42 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 8, 1935

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    Over 100 to attend INA conclave • Kermit Harbaugh to head Weekly • Promenade, play pleases patrons • All-Ursinus conference planned for April 27 • Elizabeth Evans elected president of W.S.G.A. • Lantern staff to offer prize for best story • I.N.A. dance, Friday eve., restricted to delegates • Women\u27s basketball team to banquet on Wednesday • W.A.A. to meet tonight • Dr. Omwake remains ill • Varsity Club postpones banquet until May 2 • Men\u27s council draws up model class constitution • Netmen to open court season two days after Easter recess • French students hear Joseph Parlamountain • Track practice starts; Drexel is first opponent • Election of YMCA officers to take place tomorrow noon • Debaters\u27 impersonations show reaction to Hitler • Louis Krug chosen president of Music Club for next year • National feder. of music clubs to be held in Phila. • Derr and Freeland open men\u27s baseball contest • Clair Hare, Don Rose to speak to newspaper conclave here • Varsity nine drops opener to Lafayette College, 3-2 • English Club to meet • IRC to meet tomorrowhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1990/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 25, 1935

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    Rev. Clayton L. Ranck to open prayer week with talk on balanced living , Tuesday • College director dies in Phila. • Grizzly courtmen lose two games • Dean Kline gives address at York alumni banquet • Johnson resigns position on Ruby business staff • Tryouts for junior play to be held this week • Ursinus students to attend mid-winter Y conference • Faculty club convenes at Dr. Bancroft\u27s home • Prudence Dedrick chosen May queen • American guidance council convenes in Atlantic City • Piano students to give concert Wednesday night • Men debaters complete first of four road trips • English Club meets tonight • Church unity discussed at brotherhood meeting • Hall Chem Society shows film on bromine extraction • Muhlenberg to be met in debate on medicine • College Glee Club sings at Leesport and Hamburg • Coeds win in dual debate with Lebanon Valley College • Frosh debaters entertain women\u27s debating club • Bear matmen rally to tie Gettysburg grapplers • Day students retain lead in coed interdorm league • Frosh five win and lose in Perkiomen and Hill frays • Coed basketeers upset Drexel in 25-11 runaway • Derr captures first place in interform court league • I.R.C. to discuss India and new Home Rule Billhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1984/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 14, 1935

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    Coming catalogue to contain course changes; additional studies in literature to be given • Rushing season to begin Jan. 30 • Grizzlies divide conference tilts • Valentine motif chosen for annual Lorelei • Sorority rushing season to get under way Feb. 5 • Penn debate winner to be announced on Sat. • Three religious creeds to have exponents here • Group of activity pictures for Ruby go to engravers • Jr. week-end committees announced by T. J. Beddow • Seniors to petition faculty to eliminate final exams • December F.E.R.A. payroll averages $13.92 per student • Carter attends historical meeting at Washington, D.C. • Recess to end Jan. 29 • Omwake reviews graduate work of Ursinus faculty • Carter leads discussion at Webster forensic meet • Important events of world discussed at IRC meet • Pictures on steel industry shown in science building • Drs. Old and Mauchly attend science sessions • College calendar drawn up at activities council meet • Sophomores select U ring • Frosh basketeers defeat Wyomissing in first tilt • Bears to wrestle Quakers in Penn palestra Saturday • Three teams undefeated in first week of league • Clawson and Brown elected managers of \u2735 grid teams • Varied awards to be offered to girls hiking 100 miles • Men\u27s and women\u27s glee clubs to present Pinafore • Intra-mural basketball league to open February • Editorial board adds four members to Weekly staff • Council amendments submitted to faculty for action, Jan. 28 • Student council discusses removal of frosh customs • New locks being installed in Curtis, Brodbeck dormshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1980/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 4, 1935

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    Fraternity rushing to close tonight • Juniors to hold election of 1936 yearbook editor • Schedule released for 1935 gridders • Scholarship announcement mailed to high schools • Lebanon Valley stops bears, 41-37 • Castle Moro orchestra secured for Lorelei • Pageant chosen for May Day celebration • Pinafore to be presented by combined glee clubs • Physical education group shown special movies • 1935 yearbook to sponsor questionnaire for seniors • All articles for Lantern must be ready by Feb. 15 • Freshmen girls to be in intramural debates • Ursinus to be represented at Upper Darby conclave • Phila. alumni to banquet • Norman R. Thomas to address Haverford peace conference • Student activities council to sponsor dance, May 10 • All seniors must take exams, as faculty rejects petition • College athletic council approves sports plans • Men\u27s Glee Club to sing for musicians, tomorrow • Ursinus bequeathed $500 by will of Jacob M. Hoke • Male forensicists have eighteen debates planned • Women debaters choose subjects for new season • Movies to be shown soon on manufacture of iron • Hall Chemical Society to admit new members • Athletic field dedicated to Jacob Henry Clark \u2717 • Nelson Bortz joins staff of Univ. of North Dakota • Frosh courtmen defeated by Wyoming Seminary, 32-14 • Grizzly grapplers bow to Quakers in initial game • Wrestling coach and acting captain • Inter-dorm basketball league opened Sat. with two games • Drexel admitted to membership in collegiate football league • Ursinus is charter member of new college soccer league • Ursinusites open season with victory over Phoenixville • Students\u27 views on Japan sought by Clark student • Gettysburg and Muhlenberg tie for first in league racehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1981/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 25, 1935

