23 research outputs found

    Temporal Lobe Parenchyma Herniation into the Transverse Sinus: MRI Findings in a Case

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    Brain parenchyma herniation into dural venous sinus which is a uncommon entity, can cause dural venous sinus filling and simulate sinus thrombosis and other pathologies. It is isointense to brain parenchyma on all sequences by magnetic resonance imaging, surrounded by a cerebrospinal fluid rim and is seen to be contiguous with brain tissue on images. We report a rare case with spontaneous occult herniation of temporal lobe tissue into the left transverse sinus that may associated with headache

    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo after radiologic scanning: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common type of vertigo. It is frequently seen in elderly patients, and the course of the attack may easily mimic cerebrovascular disease. A BPPV attack after a radiologic examination has not been reported previously. We report the cases of two patients who had BPPV attacks after radiologic imaging.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>The first patient with headache and tremor was admitted to the radiology department for cranial computed tomography (CT) imaging. During scanning, she was asked to lie in the supine position with no other head movements for approximately 10 minutes. After the cranial CT imaging, she stood up rapidly, and suddenly experienced a vertigo attack and nausea. The second patient was admitted to the radiology department for evaluation of his renal arteries. During the renal magnetic resonance angiography, he was in the supine position for 20 minutes and asked not to move. After the examination, he stood up rapidly with the help of the technician and suddenly experienced a vertigo attack with nausea and vomiting. The results of standard laboratory analyses and their neurologic examinations were within normal limits and Dix-Hallpike tests showed rotatory nystagmus in both cases. An Epley maneuver was performed to the patients. The results of a control Dix-Hallpike tests after 1 Epley maneuver were negative in both patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Radiologists and clinicians must keep in mind that after radiologic imaging in which the patient is still for some time in the supine position and then helped to stand up rapidly, a BPPV attack may occur.</p

    Extended Field-of-View Sonography: Evaluation of the Superficial Lesions

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the usefulness of extended-field-of-view 2-dimensional ultrasonography technique in superficial lesions.MethodsDuring a 6-month period, 44 patients with superficial lesions on various parts of their bodies were evaluated with extended-field-of-view ultrasonography in addition to routine traditional 2-dimensional ultrasonography. If the diagnosis could not be made without the extended-field-of-view images, it was considered diagnostic. The radiologist decided if the extended-field-of-view ultrasonography helped spatial orientation, communicate findings, or compare the contralateral side in a single image, or if it was useful for follow-up evaluation.ResultsBy using extended-field-of-view imaging including the surrounding anatomy, 22 musculoskeletal, 8 scrotal, 8 thyroid, 2 breast, and 4 abdominal wall lesions were documented successfully as a single image. Nevertheless, no new cases were diagnosed solely based on the extended-field-of-view images. Extended-field-of-view ultrasonography was considered helpful for spatial orientation in 25 cases (56.8%), for comparing the contralateral side in 16 cases (36.3%), and for communicating findings in 20 cases (45.4%). It was useful for follow-up evaluation in 13 cases (29.5%).ConclusionsNone of the extended-field-of-view images was diagnostic. However, they did provide valuable additional information and better documentation of the lesions

    Appendikste Apandisite Benzer Çap Artışına Neden Olan Sesil “Serrated” Adenom: BT ve Histopatolojik Bulgular

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    Sesil “serrated”(tırtıklı) adenomlar kolonun premalign lezyonları olup çekum ve asendan kolonda daha sık görülmektedirler. Apandikste görülme sıklığı azdır. Bu olgu sunumunda karın ağrısı şikayeti ile gelen 47 yaşında kadın hastaya yapılan bilgisayarlı tomografi incelemesinde appendikste çap artışı saptanmıştır. Appendektomi sonrası yapılan histopatolojik değerlendirmede appendiks lümeninde sesil “serrated” adenom bulunmuştur

    Morphometric and Kinematic Analysis of Gumuldur Fault and Its Seismotectonic Implications for Western Anatolia

