176 research outputs found
Implementing QR Code to Create Indonesia Museum Interactive Information Application
The tourism sector is one of the revenue resources that can be explored without any depletion. The
tourism sector can also absorb a lot of manpower. One of the tourism potential is the historical heritage
such as the ancient culture, religious relics, and the historical war. Currently, there is still lacking
exploration from museum as one of tourism potential especially in Indonesia. People still think museum
as a gloomy, historical, and boring place. In this research, we try to build a prototype of interactive
museum information that made using mobile device application and QR code. The QR code tag will be
place on museum artefact and rooms in the museum to give interaction information to the museum
visitor. By scan the QR code tag, museum visitor will provided with more information about the artefact,
rooms, etc. The museum information will provided using text, image, sound, and video
Fun-Game Application to create Interactive and Attracting Museum using Mobile Phone and QR Code Tags
Museum have a very important role to give
understanding and knowledge of human historical and
civilazation. On museum people can learn the development of
human civilization, art, history, and technology. Unfortunately
museums are often still perceived as uninteresting and boring
place to go. This research try to developt an interactive
information and fun-game on the museum using mobile phone
application and QR code technology. The fun-game will
delivered to visitor by give them a riddle question and also
using silhoutte guess game about the artefact in the museum.
The visitor will answer the question by scan the QR code tags
that attach on the museum artefact
Aplikasi Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Dengan Metode Process Costing Pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Lawu Farm
Salah satu informasi yang penting dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah informasi harga pokok produksi (HPP) dalam menghasilkan barang yang akan dijual, sehingga perusahaan mengetahui ongkos produksi dan keuntungan yang didapatkan. Peternakan ayam petelur lawu farm saat ini telah melakukan perhitungan HPP secara manual dengan melakukan perhitungan secara keseluruhan kasar biaya pakan dan obat yang dikeluarkan secara keseluruhan dalam satu peternakan pada bulan tertentu, hal tersebut cukup menyulitkan untuk mengetahui HPP dan proses penelusuran arus biaya yang dikeluarkan per kandang dan per batch pengadaan ayam. Selain itu, karena proses dilakukan secara manual maka proses pencatatan dan perhitungan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan terjadi kesulitan menganalisa keuntungan yang didapatkan dari penjualan telur ayam yang ada.
Oleh sebab itu, maka pada penelitian ini dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi perhitungan HPP yang memiliki kemampuan mencatat proses pembelian ayam remaja, proses pemberian pakan dan obat, pembayaran hutang piutang, perhitungan biaya penyusutan, proses perhitungan HPP dan proses penjualan telur. Adapun proses pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Studio .Net 2005 dan SQL Server.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari aplikasi yang telah dibuat yaitu sistem mampu melakukan pencatatan pemakaian pakan dan obat sesuai dengan pemakaian per-hari per-kandang sehingga mampu menghasilkan laporan-laporan yang berkaitan dengan perhitungan HPP telur ayam. Berdasarkan pengujian terhadap penggunaan oleh user melalui kuesioner, 80% user berpendapat bahwa sistem telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan cukup akurat dalam menghasilkan informasi HPP. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan aplikasi yang dibuat telah mampu menjawab kebutuhan perusahaan dalam melakukan proses perhitungan HPP
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Optimization
Technology has been one of the critical factors behind the industrial revolution. Companies must now
use technological assistance and data processing to produce faster and more efficient business processes. Our case
study is using HDPE Plastic Company, which is in Surabaya, is trying to handle the increasing frequency of shipments.
Due to the rising frequency of shipments, the company is often overwhelmed in handling its loads because no system
can quickly determine the shipping route.
Moreover, other route-determining factors, such as shipment weight, truck capacity, and unique delivery hour requests,
manually add to the routes complexity. The system will run the K-Means cluster function from the database to cluster
all customers in the company. This cluster is one of the factors determining the fitness value in the Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) algorithm. After the order data is obtained, the system will use the PSO algorithm to determine the
delivery agenda for each truck. The determining factors of PSO include customer location, priority hours of customer
requests, order weight, and loading capacity of different types of trucks. After obtaining the delivery table of each
truck, the system will use the help of Google Directions Service to determine the routing order from each truck.
The result of this system is a delivery route optimization system that can provide route selection recommendations for
each truck in the company. The system is also able to sort shipments with various shipping priority restrictions. From
the test results, the PSO algorithm in the system can produce routes with less total distance traveled and less travel
duration than the routes generated manually by the employees in the company
Pada saat ini penilaian kerja pada PT. Masagung masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini menyulitkan bagian Human Resources Department (HRD) untuk melakukan perhitungan penilaian kerja dengan lebih efisien, karena perhitungan manual memakan waktu lama dan bagian HRD juga terkadang kesulitan mencari data karyawan yang disimpan secara manual.