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    New type dance to be held Sat. • Comedy, Aren\u27t we all? selected for spring play • Alumni committee proposes changes • Mrs. Willauer to speak at advisory meeting • R. V. Patterson to deliver address Thursday at annual Founders\u27 Day academic exercises • Women\u27s election plans announced at mass meet • Ursinus delegates to attend Tau Kappa Alpha conference • D. Witmer to head discussion at regional youth conference • Quality, size of Lantern increased in March issue • Dr. Oppenheimer scheduled for pre-med meeting Wed. • Sophs plan to present only cream of frosh talent for annual Founders\u27 Day song and dance revue • Registrar reports large advance 1935 enrollment • New constitution proposed for Alumni Association • Munitions debaters visit Rutgers, Wagner, and Drew • Freshmen are interviewed for Yale transition study • Mr. Quinn shows films, talks on manufacture of rubber • Coed munitions arguers clash with Allegheny, Penn State • Mrs. Grace Cordry speaks to YWCA on courtesy • Brotherhood of St. Paul discusses theme of music • Wagner to be opponent in closing debate, Tues. • Coed basketeers finish most successful season • Coed commuters are champs of women\u27s interdorm season • Mt. St. Joseph coed players defeat bears in close fray • Bassman loses at Lehigh in quarter-final round • Fourteen Ursinus students accepted by med. colleges • Women debaters to stage three contests this week • English club to discuss novels at meet tonighthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1988/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 11, 1935

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    Coeds to be hosts to men at Lorelei • Glassmoyer voted 1936 Ruby editor • Basketeers drop overtime tilts • R. C. Johnson releases spring sport schedules • Sororities to extend bids Friday at noon • Frosh elect new president • Men\u27s council amendments approved at faculty meet • Central nominating committee to choose May Day characters • Lincoln and Ursinus debaters to clash on medicine question • I.R.C. to hear discussion on current world topics • Music Club meet featured by Glee Club selections • Women debaters to argue Drexel coeds in dual meet • English Club meets tonight • Chemists to meet tonight • Bear grunt and groaners beat Johns Hopkins team • Freshmen lose to Drexel as last half rally fails • Coeds lose close tussle to Bryn Mawr basketeers • Day students and Curtis share dorm league lead • Haverford grapplers take grizzlies into camp 18-16 • Rabbi Barnett to address Y meeting Tuesday night • Glee Club to take first trip in eight years next week-end • To choose band and play for junior week-end soon • Forty men extended bids at close of rushing week • Freshman debaters clash on democracy proposition • Mules take first place in basketball conferencehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1982/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 18, 1935

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    Junior week-end plans completed • Lantern to appear for sale Tuesday • Calvert and Grenawalt elected co-captains of basketball; Bassman to captain wrestlers • W. R. Okeson to talk at U club banquet • Dance to be considered by activities council • Reorganization of alumni to be discussed Saturday • Negative munition arguers make last trip of season • Dr. Beideman to address James M. Anders society • Soph hop proves big success with 85 couples in attendance • Coeds form date bureau to provide college editors with partners for INA convention hop April 12 • English Club postponed • Sixty dollars to be given as prizes by Old Gold Co. • Women\u27s debating club to hear debate with Allegheny tonight • Coed debaters meet teams of Temple and Swarthmore • Place of music in the church to be traced by brotherhood • Library given five books on current world topics • French Club hears talk on French pronunciation • Ursinus alumni to share in schoolmen\u27s program • I.R.C. to invite Albright to joint meeting of club • Philadelphia church hears Glee Club concert Sunday • Frosh coeds receive charge in annual Color Day program • Mrs. Hood lectures class on costume designing art • Brodbeck captures interdorm wrestling diadem as Derr and Curtis grunters fail in crucial tests • Coed interdorm league tests featured by close victories • Bearites beat Rosemont for first time in series • Bear grapplers to tussle in intercollegiate bouts • College students to take roles in church programshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1987/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 11, 1935

