650 research outputs found

    A new life for sterile neutrinos: resolving inconsistencies using hot dark matter

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    Within the standard LCDM model of cosmology, the recent Planck measurements have shown discrepancies with other observations, e.g., measurements of the current expansion rate H_0, the galaxy shear power spectrum and counts of galaxy clusters. We show that if LCDM is extended by a hot dark matter component, which could be interpreted as a sterile neutrino, the data sets can be combined consistently. A combination of Planck data, WMAP-9 polarisation data, measurements of the BAO scale, the HST measurement of H_0, Planck galaxy cluster counts and galaxy shear data from the CFHTLens survey yields Delta N_eff = 0.61 pm 0.30 and m_s^eff = (0.41 pm 0.13) eV at 1 sigma. The former is driven mainly by the large H_0 of the HST measurement, while the latter is driven by cluster data. CFHTLens galaxy shear data prefer Delta N_eff >0 and a non-zero mass. Taken together, we find hints for the presence of a hot dark matter component at 3 sigma. A sterile neutrino motivated by the reactor and gallium anomalies appears rejected at even higher significance and an accelerator anomaly sterile neutrino is found in tension at 2 sigma.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: 12 pages, 3 figures, references added and discussion slightly expanded, matches version published in JCA

    How to constrain inflationary parameter space with minimal priors

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    We update constraints on the Hubble function H(phi) during inflation, using the most recent cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large scale structure (LSS) data. Our main focus is on a comparison between various commonly used methods of calculating the primordial power spectrum via analytical approximations and the results obtained by integrating the exact equations numerically. In each case, we impose naive, minimally restrictive priors on the duration of inflation. We find that the choice of priors has an impact on the results: the bounds on inflationary parameters can vary by up to a factor two. Nevertheless, it should be noted that within the region allowed by the minimal prior of the exact method, the accuracy of the approximations is sufficient for current data. We caution however that a careless minimal implementation of the approximative methods allows models for which the assumptions behind the analytical approximations fail, and recommend using the exact numerical method for a self-consistent analysis of cosmological data.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Precise measurements of inflationary features with 21 cm observations

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    Future observations of 21~cm emission using HI intensity mapping will enable us to probe the large scale structure of the Universe over very large survey volumes within a reasonable observation time. We demonstrate that the three-dimensional information contained in such surveys will be an extremely powerful tool in searching for features that were imprinted in the primordial power spectrum and bispectrum during inflation. Here we focus on the "resonant" and "step" inflation models, and forecast the potential of upcoming 21~cm experiments to detect these inflationary features in the observable power- and bispectrum. We find that the full scale Tianlai experiment and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) have the potential to improve on the sensitivity of current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, replaced with revised versio

    Features in the primordial power spectrum? A frequentist analysis

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    Features in the primordial power spectrum have been suggested as an explanation for glitches in the angular power spectrum of temperature anisotropies measured by the WMAP satellite. However, these glitches might just as well be artifacts of noise or cosmic variance. Using the effective Delta chi^2 between the best-fit power-law spectrum and a deconvolved primordial spectrum as a measure of "featureness" of the data, we perform a full Monte-Carlo analysis to address the question of how significant the recovered features are. We find that in 26% of the simulated data sets the reconstructed spectrum yields a greater improvement in the likelihood than for the actually observed data. While features cannot be categorically ruled out by this analysis, and the possibility remains that simple theoretical models which predict some of the observed features might stand up to rigorous statistical testing, our results suggest that WMAP data are consistent with the assumption of a featureless power-law primordial spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor changes, matches published versio

    The Impact of Prior Assumptions on Bayesian Estimates of Inflation Parameters and the Expected Gravitational Waves Signal from Inflation

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    There has been much recent discussion, and some confusion, regarding the use of existing observational data to estimate the likelihood that next-generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiments might detect a nonzero tensor signal, possibly associated with inflation. We examine this issue in detail here in two different ways: (1) first we explore the effect of choice of different parameter priors on the estimation of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r and other parameters describing inflation, and (2) we examine the Bayesian complexity in order to determine how effectively existing data can constrain inflationary parameters. We demonstrate that existing data are not strong enough to render full inflationary parameter estimates in a parametrization- and prior-independent way and that the predicted tensor signal is particularly sensitive to different priors. For parametrizations where the Bayesian complexity is comparable to the number of free parameters we find that a flat prior on the scale of inflation (which is to be distinguished from a flat prior on the tensor-to-scalar ratio) leads us to infer a larger, and in fact slightly nonzero tensor contribution at 68% confidence level. However, no detection is claimed. Our results demonstrate that all that is statistically relevant at the current time is the (slightly enhanced) upper bound on r, and we stress that the data remain consistent with r = 0.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Section added on Bayesian complexity. Matches published versio

