1,198 research outputs found

    Ökologischer Kreislauf Moorbad Harbach: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Agricultural Plant Production and Transportation

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    In 1992 the community of Moorbad Harbach (Austria), located near the border of the Czech Republic and dominated by extensive agricultural practice on small scale farms, decided to initiate activities for regional devolopment. About 40 farms (27 %) converted to organic farming, a local marketing service as well as regional food processing businesses (slaughterhouse, dairy), operating as linkages between regional agriculture and the local spa hotel were founded. The basic idea for the work presented here was to evaluate the – especially ecological – consequences of such a regional conversion. One part of this attempt of evaluation was carried out as a LCA for the agricultural production in Moorbad Harbach. The emphasis of the study was to compare plant production before and after the regional conversion to organic farming. In another step changes in transportation distances and quantities with special regard to transport of raw milk and milk products were quantified

    A probabilistic projection of beneficiaries of long-term care insurance in Germany by severity of disability

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    Demographic aging puts social insurance systems under immense pressure as frailty risks increase with age. The statutory long-term care insurance in Germany (GPV), whose society has been aging for decades due to low fertility and decreasing mortality, faces massive future pressure. The present study presents a stochastic outlook on long-term care insurance in Germany until 2045 by forecasting the future number of frail persons who could claim insurance services by severity level with theory-based Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations result in credible intervals for age-, sex- and severity-specific care rates as well as the numbers of persons for all combinations of age, sex and severity by definition of the GPV on an annual basis. The model accounts for demographic trends through time series analysis and considers all realistic epidemiological developments by simulation. The study shows that increases in the general prevalence of disabilities, especially for severe disabilities, caused by the demographic development in Germany are unavoidable, whereas the influence of changes in age-specific care risks does not affect the outcome significantly. The results may serve as a basis for estimating the future demand for care nurses and the financial expenses of the GPV

    Versuch der monetären Bewertung ökologischer Leistungen des Biologischen Landbaus im Bereich Grund- und Trinkwasser am Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes der Fernwasserversorgung Mühlviertel/OÖ

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    Die tatsächlichen oder potentiellen volkswirtschaftlichen (externen) Kosten durch Umweltbelastung der intensiven Landbewirtschaftung werden der Allgemeinheit aufgebürdet, anstatt als Preis- bzw. Kostenfaktor in das betriebliche Rechnungswesen einzugehen. U.a. in Hinblick auf eine Verringerung externer Kosten der Landwirtschaft infolge Grund- und Trinkwasserbelastung wird der Ökologische Landbau als wirksame Alternative diskutiert. Eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen belegt denn auch das hohe Maß an Grundwasserverträglichkeit des Biologischen Landbaus: So wiesen u. a. VEREIJKEN und WIJNANDS (1990),BRANDHUBER und HEGE (1992), MATTHEY (1992), SCHULTE (1996), BERG et al. (1997) sowie SCHLÜTER et al. (1997) deutlich niedrigere Nitratgehalte des Sickerwassers unter biologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen als unter konventionell oder integriert bewirtschafteten Vergleichsflächen nach. Aufgrund der Verringerung der Nitrat- und Vermeidung der Pestizidbelastung von Grund- und Trinkwasser durch Biologischen Landbau ist daher zu prüfen, in welchem Ausmaß durch diese Bewirtschaftungsform externe Kosten eingespart werden können

    3D-anatomy and systematics of cocculinid-like limpets (Gastropoda: Cocculiniformia): more data, some corrections, but still an enigma

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    New material and new methodologies substantially widen the anatomical knowledge on cocculinid limpets. We first provide 3D-anatomies of Fedikovella caymanensis and Teuthirostria cancellata based on serial sections. Both species differ in several major points (mainly the gill-type and several features of the alimentary tract) from typical cocculinids, accordingly they are classified in a new clade, Teuthirostriidae fam. nov. Specimens studied by McLean and Harasewych (LA County Mus Contrib Sci 453:1-33, 1995) under Fedikovella beanii probably represent another species new to science. Additional investigations of original (type) section series of Cocculina laevis Thiele, 1904 (type species of Paracocculina Haszprunar, 1987) and of Cocculina radiata Thiele, 1904 (type species of Coccocrater Haszprunar, 1987) imply some nomenclatorial revisions: Cocculina cervae Fleming, 1948 is designated as type species of Pedococculina gen. nov. Anatomical characters confirm the subsequent placement of Cocculina viminensis Rocchini, 1990 into Coccopigya Marshall, 1986, whereas the original generic status of the whale-fall inhabitant Cocculina craigsmithi McLean, 1992 is confirmed despite the unusual habitat. The latter species probably has symbiotic bacteria in the midgut gland;if so this might be due to the environmental and feeding conditions at whale cadavers or hydrothermal vents. Contrary to Lepetelloidea, the Cocculiniformia cannot be included in Vetigastropoda. Recent molecular data support a sistergroup relationship of Cocculiniformia with Neomphalida, and we add the phenotypic perspective on this so-called Neomphaliones-hypothesis. In particular, more phylogenomic data are needed to specify the position of Cocculinida among the rhipidoglossate Gastropoda

