensive geriatric assessment tool for the identification of compensated and uncompensated health problems in older persons. The data of this study highlights the number, variability, and complexity of geriatric problems in patients treated in specialized acute care geriatric hospital wards in Germany