    Features and New Physical Scales in Primordial Observables: Theory and Observation

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    All cosmological observations to date are consistent with adiabatic, Gaussian and nearly scale invariant initial conditions. These findings provide strong evidence for a particular symmetry breaking pattern in the very early universe (with a close to vanishing order parameter, ϵ\epsilon), widely accepted as conforming to the predictions of the simplest realizations of the inflationary paradigm. However, given that our observations are only privy to perturbations, in inferring something about the background that gave rise to them, it should be clear that many different underlying constructions project onto the same set of cosmological observables. Features in the primordial correlation functions, if present, would offer a unique and discriminating window onto the parent theory in which the mechanism that generated the initial conditions is embedded. In certain contexts, simple linear response theory allows us to infer new characteristic scales from the presence of features that can break the aforementioned degeneracies among different background models, and in some cases can even offer a limited spectroscopy of the heavier degrees of freedom that couple to the inflaton. In this review, we offer a pedagogical survey of the diverse, theoretically well grounded mechanisms which can imprint features into primordial correlation functions in addition to reviewing the techniques one can employ to probe observations. These observations include cosmic microwave background anisotropies and spectral distortions as well as the matter two and three point functions as inferred from large-scale structure and potentially, 21 cm surveys.Comment: Invited review to IJMPD, 101 pages + 2 appendices, 29 figures, references added, matches journal versio

    Getting leverage on inflation with a large photometric redshift survey

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    We assess the potential of a future large-volume photometric redshift survey to constrain observational inflationary parameters using three large-scale structure observables: the angular shear and galaxy power spectra, and the cluster mass function measured through weak lensing. When used in combination with Planck-like CMB measurements, we find that the spectral index n_s can be constrained to a 1 sigma precision of up to 0.0025. The sensitivity to the running of the spectral index can potentially improve to 0.0017, roughly a factor of five better than the present 1 sigma~constraint from Planck and auxiliary CMB data, allowing us to test the assumptions of the slow-roll scenario with unprecedented accuracy. Interestingly, neither CMB+shear nor CMB+galaxy nor CMB+clusters alone can achieve this level of sensitivity; it is the combined power of all three probes that conspires to break the different parameter degeneracies inherent in each type of observations. We make our forecast software publicly available via download or upon request from the authors.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures; the forecast software can be downloaded from http://jhamann.web.cern.ch/jhamann/simdata/simdata.tar.g

    Constraining primordial tensor features with the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    It is commonly assumed that the stochastic background of gravitational waves on cosmological scales follows an almost scale-independent power spectrum, as generically predicted by the inflationary paradigm. However, it is not inconceivable that the spectrum could have strongly scale-dependent features, generated, e.g., via transient dynamics of spectator axion-gauge fields during inflation. Using the temperature and polarisation maps from the \textit{Planck} and BICEP/Keck datasets, we search for such features, taking the example of a log-normal bump in the primordial tensor spectrum at CMB scales. We do not find any evidence for the existence of bump-like tensor features at present, but demonstrate that future CMB experiments such as LiteBIRD and CMB-S4 will greatly improve our prospects of determining the amplitude, location and width of such a bump. We also highlight the role of delensing in constraining these features at angular scales ℓ≳100\ell\gtrsim 100.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    A Minkowski Functional Analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background Weak Lensing Convergence

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    Minkowski functionals are summary statistics that capture the geometric and morphological properties of fields. They are sensitive to all higher order correlations of the fields and can be used to complement more conventional statistics, such as the power spectrum of the field. We develop a Minkowski functional-based approach for a full likelihood analysis of mildly non-Gaussian sky maps with partial sky coverage. Applying this to the inference of cosmological parameters from the Planck mission's map of the Cosmic Microwave Background's lensing convergence, we find an excellent agreement with results from the power spectrum-based lensing likelihood. While the non-Gaussianity of current CMB lensing maps is dominated by reconstruction noise, a Minkowski functional-based analysis may be able to extract cosmological information from the non-Gaussianity of future lensing maps and thus go beyond what is accessible with a power spectrum-based analysis. We make the numerical code for the calculation of a map's Minkowski functionals, skewness and kurtosis parameters available for download from GitHub.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure
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