28 research outputs found

    Gender, environment and place-based globalism’

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    __Abstract__ Thank you for the great honour of speaking at this Conference to mark the contribution of Parto to gender research in rural regions which includes important contribution to gender and diversity in relation to human ecology, her networking and leadership in connecting gender and global issues in the work of the university

    New dynamics for gender equality in a changing context

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    __Abstract__ 1 DCF VIENNA POLICY DIALOGUE Advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment: The role of development cooperation December 13-14, 2012 Wendy Harcourt1 Keynote Addres

    Editorial: Reclaiming a continent

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    I recall first hearing Africa referred to as ‘The lost continent’ when I was in Tanzania listening to women who had gathered from just a fewof the 54 countries that make up Africa.They were fiercely defending their countries, the diversities of their lives, the histories and futures. They argued for authenticity of their cultures, their histories, their languages in defiance of development policy thatwas bundling theminto one big basket case.They were strong in their rejection of Africa as a requiring a special focus of development policy and strategy. They reminisced on African renaissance and freedom ^ away from the development rhetoric that at that time (inthe early1990s) depicted Africa as an economic development failure. It was a deeply troubling debate one that certainly rocked my own sense of what was the future for these women and their countries. This journal issue on ‘African Strategies for Transformation’, I am glad to say, presents a far more positive story of ‘The Continent’. The articles are reflections of many of the successes in Africa over the recent years highlighting the myriad of innovative activities forAfrican-led economic and social change

    Editorial: No Economic Justice without Gender Justice

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    It seems incredible in these days of economic crisis that over 2,200 women (and some men) found the time and money to fly to Istanbul for a discussion on gender and economic justice at the AWID Forum 2012. Registrations closed a week before the event opened and the majority of the 800 organizations and individuals who answered the call for sessions and papers could not be accommodated

    Gender Matters to Whom: Keeping the Politics in Gender and Development

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    Wendy Harcourt looks candidly at mainstreaming gender in development and in social movements. She explores the difficulties of bringing gender into development policy and social movements spaces, two areas where she has been actively engaged over the last two decades. The talk will be a critical look at gender 'mainstreaming', but not in the usual sense. It will look at the gender mainstreaming in the area of ‘body politics’ – the bureaucratizing of gender within population and development policy and in global social movement processes

    Gender and Development: Looking Back, Looking Forward

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    As editor of the Development journal for 23 years, Wendy Harcourt takes a walk down memory lane in order to review the main themes that stand out for her as we consider what lies ahead. She reflects on four major themes which she argues informs development’s past and future: diversity, body politics, post-development and sustainable development

    Post-development Possibilities: A Conversation

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    ‘People and personal projects’: a rejoinder on the challenge of teaching development studies

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    In response to Juan David Parra Heredia’s criticism of her earlier article about her use of post-development as a tool in teaching development studies, Wendy Harcourt reflects further on how the course analysed in 2016 has evolved in the last three years and corrects the misreadings of the pedagogical position-taking by the teachers in the course