    Simulating Turbulence Using the Astrophysical Discontinuous Galerkin Code TENET

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    In astrophysics, the two main methods traditionally in use for solving the Euler equations of ideal fluid dynamics are smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite volume discretization on a stationary mesh. However, the goal to efficiently make use of future exascale machines with their ever higher degree of parallel concurrency motivates the search for more efficient and more accurate techniques for computing hydrodynamics. Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods represent a promising class of methods in this regard, as they can be straightforwardly extended to arbitrarily high order while requiring only small stencils. Especially for applications involving comparatively smooth problems, higher-order approaches promise significant gains in computational speed for reaching a desired target accuracy. Here, we introduce our new astrophysical DG code TENET designed for applications in cosmology, and discuss our first results for 3D simulations of subsonic turbulence. We show that our new DG implementation provides accurate results for subsonic turbulence, at considerably reduced computational cost compared with traditional finite volume methods. In particular, we find that DG needs about 1.8 times fewer degrees of freedom to achieve the same accuracy and at the same time is more than 1.5 times faster, confirming its substantial promise for astrophysical applications.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the SPPEXA symposium, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Springe

    Semi- and Non-relativistic Limit of the Dirac Dynamics with External Fields

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    We show how to approximate Dirac dynamics for electronic initial states by semi- and non-relativistic dynamics. To leading order, these are generated by the semi- and non-relativistic Pauli hamiltonian where the kinetic energy is related to m2+ξ2\sqrt{m^2 + \xi^2} and ξ2/2m\xi^2 / 2m, respectively. Higher-order corrections can in principle be computed to any order in the small parameter v/c which is the ratio of typical speeds to the speed of light. Our results imply the dynamics for electronic and positronic states decouple to any order in v/c << 1. To decide whether to get semi- or non-relativistic effective dynamics, one needs to choose a scaling for the kinetic momentum operator. Then the effective dynamics are derived using space-adiabatic perturbation theory by Panati et. al with the novel input of a magnetic pseudodifferential calculus adapted to either the semi- or non-relativistic scaling.Comment: 42 page

    Block-Diagonalization of Operators with Gaps, with Applications to Dirac Operators

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    We present new results on the block-diagonalization of Dirac operators on three-dimensional Euclidean space with unbounded potentials. Classes of admissible potentials include electromagnetic potentials with strong Coulomb singularities and more general matrix-valued potentials, even non-self-adjoint ones. For the Coulomb potential, we achieve an exact diagonalization up to nuclear charge Z=124 and prove the convergence of the Douglas-Kroll-He\ss\ approximation up to Z=62, thus improving the upper bounds Z=93 and Z=51, respectively, by H.\ Siedentop and E.\ Stockmeyer considerably. These results follow from abstract theorems on perturbations of spectral subspaces of operators with gaps, which are based on a method of H.\ Langer and C.\ Tretter and are also of independent interest

    Detection of Significant Prostate Cancer Using Target Saturation in Transperineal Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Transrectal Ultrasonography-fusion Biopsy

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    BACKGROUND: Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and targeted biopsies (TBs) facilitate accurate detection of significant prostate cancer (sPC). However, it remains unclear how many cores should be applied per target. OBJECTIVE: To assess sPC detection rates of two different target-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-fusion biopsy approaches (TB and target saturation [TS]) compared with extended systematic biopsies (SBs). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective single-centre outcome of transperineal MRI/TRUS-fusion biopsies of 213 men was evaluated. All men underwent TB with a median of four cores per MRI lesion, followed by a median of 24 SBs, performed by experienced urologists. Cancer and sPC (International Society of Urological Pathology grade group ≥2) detection rates were analysed. TB was compared with SB and TS, with nine cores per target, calculated by the Ginsburg scheme and using individual cores of the lesion and its "penumbra". OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Cancer detection rates were calculated for TS, TB, and SB at both lesion and patient level. Combination of SB + TB served as a reference. Statistical differences in prostate cancer (PC) detection between groups were calculated using McNemar's tests with confidence intervals. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: TS detected 99% of 134 sPC lesions, which was significantly higher than the detection by TB (87%, p = 0.001) and SB (82%, p < 0.001). SB detected significantly more of the 72 low-risk PC lesions than TB (99% vs 68%, p < 0.001) and 10% (p = 0.15) more than that detected by TS. At a per-patient level, 99% of men harbouring sPC were detected by TS. This was significantly higher than that by TB and SB (89%, p = 0.03 and 81%, p = 0.001, respectively). Limitations include limited generalisability, as a transperineal biopsy route was used. CONCLUSIONS: TS detected significantly more cases of sPC than TB and extended SB. Given that both 99% of sPC lesions and men harbouring sPC were identified by TS, the results suggest that this approach allows to omit SB cores without compromising sPC detection. PATIENT SUMMARY: Target saturation of magnetic resonance imaging-suspicious prostate lesions provides excellent cancer detection and finds fewer low-risk tumours than the current gold standard combination of targeted and systematic biopsies