22 research outputs found
Integration of Patriarchal and Matriarchal Culture System in Indonesia; Study in North and West Sumatra
Batak and Minangkabau are the two big tribes in Indonesia. It is not wrong to say that Bataks and Minangkabau are cultured. In theory, humans are cultured creatures. Culture is static, impermanent and flexible. This flexibility can be seen in the process of mixing between two or more cultures. When two cultures are at the same time and place, mixing culture becomes inevitable. Just like a melting pot or salad bowl in America. In the perspective of sociology anthropology is referred to by various terms such as acculturation, assimilation and integration. The phenomenon of cultural mixing occurs in two major tribes in Indonesia, namely Batak and Minangkabau cultures. These two cultural communities are printed on the island of Sumatra. Batak and Minangkabau people are known to be very strong in adhering to customs and culture. Both have very clear ethnic identities with very contrasting differences, including the Batak culture with a patriarchal kinship system and the Minangkabau culture which has a matriarchal kinship system. The meeting of these two major cultures through marital institutions resulted in the loss of some elements and cultural systems. The matriarchy system fades when it is in the midst of patriarchal culture and vice versa patriarchal culture experiences identity loss when it is in the midst of matriarchal culture. This is what the authors call cultural collapse. In fact, culture cannot survive when dealing with other cultures.
Keywords: Batak; Minagkabau; cultures; sociology; antropology; patriarchal; matriarcha
The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility, BI 7 DRR (Reverse), and Islamic Capital Market on Indonesia's Economic Growth with Inflation as an Intervening Variable
This research is motivated by a phenomenon, namely Indonesia's economic growth which is quite significant, especially after being hit by the Covid-19 storm that occurred in 2020. In some literature and theories, it is stated that one of the things that can increase economic growth again is investment, be it through exchange rate volatility, BI 7 DRR (Reverse) policy and also the Islamic capital market, but in fact this investment does not have a significant impact on economic growth. So, the purpose of this study is to find out how the actual influence between exchange rate volatility, BI 7 DRR (Reverse) policy and also the Islamic capital market on economic growth both directly and indirectly through inflation. The discussion of this research is related to macroeconomics and the factors that influence it, besides that researcher need to see how the trend of Indonesia's gross domestic product from year to year. So that the approach taken is theories related to GDP, inflation rates, changes in exchange rate volatility, BI 7 DRR (Reverse) and Islamic capital markets. This research is quantitative research. The sample of this study was 84 samples. The data collection instrument was carried out by looking at the Indonesian economic growth report published on the website www.bi.go.id. Data analysis uses classical assumption test, t test, F test, path analysis, and sobel test. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is an influence of the BI 7 DRR (Reverse) variable on inflation (4.338> 1.663). There is an influence of Islamic capital market variables on Indonesia's economic growth (6.003 > 1.663). There is an influence of the intervening variable of inflation on Indonesia's economic growth (9.696 > 1.663). The effect of exchange rate volatility variables, BI 7 DRR (Reverse) and Islamic capital markets on the intervening variable (inflation) is 21 percent while 79 percent is influenced by other variables outside this study. The value of the influence between the variables of exchange rate volatility, BI 7 DRR (Reverse), Islamic capital markets and intervening variables (inflation) on Indonesia's economic growth is 72 percent while 28 percent is influenced by other variables outside this study
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Itsbat Nikah Terpadu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetrahui (1) Pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015. (2) Efektivitas pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 oleh UIN Syahda. (3) Faktor-faktor penghambat pembelajaran Itsbat Nikah Terpadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat pembelajar itsbat. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tahap proses pembelajaran persidangan Itsbat nikah terpadu yang dilakukan berjalan sangat tidak efektif dan tidak tercover. Sangat tidak efektifnya karena ada 100 berkas pelaksanaan itsbat nikah Terpadu akan tetapi hanya 33 pasangan suami istri yang mendaftar hadir dalam pelaksanaan Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling, artinya pembelajaran pada masyarakat masih kurang kesadaran terhadap pembelajaran sidang Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling dan tidak ingin dibantu dalam mencari keadilan untuk memperoleh status hukum karena dilihat dari tingkat capaiannya sangat tidak efektif yaitu dengan rasio efektivitasnya dibawah 40. Padahal dalam pembelaran Itsbat nikah terpadu keliling seluruh jenjang struktural dangat diperlukan dan disepakati bahwa pembelajaran sidang Itsbat nikah terpadu penting untuk dilaksanakan dan menjadi motivasi hukum bagi hakim Pengadilan Agama Padangsidimpuan karena rasa tanggung jawab hakim untuk memenuhi dan memberikan pelayanan prima terhadap masyarakat pencari keadilan
