19 research outputs found

    Brandveiligheidsanalyse van semi-open parkeergarages

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    De ontwerprichtlijn NEN2443 schrijft met betrekking tot het brandveilig ontwerpen van semi-open parkeergarages ofwel (1) een minimale hoeveelheid open geveloppervlak voor, of (2) een minimale ventilatievoud. Dit heeft als doel om in geval van brand de ontwikkelde rook en warmte op een effectieve manier af te voeren uit de parkeergarage. In deze studie zijn zeven verschillende varianten beoordeeld op hun brandveiligheid door middel van gevalideerde Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulaties. Deze varianten voldoen alle aan de NEN2443. Geconcludeerd wordt dat drie van de zeven varianten een onvoldoende hoog brandveiligheidsniveau hadden

    Fire safety assessment in semi-open car parks

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    Guidelines for the safe design of semi-open car parks require a minimum amount of open façade in order to ensure an effective removal of heat and smoke during a car fire. In this study the fire safety level is assessed by the use of validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of different design variants. The fire safety is assessed using temperature and sight length criteria for safe deployment of the fire department. Results show that 3 out of 7 studied variants did not meet these criteria. It is therefore concluded that it is possible to design semi-open car parks which comply with current Dutch guidelines, yet when assessed with criteria for safe deployment of the fire brigade have an insufficient fire safety level

    Influence of the shape of surgical lights on the disturbance of the airflow

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    Operating room ventilation systems are used to keep the wound area of a patient free from airborne bacteria. Surgical lighting is one of the major disturbances in operating room ventilation systems. This paper describes results from a series of measurements that aim to qualify and quantify the influence of the shape of an operating lamp on the disturbance of the air flow around the lamp. Visualization and particle concentration measurements in combination with a fixed particle source are used to study the upward transport mechanism of particles underneath an operating lamp. Air velocity measurements are used to determine to quantify the size of the wake underneath the lamp. Several different shapes are used in this investigation. The results of the investigation are used to compare with the laminar flow indexes by Leenemann and Oostlander and to assess how well they describe the performance of a lamp with regard to keeping the air clean. The results from these experiments in the future will be applied for CFD validation

    Fire safety assessment in semi-open car parks

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    Guidelines for the safe design of semi-open car parks require a minimum amount of open façade in order to ensure an effective removal of heat and smoke during a car fire. In this study the fire safety level is assessed by the use of validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of different design variants. The fire safety is assessed using temperature and sight length criteria for safe deployment of the fire department. Results show that 3 out of 7 studied variants did not meet these criteria. It is therefore concluded that it is possible to design semi-open car parks which comply with current Dutch guidelines, yet when assessed with criteria for safe deployment of the fire brigade have an insufficient fire safety level

    Do hospitalized premature infants benefit from music interventions? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Objective: Neonatal intensive care units (NICU) around the world increasingly use music interventions. The most recent systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCT) dates from 2009. Since then, 15 new RCTs have been published. We provide an updated systematic review on the possible benefits of music interventions on premature infants' well-being. Methods: We searched 13 electronic databases and 12 journals from their first available date until August 2016. Included were all RCTs published in English with at least 10 participants per group, including infants born prematurely and admitted to the NICU. Interventions were either recorded music interventions or live music therapy interventions. All control conditions were accepted as long as the effects of the music intervention could be analysed separately. A meta-analysis was not possible due to incompleteness and heterogeneity of the data. Results: After removal of duplicates the searches retrieved 4893 citations, 20 of which fulfilled the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The 20 included studies encompassed 1128 participants receiving recorded or live music interventions in the NICU between 24 and 40 weeks gestational age. Twenty-six different outcomes were reported which we classified into three categories: physiological parameters; growth and feeding; behavioural state, relaxation outcomes and pain. Live music interventions were shown to improve sleep in three out of the four studies and heart rate in two out of the four studies. Recorded music improved heart rate in two out of six studies. Better feeding and sucking outcomes were reported in one study using live music and in two studies using recorded music. Conclusions: Although music interventions show promising results in some studies, the variation in quality of the studies, age groups, outcome measures and timing of the interventions across the studies makes it difficult to draw strong conclusions on the effects of music in premature infants

    The effects of perioperative music interventions in pediatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Objective: Music interventions are widely used, but have not yet gained a place in guidelines for pediatric surgery or pediatric anesthesia. In this systematic review and meta-analysis we examined the effects of music interventions on pain, anxiety and distress in children undergoing invasive surgery. Data Sources: We searched 25 electronic databases from their first available date until October 2014. Study Selection: Included were all randomized controlled trials with a parallel group, crossover or cluster design that included pediatric patients from 1 month to 18 years old undergoing minimally invasive or invasive surgical procedures, and receiving either live music therapy or recorded music. Data Extraction and Synthesis: 4846 records were retrieved from the searches, 26 full text reports were evaluated and data was extracted by two independent investigators. Main Outcome Measures: Pain was measured with the Visual Analogue Scale, the Coloured Analogue Scale and the Facial Pain Scale. Anxiety and distress were measured with an emotional index scale (not validated), the Spielberger short State Trait Anxiety Inventory and a Facial Affective Scale. Results: Three RCTs were eligible for inclusion encompassing 196 orthopedic, cardiac and day surgery patients (age of 1 day to 18 years) receiving either live music therapy or recorded music. Overall a statistically significant positive effect was demonstrated on postoperative pain (SMD -1.07; 95%CI-2.08; -0.07) and on anxiety and distress (SMD -0.34 95% CI -0.66; -0.01 and SMD -0.50; 95% CI -0.84; - 0.16. Conclusions and Relevance: This systematic review and meta-analysis indicates that music interventions may have a statistically significant effect in reducing post-operative pain, anxiety and distress in children undergoing a surgical procedure. Evidence from this review and other reviews suggests music therapy may be considered for clinical use

    Setting a baseline for global urban virome surveillance in sewage

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    The rapid development of megacities, and their growing connectedness across the world is becoming a distinct driver for emerging disease outbreaks. Early detection of unusual disease emergence and spread should therefore include such cities as part of risk-based surveillance. A catch-all metagenomic sequencing approach of urban sewage could potentially provide an unbiased insight into the dynamics of viral pathogens circulating in a community irrespective of access to care, a potential which already has been proven for the surveillance of poliovirus. Here, we present a detailed characterization of sewage viromes from a snapshot of 81 high density urban areas across the globe, including in-depth assessment of potential biases, as a proof of concept for catch-all viral pathogen surveillance. We show the ability to detect a wide range of viruses and geographical and seasonal differences for specific viral groups. Our findings offer a cross-sectional baseline for further research in viral surveillance from urban sewage samples and place previous studies in a global perspective

    Natuurlijk geventileerde parkeergarage niet altijd brandveilig

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    Ais een ontwerp van een semi-open parkeergarage zonder een mechanisch ventilatiesysteem niet voldoet aan de prestatie-eisen met betrekking tot brandveiligheid, zoals gesteld in het Bouwbesluit dan is het mogelijk om alsnog goedkeuring te krijgen door aan te tonen dat het gemaakte ontwerp een gelijkwaardig brandveiligheidniveau heeft. Het is echter twijfelachtig of bij gebruik van de huidige richtlijnen en normen een bevredigend niveau van brandveiligheid kan worden gerealiseerd in een dergelijke garage