3 research outputs found

    Management of Viral Hepatitis C: Therapeutic and Economic Study in Morocco

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    Viral hepatitis C is not only a major public health problem by its significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, but also a medical and economical burden. Over the last 5 years, numerous research laboratories have enabled the development of several direct acting anti-HCV molecules whose effectiveness is well established. Great progress has been made in particular in the field of therapy although the cost of these treatments is today the focus of discussions, dissemination of new antiviral treatments to direct action should be a priority for public powers to heal and reduce the complications of this disease, thus the line ministry has given permission to market a generic of sofosbuvir drugs at an affordable price, acceptable and 80 times cheaper than the princeps. The first part of this paper elucidates the news of new drugs available to treat HCV, in the second part economical study aspects of the different therapeutical strategies currently available in Morocco. Thus we will study impacts of economical consequences of the therapy used against chronic hepatitis C. Keywords: Sofosbuvir; hepatitis C; direct-acting antiviral; guideline and management of viral hepatitis C; therapeutic and economic study in morocco; sustained virological respons

    Epidemiological and Virological Study of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Hemodialysis (Case of Six Centers) in Morocco

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of viral RNA and HCV genotypic profile 6 hemodialysis centers in Casablanca. A total of 630 patients were included in this survey, 194 patients of them  have antibodies antiHCV + ; then the prevalence is 30.79% , indeed search for viral RNA by PCR  in this population  was detected in 105 patients , also, the  prevalence of viral RNA is 54.1%. The study of genotypic profile in this population showed the following distribution: the most prevalent genotype is genotype 1: subtype 1a was found in 19 patients (18.09%); subtype 1b was found in 49 patients either (46, 66%); genotype 2a / 2c in 27 patients (25.71%); genotype 2 in 5 patients (4.76%), 4h genotype was detected in one patient with a frequency of 0, 95%, genotype 4 was found in 4 patients with a frequency of 3, 80%. Indeed, extensive studies and large scale is needed to understand the epidemiology of HCV. Keywords: Hepatitis C virus, Prevalence, Genotype, Public health, Morocco genotypes in hemodialysis

    Campylobacter coli and jejuni in the chicken in Morocco

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    Le tube digestif des animaux de boucherie et de la volaille constitue un réservoir majeur des Campylobacter qui représentent l’une des principales causes de maladies diarrhéiques au niveau mondial. La présente  Ã©tude a consisté en une analyse de 102 souches de Campylobacter jejuni (CJ) isolées des fientes fraiches de poulet de chair au niveau du marché du gros de Casablanca,  et de 75 souches de Campylobacter coli (CC) isolées à partir de prélèvements cloacaux de poulet de chair des fermes avicoles dans la région de Marrakech – Safi. La prévalence notifiée de Campylobacter spp. des deux études réalisées au marché de gros de Casablanca et dans les élevages de poulet de chair à Marrakech -Safi est respectivement: 73% (102/140) et 71,4% (75/105). Les résultats des tests de sensibilité aux antibiotiques de CJ et CC respectivement sont: 85% - 100% à l’ampicilline, 61,4% - 65% à l’acide clavulanique, 100% - 86% à la tétracycline, 77% à la ciprofloxacine, 12% - 9% à la gentamycine et 97% - 100% à l’érythromycine. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter une synthèse des connaissances sur la résistance de Campylobacter dans la filière poulet à travers les souches isolées provenant du marché de gros à Casablanca et des fermes de poulet de chair dans la région de Marrakech-Safi. Mots clés: Campylobacter, résistance aux antibiotiques, poulet de chair, MarocThe digestive tract of birds and animals represents a major reservoir of Campylobacter species which are among the main causes of diarrheal diseases worldwide. The present study consisted in analyzing 102 strains of Campylobacter jejuni (CJ) isolated from fresh broiler chicken droppings in the wholesale market of Casablanca, and from 75 strains of Campylobacter coli (CC) isolated from broiler chicken cloacal samples in the area of Marrakech – Safi. The reported prevalences of Campylobacter spp. in the studies carried out at the wholesale market of Casablanca and in the broiler chicken farms of the area of Marrakech -Safi were: 73% (102/140) and 71.4% (75/105) respectively. Results of antibiotic sensitivity tests of CJ et CC were: 85% - 100% to ampicillin, 61,4% - 65% to clavulanic acid, 100%-86% to tetracycline, 77% to ciprofloxacin, 12%-9% to gentamycin and  97% - 100% to erythromycin. The aim of the present study was to present a knowledge synthesis of antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter spp. in the broiler meat sector through the strains isolated obtained from the wholesale market of Casablanca along with the broiler farms in the area of Marrakech-Safi