Abstract: This article aims to analyze two regulations Langsa City Qanun Number 3 of 2016 concerning the implementation of entertainment in Langsa City and Langsa Mayor’s Regulation Number 40 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Granting Permits to Organize Entertainment in Langsa City based on a sharia maqâshid review. The study of the two regulations uses Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics with the technique of constitutional distinction, appropriation into social contexts, and interpretation in the perspective of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah by al-Syatibi. The research findings show that there are still many points of existing regulations that are not in accordance with several dimensions of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. The infiltration of sacred religion into a technical system that is profane and its interpretation by certain groups is not in accordance with maqâshid al-sharî‘ah in the dimension of religious benefit. The regulation of Shari’a causes religion to regulate private spheres such as religion and the way of dress, contrary to the dimension of maintaining common sense. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dua regulasi di Kota Langsa, Aceh, yakni Qanun Kota Langsa Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa dan Peraturan Walikota Langsa Nomor 40 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Pemberian Izin Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa berdasarkan tinjauan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Kajian atas kedua regulasi itu menggunakan hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur dengan teknik distingsi konstitusi, apropriasi ke dalam konteks sosial dan interpretasi dalam perspektif maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak poin peraturan yang ada belum sesuai dengan beberapa dimensi maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Infiltrasi agama yang sakral ke dalam sebuah sistem teknis yang bersifat profan dan penafsirannya oleh kelompok tertentu, kurang sesuai dengan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah pada dimensi kemaslahatan agama. Regulasi syariatisme itu menyebabkan agama mengatur ranah privat seperti agama dan cara berpakaian, bertentangan dengan dimensi menjaga akal sehat. Keywords: shariatisme, Aceh, entertainment area, regulation, maqâshid al-sharî‘a
Abstrak: Pluralisme hukum merupakan fenomena universal yang dialami oleh semua bangsa. Ia mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia seperti hukum, politik, dan ekonomi. Pluralisme hukum adalah keniscayaan yang harus diterima. Dalam bingkai pluralisme hukum, masyarakat dihadapkan pada berbagai pilihan hukum, yaitu hukum adat, hukum agama dan hukum negara, tidak terkecuali masyarakat Tapanuli Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Masyarakat di daerah ini juga mengalami pluralisme hukum dalam bidang perkawinan. Paling tidak, tiga sistem hukum bisa menjadi pilihan mereka atau bahkan dengan melakukan kombinasi antar hukum yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis untuk melihat bentuk relasi antar hukum yang hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat Tapanuli Selatan. Temuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bahwa pada level tertentu, secara umum, keragaman hukum perkawinan merupakan sebuah harmonisasi, di mana masyarakat menggunakan dua sistem hukum bahkan lebih pada saat yang bersamaan. Namun ada kalanya pada situasi tertentu, keragaman hukum ini berubah menjadi “ketegangan”.Abstract: Legal Pluralism on Marriage in South Tapanuli. Legal pluralism is an universal phenomenon experienced by all nations. He covers various aspects of human life, such as law, politics and economics. Legal pluralism is a necessity that must be accepted. In the framework of legal pluralism, people are faced with a variety of legal choices, namely customary law, religious law and state law. No exception is the South Tapanuli community of North Sumatra Province. Communities in this area also experience legal pluralism in the field of marriage. At least, there are three legal systems that can be choosed or by combining existing laws. This research was conducted with a phenomenological qualitative approach to see the form of inter-legal relations that lived in the midst of the community of South Tapanuli. The findings of this study describe that at a certain level, in general, the diversity of marital law is a harmonization, in which people use two legal systems even more at the same time. But sometimes in certain situations, the legal pluralism turns into “tension”.Kata Kunci: pluralisme hukum, perkawinan, Mandailing, Tapanuli Selata
Abstrak: Pluralisme hukum merupakan fenomena universal yang dialami oleh semua bangsa. Ia mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia seperti hukum, politik, dan ekonomi. Pluralisme hukum adalah keniscayaan yang harus diterima. Dalam bingkai pluralisme hukum, masyarakat dihadapkan pada berbagai pilihan hukum, yaitu hukum adat, hukum agama dan hukum negara, tidak terkecuali masyarakat Tapanuli Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Masyarakat di daerah ini juga mengalami pluralisme hukum dalam bidang perkawinan. Paling tidak, tiga sistem hukum bisa menjadi pilihan mereka atau bahkan dengan melakukan kombinasi antar hukum yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis untuk melihat bentuk relasi antar hukum yang hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat Tapanuli Selatan. Temuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bahwa pada level tertentu, secara umum, keragaman hukum perkawinan merupakan sebuah harmonisasi, di mana masyarakat menggunakan dua sistem hukum bahkan lebih pada saat yang bersamaan. Namun ada kalanya