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    Kusadasi Bay, which is controlled by active normal faults, is located in an evolving graben in the west of the Western Anatolian Extension System. Gumuldur Fault (GF), which restricts Kusadasi Bay to the north, has approximately 30 km long, fragmented structure between Urkmez and Ahmetbeyli. GF, which strikes N (50 degrees-55 degrees) W direction, forms a sharp morphological escarpment between Urkmez and Ahmetbeyli starting from Paleozoic basement rocks to Quaternary alluvium units. The dip angle of the fault planes increases to the west (40 degrees-85 degrees SW), and the fault is a dip-slip active normal fault with convex structure and geometry toward the northeast. To unravel the Quaternary activity of Gumuldur Fault and the evaluation of the regional uplift, morphometric and kinematic analysis was performed for the first time on the fault that includes well-preserved geomorphological markers. Quantitative measurement of morphometric indices such as mountain front sinuosity (S-mf: 1.13-1.56), valley floor width to height ratio (V-f : 0.10-1.00), percentage faceting L-f/L-s ([L: 4.75-88.35, S: 0.12-9.30]), asymmetry factor (AF: 19-78), basin shape geometry (B-s: 1.05-5.98), stream length gradient (Hack) index (SL: 25-6094.44), hypsometric curve and hypsometric integral (HI: 0.16-0.53) and rock strength and climate parameters indicate that the footwall of the GF has been uplifting toward the west with more than 0.5 mm per year. According to kinematic studies of the GF, which is geometrically composed of three parts, the region developed under the control of an extensional regime oriented NNE-SSW. If it is broken into seperate segments, it has the potential to produce earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.12, 6,45 and 5.78, respectively. If considered as a single segment, it has the potential to produce earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.81 in Kusadasi Bay. For this reason, trench-based paleoseismological studies are needed to reveal the past activity of Gumuldur Fault and to determine the seismic hazard level in the region

    Post Polio Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu

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    Post-poliomyelit sendromu (PPS) polio virüsünün neden olduğu ilk akut atak sonrasında kurtulan hastalarda yıllar sonra görülen anormal yorgunluk, güçsüzlük ve musküler atrofi şikayetleri ile kendini gösteren nadir bir durumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda böbrek taşı şüphesi ile bilgisayarlı tomografi uygulanan hastada saptanan post- poliomyelit sendromuna bağlı de- ğişiklikler literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışılmıştır. Olgumuzda bilgisayarlı tomografi incelemesinde solda pelvik kaslarda yaygın atrofi saptandı

    Calvarial Intraosseous lipomas: To Surgery or not to Surgery?

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    Intraosseous lipomas (IOLs) are rare benign bone tumors,accounts for 0.1% of all bone tumors. The disease is usually asymptomatic. Hips, vertebrae, ribs may be involved. However, the IOL of the skull is less common.There is no consensus about the indications of treatment. Most of the time lesions are operated for cosmetic reasons. In the presence of neurological deficits, dura infiltration, and massive bone destruction, surgical treatment is recommended to confirm the diagnosis. It has been proposed that the excision of an asymptomatic lipoma is not necessary when the diagnosis is definite. The risk of malignant transformation in IOL is very low. We present a case with radiologic evidence highly suggestive of skull lipoma. The patient refused surgery.The patient was followed at 3-month intervals. There was no change in imaging and the patient was neurologically intact at the end of one year

    Safra Taşı İleusu: Düz Radyografi ve Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Bulguları

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    Safra taşı ileusu kolelitiyazisin nadir karşılaşılan bir komplikasyonudur. Bu olgu sunumunda kolesistoduodenal fistül sonrasında safra taşına bağlı ileus gelişen bir olgunun direkt grafi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları sunulmuştur. Direkt grafide pnömobilia ve ince bağırsaklarda dilatasyon saptandı. Bilgisayarlı tomografi incelemesinde safra kesesinde, intrahepatik safra yollarında ve koledokta gaz, ileumda 5x3 cm. boyutlarında taş, taşın proksimalindeki ince bağırsak segmentlerinde dilatasyon ve kolesistoduodenal fistül saptandı. Yapılan enterotomi ile taş çıkarıldı. İnce barsak ve fistül onarıldı, kolesistektomi gerçekleştirildi. Bu olgu sunumu, safra taşı ileusunda, biliyer-enterik fistül düzeyi ile taş düzeyinin saptanmasında bilgisayarlı tomografinin tanısal duyarlılığını vurgulamaktadır