10 research outputs found

    Resilient inner cities

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    Digitalisation is leading to fundamental changes in the German retail sector and the city centres as places of trade. Traditional forms of business such as department stores have significantly reduced their branch networks. Their conversion poses major questions not only for the property owners but also for the municipalities concerned. As key properties, the buildings are of particular relevance for the reorientation of the inner-city use structure. In view of the reduced importance of retail in inner cities, it is discussed how the transformation of these properties can increase the resilience of city centres. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature analysis on urban and retail resilience and derived ten dimensions for resilient city centres. We applied the ten dimensions and related criteria in the analysis of five selected case studies in Germany and assessed that new, innovative and flexible re-uses could be realised in the former department stores, increasing the multifunctionality and robustness of the city centres. The conversion of the buildings is not only sustainable from the perspective of climate and resource efficiency, but also contributes to the preservation of the local building culture and the identification of the citizens with the inner city

    Onlinehandel und Raumentwicklung - Neue Urbanität für alte Zentren!

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    Die Digitalisierung unserer Gesellschaft bedeutet für den Einzelhandel und unsere Städte einen tiefgreifenden Umbruch. Viele Menschen nutzen das Internet inzwischen regelmäßig für ihren Einkauf. Weiterhin hohe Wachstumsraten sprechen für eine anhaltende Dynamik bei der Verbreitung auch in Deutschland. Die veränderten Einkaufsgewohnheiten gehen mit einer Umsatzverlagerung vom stationären Handel in den Onlinehandel einher und verändern die Nutzungsstrukturen in den Stadtzentren. Dies wirft bezüglich der Raumentwicklung vielfältige Fragen auf. Die AG "Onlinehandel und Raumentwicklung" - ein ehrenamtlich arbeitendes, zeitlich befristetes, inter- und transdisziplinäres Gremium der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen der Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL) - hat diese Fragen aufgegriffen und diskutiert.With the expansion of online trading, retail trade development has reached a new level in the process of ongoing structural change. Multi-channel concepts that combine offline and online retail are becoming increasingly important. In the course of digitalisation, "hybrid" types of enterprises that show significant differences from traditional retail stores are emerging. For providers unable to find answers to the challenges associated with this change, it will become more and more difficult to maintain their market position. The retail structures are changing - and that is changing our cities. In many town centres, the declining demand for retail space is already clearly visible today. The spatial effects depend on the specific situation at the respective location. The basic tendency is to expect a thinning out and polarisation of the urban centre systems: A few town centres with a special experiential character will assert themselves as retail locations and will be able to further distinguish themselves, in other locations the task of local supply will move into the focus in the future, and some town centres will lose their supply function. But even or especially in a digital world: Town centres are not a obsolescent model! On the contrary, the current developments can be the starting line for multifunctional locations to emerge that exude appeal for people and stay generally attractive. Fresh thinking and active engagement are needed to make this vision come true

    Resilient Inner Cities: Conditions and Examples for the Transformation of Former Department Stores in Germany

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    Digitalisation is leading to fundamental changes in the German retail sector and the city centres as places of trade. Traditional forms of business such as department stores have significantly reduced their branch networks. Their conversion poses major questions not only for the property owners but also for the municipalities concerned. As key properties, the buildings are of particular relevance for the reorientation of the inner-city use structure. In view of the reduced importance of retail in inner cities, it is discussed how the transformation of these properties can increase the resilience of city centres. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature analysis on urban and retail resilience and derived ten dimensions for resilient city centres. We applied the ten dimensions and related criteria in the analysis of five selected case studies in Germany and assessed that new, innovative and flexible re-uses could be realised in the former department stores, increasing the multifunctionality and robustness of the city centres. The conversion of the buildings is not only sustainable from the perspective of climate and resource efficiency, but also contributes to the preservation of the local building culture and the identification of the citizens with the inner city

    Resilient Inner Cities: Conditions and Examples for the Transformation of Former Department Stores in Germany

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    Digitalisation is leading to fundamental changes in the German retail sector and the city centres as places of trade. Traditional forms of business such as department stores have significantly reduced their branch networks. Their conversion poses major questions not only for the property owners but also for the municipalities concerned. As key properties, the buildings are of particular relevance for the reorientation of the inner-city use structure. In view of the reduced importance of retail in inner cities, it is discussed how the transformation of these properties can increase the resilience of city centres. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature analysis on urban and retail resilience and derived ten dimensions for resilient city centres. We applied the ten dimensions and related criteria in the analysis of five selected case studies in Germany and assessed that new, innovative and flexible re-uses could be realised in the former department stores, increasing the multifunctionality and robustness of the city centres. The conversion of the buildings is not only sustainable from the perspective of climate and resource efficiency, but also contributes to the preservation of the local building culture and the identification of the citizens with the inner city

    Digitalisierung und Onlinehandel: Fluch oder Segen für ländliche Räume?

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    Die Digitalisierung unserer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft bedingt nicht zuletzt für die Kommunen und den Handel einen tiefgreifenden Umbruch. Mit dem Onlinehandel ist eine Vertriebsform entstanden, die den Einkauf von den Geschäften und Stadtzentren entkoppelt und die in den Kommunen handelnden Akteure vor viele Fragen stellt. Dabei zeichnet sich ab, dass die Auswirkungen des Onlinehandels räumlich nicht neutral sind und insbesondere die Entwicklungsperspektiven ländlicher Räume beeinträchtigt werden könnten. Für die betroffenen Standorte besteht die Gefahr, dass sich das Angebot vor Ort weiter ausdünnen wird. Für die Verbraucher in diesen Regionen bleibt daher nur die Option, zur Versorgung auf Onlineangebote auszuweichen oder weitere entfernte, größere Zentren aufzusuchen. Das Projekt DuO hat auf Basis einer Analyse des Einkaufsverhaltens in verschiedenen ländlichen Räumen NRWs auch die Potenziale der Digitalisierung für den Handel vor Ort und die Versorgung in den Blick genommen. Mit einer aktuellen Übersicht über gute Beispiele für neue Geschäftsmodelle aus dem In- und Ausland möchte DuO einen Austausch über innovative Konzepte und erfolgversprechende Strategien anstoßen. Im Fokus der Betrachtung steht dabei die Nahversorgung. Das Projekt wurde vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen gefördert und in Kooperation mit dem ILS – Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung und dem Geographischen Institut der Universität Bonn in der Zeit vom 01.02.2019 bis 30.06.2020 am Fachgebiet Städtebau und Bauleitplanung der Fakultät Raumplanung an der TU Dortmund bearbeitet

    Determinanten des Online-Einkaufs - eine empirische Studie in sechs nordrhein-westfälischen Stadtregionen

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    Retail trade is no longer occurring in urban centres or suburban malls on the edge of cities, exclusively. It increasingly takes place online. The aim of this study is to examine the determining factors for in-store and online shopping respectively. The results are based on a survey of approximately 2,900 people in the six North Rhine-Westphalian city regions of Aachen, Bochum, Bonn, Dortmund, Munster and Cologne. Depending on the distance to each particular urban centre, 26 neighbourhoods were chosen to conduct the questionnaires. In all six city regions it is apparent that instead of spatial factors selected demographic and socio-economic forces determine buyer behaviour. While gender, age and lifestyles are important in terms of online shopping, income is no longer an influencing parameter