pada situasi tertentu, keragaman hukum ini berubah menjadi “ketegangan”.Abstract: Legal Pluralism on Marriage in South Tapanuli. Legal pluralism is an universal phenomenon experienced by all nations. He covers various aspects of human life, such as law, politics and economics. Legal pluralism is a necessity that must be accepted. In the framework of legal pluralism, people are faced with a variety of legal choices, namely customary law, religious law and state law. No exception is the South Tapanuli community of North Sumatra Province. Communities in this area also experience legal pluralism in the field of marriage. At least, there are three legal systems that can be choosed or by combining existing laws. This research was conducted with a phenomenological qualitative approach to see the form of inter-legal relations that lived in the midst of the community of South Tapanuli. The findings of this study describe that at a certain level, in general, the diversity of marital law is a harmonization, in which people use two legal systems even more at the same time. But sometimes in certain situations, the legal pluralism turns into “tension”.Kata Kunci: pluralisme hukum, perkawinan, Mandailing, Tapanuli Selata
Eksistensi Perempuan Dalam Novel Karsa Karya Elizabeth Alicia: Kritik Sastra Feminisme
Literature plays an important role in everyday life because it can help us understand the world through stories, poetry, and drama. Many literary works also contain human life, one of which is the existence of women. The existence of women means the existence of women who dare to refuse to be objects of men and fight for their rights. This research aims to describe the existence of intellectual women, women who can achieve socialist transformation of society, and women who refuse to be others in the novel Karsa by Elizabeth Alicia, a feminist literary criticism study based on Simone de Beauvoir's theory of existentialist feminism. The data source in this research uses the novel Karsa by Elizabeth Alicia, published by Median Books in 2023. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data is presented in the form of quotations, narratives, and dialog between characters that contain women's existence. The data collection technique used in this research is data analysis, which identifies, classifies, describes, and draws conclusions. Then, the data found is analyzed using Simone de Beauvoir's theory of existentialism feminism. The results of the research can conclude that the existence of women in the novel Karsa by Elizabeth Alicia includes (1) intellectual women, (2) Women achieving societal transformation, and (3) Women rejecting their innocence
This research focuses on the Inner Conflict of the Main Character in Kiara's Novel by Dinni Adhiawaty: A Literary Psychology Study. This study aims to describe the forms of inner conflict in the novel Kiara by Dinni Adhiawaty using literary psychology studies. The theory used in this research is Kurt Lewin's theory. The research method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The data source used in this research is the novel Kiara by Dinni Adhiawaty, in the form of words and sentences. The results of this study are three forms of inner conflict according to Kurt Lewin's theory: approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, and approach-avoidance conflict
Abstract: This article aims to analyze two regulations Langsa City Qanun Number 3 of 2016 concerning the implementation of entertainment in Langsa City and Langsa Mayor’s Regulation Number 40 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Granting Permits to Organize Entertainment in Langsa City based on a sharia maqâshid review. The study of the two regulations uses Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics with the technique of constitutional distinction, appropriation into social contexts, and interpretation in the perspective of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah by al-Syatibi. The research findings show that there are still many points of existing regulations that are not in accordance with several dimensions of maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. The infiltration of sacred religion into a technical system that is profane and its interpretation by certain groups is not in accordance with maqâshid al-sharî‘ah in the dimension of religious benefit. The regulation of Shari’a causes religion to regulate private spheres such as religion and the way of dress, contrary to the dimension of maintaining common sense. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dua regulasi di Kota Langsa, Aceh, yakni Qanun Kota Langsa Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa dan Peraturan Walikota Langsa Nomor 40 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Pemberian Izin Penyelenggaraan Hiburan di Kota Langsa berdasarkan tinjauan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Kajian atas kedua regulasi itu menggunakan hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur dengan teknik distingsi konstitusi, apropriasi ke dalam konteks sosial dan interpretasi dalam perspektif maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak poin peraturan yang ada belum sesuai dengan beberapa dimensi maqâshid al-sharî‘ah. Infiltrasi agama yang sakral ke dalam sebuah sistem teknis yang bersifat profan dan penafsirannya oleh kelompok tertentu, kurang sesuai dengan maqâshid al-sharî‘ah pada dimensi kemaslahatan agama. Regulasi syariatisme itu menyebabkan agama mengatur ranah privat seperti agama dan cara berpakaian, bertentangan dengan dimensi menjaga akal sehat. Keywords: shariatisme, Aceh, entertainment area, regulation, maqâshid al-sharî‘ah</p