Dalam permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PT. Masagung, maka dilakukan pembuatan perangkat lunak yang mendukung penilaian kerja perusahaan, membantu bagian HRD mengawasi kinerja karyawan, serta membantu pengambil keputusan pada PT. Masagung berdasarkan penilaian kerja. Aplikasi ini meliputi komputerisasi data karyawan, penghitungan nilai kerja, rekomendasi karyawan sesuai kriteria, dan menampilkan laporan penilaian kerja. Aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sebagai tempat penyimpanan data.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, 80 pengguna menyatakan fitur-fitur dalam aplikasi yang dibuat dinilai berguna dalam menjawab kebutuhan dari perusahaa
Night to Day Algorithm for Video Camera
In this era, technology is something that we depend
on every day and had covered a lot of aspect in our life, from
daily life to important factors such as safety and security. This
research will focus on security technology using the security
camera. Security cameras often have day mode and night mode
features to keep the image quality in both bright and dark
conditions. They are also able to switch between the two modes
automatically. This research will focused on night to day
switching feature and aims to develop a night to day algorithm
for video cameras using the available image sensor information.
This prototype algorithm will be tested using MATLAB and
build in an application. The application is able to communicate to
the camera and perform the switching. The algorithm itself
works as designed and can be tuned to perform the switching on
different conditions desired by the user
Museum Interactive Information Broadcasting Using Indoor Positioning System and Bluetooth Low Energy: a Pilot Project on Trowulan Museum Indonesia
The tourism sector become a promising country income. This is because its nature which is not easily run out if managed properly. This sector can be a great support especially for developing countries such as Indonesia, because usually developing countries income only rely on natural and human resources income. Museums are one of the tourism sectors that have not been explored properly. Museums in Indonesia are still few that using the latest technology such as smartphone application, wifi, bluetooth, RFID. So, that it makes the museum a less attractive place to visit, especially for young generation. This research tries to create an interactive broadcasting museum information by utilizing applications on smartphones, indoor positioning systems, and bluetooth low energy beacons to provide information to museum visitors about artifacts around museum visitor location. As a pilot project a testing was conducted at the Trowulan Museum, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia, which is a museum that exhibits the relics of the Majapahit kingdom. The application has been able to provide interactive information about artifacts around the visitors location so as to create an interesting museum to visi
The Development of Officer Selection System using the Method of Analytic Network Process (ANP) at Pharmacy Company
In this life, every person is always faced with various options and each choice will certainly bring different consequences. Pharmacy Company as an organization which managed by the human resources are also faced with various options in order to determine a quality officer. The hardest thing in making a choice is an effort to eliminate the subjectivity factor of the procurement team so that every choice made is objective.
Based on the analysis of the above requirements, the company need a computer application that can support decision making using the Analytic Network Process. The application is not a key decision makers who will replace the role of men but only as decision support.
Applications are made to assist the Personnel Manager of the company in selecting prospective employees and new employee selection. In addition, the application also help in a structured data collection so that support a balanced and objective assessment
Pembuatan Aplikasi Mobile Broadcast Informasi Perkuliahan Berbasis Android
Informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting di era modern seperti sekarang ini. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam informasi di lingkungan perkuliahan. Pentingnya informasi perkuliahan yang update, dapat dilihat dari banyaknya mahasiswa yang datang untuk melihat informasi perkuliahan yang diikutinya di papan pengumuman setiap harinya.Pada skripsi ini, akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi perkuliahan yang update secara realtime. Pemberian informasi perkuliahan tersebut berupa broadcast informasi perkuliahan, upload file, dan share calendar perkuliahan. Selain itu juga ada saling kirim komentar, sehingga dapat langsung bertanya apabila ada yang kurang jelas dari informasi yang diberikan.Aplikasi ini menggunakan Google Cloud Messaging untuk mengirimkan broadcast informasi perkuliahan. Agar broadcast informasi dapat sampai secara realtime dan mudah diakses maka aplikasi ini dibuat pada mobile device berbasis Android, sehingga broadcast informasi akan sampai langsung begitu ada koneksi internet. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, aplikasi ini sudah berjalan dengan baik pada mobile device berbasis Android dan memberikan informasi perkuliahan yang update dan realtime
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