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    Don Rose to speak at INA meeting • Editor and business manager of Ruby select assistants for 1936 class annual production • Annual Color Day program to be given in Bomberger • Chasemen garner three victories • Bears down Lebanon Valley in last tilt • Negative munitions team debates three opponents • Conference on government to be held at Harrisburg • Local TKA chapter to send delegates to Juniata conclave • Junior play progressing under new coaching system • Western Maryland debates Ursinus coed team Saturday • Music featured at vespers • Christian organizations plan for active spring program • Cub basketeers drop game to Perkiomen Prep, 41-27 • F.E.R.A. boasts maximum February payroll of 794.88•Froshcoedsarguedivorce,marriagelawsuniformity•Mendelssohn2˘7sAthaliechosenforannualoratorio,June9•Keyser,WitmerchosentodebateagainstSwarthmore•StudentactivitiescouncilholdsmeetTuesdayevening•Men2˘7sGleeClubschedulesnineconcertsformonthofApril•MusicClubholdsmonthlymeetTuesdayinwestmusicstudio•794.88 • Frosh coeds argue divorce, marriage laws uniformity • Mendelssohn\u27s Athalie chosen for annual oratorio, June 9 • Keyser, Witmer chosen to debate against Swarthmore • Student activities council holds meet Tuesday evening • Men\u27s Glee Club schedules nine concerts for month of April • Music Club holds monthly meet Tuesday in west music studio • 100 Baldwin prize offered for city government essay • Curtis wins foul shooting in competition for trophy • Coed basketeers beat Moravian, lose close tussle with Beaver • Little grizzlies defeated by Wyoming Seminary, 61-44 • Day students nose out Derr in dorm basketball league • Bear matmen win one, tie one, lose four in current campaign • Coed commuters lead girls inter-dormitory conference • G-burg wins league crown as Ursinus ties for last • Inter-dorm wrestling champs to be determined this week • Snell coached team defeats strong Moravian sextet, 33-27https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1986/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 1, 1935

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    Junior prom plans near completion • Hawk Island , three-act play, to be given by the junior class, Saturday night, April 6 • Doctor Omwake precariously ill • Cast for Aren\u27t we all? selected by Dr. Sibbald • Board of directors hold winter meeting Thursday • I.N.A. convention to open April 12 • Coeds to hold elections for activities\u27 officers • Interfraternity council buys scholastic plaque • Plans being completed for wrestling assoc. • Board of managers to elect new Weekly staff Thursday • Mrs. E. S. Griscom to talk on birds and bird life • \u2735 Ruby to go to press within next two weeks • T.K.A. conference lays plans for future regional conclaves • Yale, Wallick, and Guest debate Wagner College here • English Club meets • Strife in central Europe discussed by IRC • Mrs. Philip B. Willauer speaks on social work • Dorothy O\u27Brien\u27s pageant chosen by Norristown YW • Coeds hold five debates as season draws to close • Y.M.-Y.W. hear Rev. Hawkes on Why I am a Catholic • Music Club officers to be elected Tuesday • Johnson represents Ursinus at collegiate sport meeting • Godshall elected captain of coed basketball team • Track practice begins; first meet to be May 4 • Y.M. to nominate candidates for 1935-36 college year • Baseball team wins, 14-4 in practice tilt, Saturday • Frosh girls take honors in inter-class basketball • Dr. Oppenheimer address Anders pre-med society • Student council sponsors informal dancing in gym • Three students attend regional youth conclavehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1989/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 18, 1935

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    Juniors sign Phil Emerton for prom; Hawk island , mystery play, to be staged • March 28 chosen for Founders\u27 Day • Swarthmore bows to Ursinus coeds • Dedrick and Sipe tie for May queen • Columbia progress group studies education policy • College determines why students leave • Committee appointed to plan newspaper convention here • Castle Moro orchestra plays at annual Lorelei • Ursinus alumni groups to meet in near future • First 64 pages of Ruby to go to press, Thursday • Rev. Clayton H. Ranck engaged as speaker for week of prayer • Alpha Sigma Nu sorority conducts vesper service • Sororities extend bids as rushing season closes • Ursinus students chosen for community club play • Men debate medicine question with Lincoln, first opponent • Varsity Club to purchase two Ursinus\u27 gold notes • Women debaters to entertain freshmen coed squad tonight • Placement bureau begins to consider positions • Hall Chem group shows motion picture series • Women debaters to oppose Leb. Valley on munitions • Rabbi Barnett addresses joint Y meeting Tuesday • Shelley, Straub, and Lipkin to debate in three day tour • English Club discusses British life and customs • I.R.C. hears four talks on current world events • N. Wright attends conference on the cause and cure of war • Lantern elects G. Stoudt for new business manager • Bears drop close contest to Muhl. courtmen, 37-36 • Day students, Curtis, Derr tie for first in dorm loop • Cub basketeers defeated by Villanova frosh, 43-19 • Temple grapplers defeat grizzlies in slow match • Coed non-varsity basketeers smash into interdorm season • Muhlenberg leads loop race as bears drop to sixth place • Arnold College elects Dr. Stover as president • Soph rings to be orderedhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1983/thumbnail.jp