12 research outputs found
Phenolic Compounds in Bryophytes
Bazı briyofit türlerinin geçmişte kanamaların durdurulması, morluk ve yaraların iyileştirilmesinde kullanılmış olduğu, ayrıca güçlü antimikrobiyal ve biyolojik etkilerine dair bilimsel çalışmalar mevcuttur. Briyofitler fenolik bileşikler bakımından çok çeşitli içeriğe sahiptir. Fakat bugüne kadar sadece %5’inin kimyasal analizi yapılmıştır. Bu nedenle briyofitlerin fenolik içeriklerinin araştırılması önem kazanmaktadır ve briyofitler ülkemizde doğal olarak yetişen potansiyel bir kaynaktır. Ayrıca fenolik bileşikler doğal antioksidan maddelerdir. Serbest radikallerin meydana getirdiği reaksiyonları durdurarak veya engelleyerek onkolojik, kardiyovasküler ve akciğer hastalıkları gibi pek çok hastalıkların oluşumuna engel olurlar. Briyofitlerin doğal ürünler veya sekonder metabolitlerin yeni bir kaynağı olduğu düşünülmektedir.There are also scientific studies regarding some bryophyte species as having strong antimicrobial and biological effects as well as their usage for cessation of bleeding, healing wounds and bruises. Bryophytes have various contents in terms of phenolic compounds, but only %5 of them have been analyzed up to date. In this respect, the investigation of phenolic components of bryophytes gains importance. Bryophytes are potential sources that naturally grow in our country. As well as that phenolic compounds are natural antioxidant substances. They prevent oncological, cardiovascular and lung diseases by inhibiting or preventing reactions formed by free radicals. Bryophytes are considered as the new sources of natural products or secondary metabolite
Elazığ-Sivrice İlçesi'nin Karayosunu Florası
Bu çalışmada, 2013 yılının Mayıs ve Ekim ayları arasında Elazığ-Sivrice ilçesinin karayosunu florası araştırılmıştır. Araştırma alanından toplanan karayosunu örneklerinin teşhis edilmesi sonucunda 9 familya ve 26 cinse ait toplam 45 takson belirlenmiştir. Tamamı Elazığ ili için yeni kayıt olan taksonların aynı zamanda 26 tanesi Henderson (1961) kareleme sistemine göre B9 karesi için yenidir. Takson sayısı bakımından en kalabalık familyalar Brachytheciaceae (14), Pottiaceae (9) ve Orthotrichaceae (8) iken en kalabalık cinsler Orthotrichum (8), Bryum ve Didymodon (4)'dur. Ayrıca, bazı ekolojik özellikler açısından floristik listedeki taksonların çoğunun; kserofitik (kurak), fotofit (ışık seven) ve asidik karakterde olduğu saptanmıştırIn this study, the moss flora of the Sivrice province (Elazığ) was investigated between May and October 2013. As a result of the identified of moss specimens collected from the research area, total 45 taxa, belonging to 9 families and 26 genera were determined. At the same time all the taxa are new records from Elazığ province according to the grid-square system of Henderson (1961) twenty six taxa are new records for B9 grid square. While the largest families in terms of number of taxa are Brachytheciaceae (14), Pottiaceae (9) and Orthotrichaceae (8), the largest genera are Orthotrichum (8), Bryum and Didymodon (4). In addition, the most taxa within the floristic list in terms of some ecological characteristics are xerophyt, photophyt and acidophy
Comparing of Glutathione Levels of Some Bryaceae (Bryophyta) Species
In this study, Reduced Glutathione (GSH) and Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG) levels of Bryum argenteum, Imbribryum mildeanum, Ptychostomum imbricatulum (I, II), Ptychostomum moravicum (I, II, III) and Ptychostomum capillare were determined with High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). GSH and GSSG levels of species were determined as Bryum argenteum 232.70 ± 13.40 μg/g ve 4,22 ± 1.20 μg/g; Imbribryum mildeanum 135.55 ± 6.66 μg/g ve 26.97 ± 2.50 μg/g; Ptychostomum imbricatulum (I) 107.44 ± 8.71 μg/g ve 153.05 ± 9.85 μg/g; Ptychostomum imbricatulum (II) 207.97 ± 13.58 μg/g ve 107.67 ± 4.55 μg/g; Ptychostomum moravicum (I) 172.89 ± 6.35 μg/g ve 12.53 ± 2.59 μg/g; Ptychostomum moravicum (II) 172.15 ± 6.62 μg/g ve 20.48 ± 2.54 μg/g; Ptychostomum moravicum (III) 176.84 ± 6.49 μg/g ve 28.86 ± 4.59 μg/g ve Ptychostomum capillare 234.38 ± 5.79 μg/g ve 6.58 ± 1.91 μg/g respectively. These results showed that these bryophyte species belonging to the Bryaceae family are very good sources of glutathione (GSH and GSSG). Due to their high glutathione content, it has been concluded that the family and species are antioxidant plants and can be used as raw material in various fields
The comparison of vitamin E and vitamin C levels in type 2 diabetic patients under monotherapy
19th Biennial Meeting of the Society-for-Free-Radical-Research-International (SFRRI) -- 2018 -- Lisbon, PORTUGALWOS: 000432836500165Soc Free Rad Res In
In vitro organogenesis of Scorzonera ahmet-duranii
WOS: 000431317900011The genus Scorzonera L. (Asteracea) is represented by fifty two species in Turkey. These species are being used in the treatment of several diseases due to their richness in secondary metabolites. In this study, endemic genus Scorzonera ahmet-duranii sp. nov. which is found in the South West Toros of Turkey was used as the experimental material. The species is only known in its type locality, and its population can be seen in a restricted area within the forest. For this reason, the continuity of these species is under threat. In addition, it is known that the species of the genus Scorzonera L. medicinal plants - due to their secondary metabolites - be used in the treatment of certain diseases among humans. So far, in vitro organogenesis of species of this genus has not been reported. In this study, in vitro organogenesis of S. ahmet-duranii is aimed for study. For this purpose, modified MS medium containing various concentrations of Kinetin and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) was used. In terms of percentage of callus formation, the most successful explant source is hypocotyl, documented as 90%. After the cultivation of apical meristems, cotyledon and hypocotyl explants in modified MS medium, shoot formation via organogenesis was observed
Contributions to Bryophyte Flora of Zonguldak Province
With this study, some new bryophyte taxa have been added for the bryophyte flora of Zonguldak. One taxon from Anthoceratophyta (Hornworts), 11 from Marchantiophyta (Liverworts) and 55 from Bryophyta (Mosses), totally 67 taxa are determined as new for the bryophyte flora of Zonguldak province with examination of specimens collected from field trips held on different habitats between 2012-2014. Among them, 14 taxa are newly reported from A2 square according to the Henderson grid system. Considering previous studies, the number of specific and infra specific taxa in the research area are reached up to 282
A pilot study to detect oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients
Conference of the Society-for-Free-Radical-Research-Europe (SFRR-E) -- JUN 08-11, 2016 -- Budapest, HUNGARYWOS: 000377617900139Soc Free Rad Res Europ