1,080 research outputs found

    Infinite Multiple Membership Relational Modeling for Complex Networks

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    Learning latent structure in complex networks has become an important problem fueled by many types of networked data originating from practically all fields of science. In this paper, we propose a new non-parametric Bayesian multiple-membership latent feature model for networks. Contrary to existing multiple-membership models that scale quadratically in the number of vertices the proposed model scales linearly in the number of links admitting multiple-membership analysis in large scale networks. We demonstrate a connection between the single membership relational model and multiple membership models and show on "real" size benchmark network data that accounting for multiple memberships improves the learning of latent structure as measured by link prediction while explicitly accounting for multiple membership result in a more compact representation of the latent structure of networks.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Bridging the translational gap:adenosine as a modulator of neuropathic pain in preclinical models and humans

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    Objectives: This review aims to analyse the published data on preclinical and human experimental and clinical adenosine modulation for pain management. We summarise the translatability of the adenosine pathway for further drug development and aim to reveal subgroups of pain patients that could benefit from targeting the pathway. Content: Chronic pain patients suffer from inadequate treatment options and drug development is generally impaired by the low translatability of preclinical pain models. Therefore, validating the predictability of drug targets is of high importance. Modulation of the endogenous neurotransmitter adenosine gained significant traction in the early 2000s but the drug development efforts were later abandoned. With the emergence of new drug modalities, there is a renewed interest in adenosine modulation in pain management. In both preclinical, human experimental and clinical research, enhancing adenosine signalling through the adenosine receptors, has shown therapeutic promise. A special focus has been on the A 1 and A 3 receptors both of which have shown great promise and predictive validity in neuropathic pain conditions. Summary: Adenosine modulation shows predictive validity across preclinical, human experimental and clinical investigations. The most compelling evidence is in the field of neuropathic pain, where adenosine has been found to alleviate hyperexcitability and has the potential to be disease-modifying. Outlook: Adenosine modulation show therapeutic potential in neuropathic pain if selective and safe drugs can be developed. New drug modalities such as RNA therapeutics and cell therapies may provide new options.</p

    Low-Frequency Measurements of Seismic Moduli and Attenuation in Antigorite Serpentinite

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    Laboratory measurements of seismic moduli and attenuation in antigorite serpentinite at a confining pressure of 200 MPa and temperatures up to 550 °C provide new results relevant to the interpretation of geophysical data in subduction zones. A polycrystalline antigorite specimen was tested via forced oscillations at small strain amplitudes and seismic frequencies (millihertz to hertz). The shear modulus has a temperature sensitivity, ∂G/∂T, averaging −0.017 GPa/K. Increasing temperature above 500 °C results in more intensive shear attenuation ( urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl58579:grl58579-math-0001) and associated modulus dispersion, with urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl58579:grl58579-math-0002 increasing monotonically with increasing oscillation period and temperature. This “background” relaxation is adequately captured by a Burgers model for viscoelasticity and possibly results from intergranular mechanisms. Attenuation is higher in antigorite ( urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl58579:grl58579-math-0003 at 550 °C and 0.01 Hz) than in olivine ( urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl58579:grl58579-math-0004 below 800 °C), but such contrast does not appear to be strong enough to allow robust identification of antigorite from seismic models of attenuation only

    Testing for difference between two groups of functional neuroimaging experiments

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    We describe a meta-analytic method that tests for the di#erence between two groups of functional neuroimaging experiments. We use kernel density estimation in three-dimensional brain space to convert points representing focal brain activations into a voxel-based representation. We find the maximum in the subtraction between two probability densities and compare its value against a resampling distribution obtained by permuting the labels of the two groups. The method is applied on data from thermal pain studies where &quot;hot pain&quot; and &quot;cold pain&quot; form the two groups

    Insight into the microphysics of antigorite deformation from spherical nanoindentation.

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    The mechanical behaviour of antigorite strongly influences the strength and deformation of the subduction interface. Although there is microstructural evidence elucidating the nature of brittle deformation at low pressures, there is often conflicting evidence regarding the potential for plastic deformation in the ductile regime at higher pressures. Here, we present a series of spherical nanoindentation experiments on aggregates of natural antigorite. These experiments effectively investigate the single-crystal mechanical behaviour because the volume of deformed material is significantly smaller than the grain size. Individual indents reveal elastic loading followed by yield and strain hardening. The magnitude of the yield stress is a function of crystal orientation, with lower values associated with indents parallel to the basal plane. Unloading paths reveal more strain recovery than expected for purely elastic unloading. The magnitude of inelastic strain recovery is highest for indents parallel to the basal plane. We also imposed indents with cyclical loading paths, and observed strain energy dissipation during unloading-loading cycles conducted up to a fixed maximum indentation load and depth. The magnitude of this dissipated strain energy was highest for indents parallel to the basal plane. Subsequent scanning electron microscopy revealed surface impressions accommodated by shear cracks and a general lack of dislocation-induced lattice misorientation. Based on these observations, we suggest that antigorite deformation at high pressures is dominated by sliding on shear cracks. We develop a microphysical model that is able to quantitatively explain Young's modulus and dissipated strain energy data during cyclic loading experiments, based on either frictional or cohesive sliding of an array of cracks contained in the basal plane. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Serpentinite in the earth system'.This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Councilthrough grant no. NE/M016471/1 to L.N.H. and N.B., and by the European Research Councilunder the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (project RockDEaF, grant agreement no. 804685)

    The role of grain-environment heterogeneity in normal grain growth: a stochastic approach

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    The size distribution of grains is a fundamental characteristic of polycrystalline solids. In the absence of deformation, the grain-size distribution is controlled by normal grain growth. The canonical model of normal grain growth, developed by Hillert, predicts a grain-size distribution that bears a systematic discrepancy with observed distributions. To address this, we propose a change to the Hillert model that accounts for the influence of heterogeneity in the local environment of grains. In our model, each grain evolves in response to its own local environment of neighbouring grains, rather than to the global population of grains. The local environment of each grain evolves according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. Our results are consistent with accepted grain-growth kinetics. Crucially, our model indicates that the size of relatively large grains evolves as a random walk due to the inherent variability in their local environments. This leads to a broader grain-size distribution than the Hillert model and indicates that heterogeneity has a critical influence on the evolution of microstructure.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Acta Materiali

    Dislocation interactions in olivine control postseismic creep of the upper mantle.

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    Changes in stress applied to mantle rocks, such as those imposed by earthquakes, commonly induce a period of transient creep, which is often modelled based on stress transfer among slip systems due to grain interactions. However, recent experiments have demonstrated that the accumulation of stresses among dislocations is the dominant cause of strain hardening in olivine at temperatures ≤600 °C, raising the question of whether the same process contributes to transient creep at higher temperatures. Here, we demonstrate that olivine samples deformed at 25 °C or 1150-1250 °C both preserve stress heterogeneities of ~1 GPa that are imparted by dislocations and have correlation lengths of ~1 μm. The similar stress distributions formed at these different temperatures indicate that accumulation of stresses among dislocations also provides a contribution to transient creep at high temperatures. The results motivate a new generation of models that capture these intragranular processes and may refine predictions of evolving mantle viscosity over the earthquake cycle

    An ica algorithm for analyzing multiple data sets

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    In this paper we derive an independent-component analysis (ICA) method for analyzing two or more data sets simultaneously. Our model permits there to be components individual to the various data sets, and others that are common to all the sets. We explore the assumed time autocorrelation of independent signal components and base our algorithm on prediction analysis. We illustrate the algorithm using a simple image separation example. Our aim is to apply this method to functional brain mapping using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 1
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