58 research outputs found

    Sukupuolen näyttäytyminen alakoulun liikuntatuntien palautteessa

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    Tutkimuksemme tarkoitus on selvittää sukupuolen näyttäytymistä alakoulun liikuntatuntien palautteessa sekä opettajan että oppilaan näkökulmasta. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsittelemme liikuntatuntien palautetta käsitteenä sekä sen merkitystä ja käyttöä. Lisäksi käsittelemme sukupuolta käsitteenä sekä sukupuolirooleja ja sukupuolistereotypioita varsinkin koulumaailmassa. Tutkimuksemme perustui vahvasti osallistuvaan havainnointiin, joten oli luonnollista, että valitsimme metodologiaksemme etnografian. Havainnoimme kahdeksan luokanopettajan liikuntatunteja ja teimme heidän liikuntaryhmien oppilaille kyselylomakkeen. Saamaamme aineistoa analysoimme sekä määrällisin että laadullisin menetelmin. Palautteen annossa ja palautteen saannissa löytyi eroja sukupuolten välillä. Perinteiset stereotypiat näkyvät opettajien toiminnassa liikuntatunneilla. Miesopettajat ovat muun muassa johdonmukaisempia kuin naisopettajat ja heillä on yleisesti vahvempi auktoriteetti kuin naisilla. Ominaisuuksia palautteen annossa ei voi kuitenkaan täysin yleistää, sillä yksilöiden erot ovat suuria sukupuolten sisällä. Oppilaista pojat näyttävät keräävän enemmän huomiota ja saavan siten enemmän palautetta. Tyttöjä näytetään kannustavan enemmän, kun taas poikien palaute koostuu enemmän yksityiskohtaisesta palautteesta

    Actin Filament Structures in Migrating Cells

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    Cell migration is necessary for several developmental processes in multicellular organisms. Furthermore, many physiological processes such as wound healing and immunological events in adult animals are dependent on cell migration. Consequently, defects in cell migration are linked to various diseases including immunological disorders as well as cancer progression and metastasis formation. Cell migration is driven by specific protrusive and contractile actin filament structures, but the types and relative contributions of these actin filament arrays vary depending on the cell type and the environment of the cell. In this chapter, we introduce the most important actin filament structures that contribute to mesenchymal and amoeboid cell migration modes and discuss the mechanisms by which the assembly and turnover of these structures are controlled by various actin-binding proteins.Peer reviewe

    Twinfilin uncaps filament barbed ends to promote turnover of lamellipodial actin networks

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    Coordinated polymerization of actin filaments provides force for cell migration, morphogenesis and endocytosis. Capping protein (CP) is a central regulator of actin dynamics in all eukaryotes. It binds to actin filament (F-actin) barbed ends with high affinity and slow dissociation kinetics to prevent filament polymerization and depolymerization. However, in cells, CP displays remarkably rapid dynamics within F-actin networks, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report that the conserved cytoskeletal regulator twinfilin is responsible for CP’s rapid dynamics and specific localization in cells. Depletion of twinfilin led to stable association between CP and cellular F-actin arrays, as well as to its retrograde movement throughout leading-edge lamellipodia. These were accompanied by diminished F-actin turnover rates. In vitro single-filament imaging approaches revealed that twinfilin directly promotes dissociation of CP from filament barbed ends, while enabling subsequent filament depolymerization. These results uncover a bipartite mechanism that controls how actin cytoskeleton-mediated forces are generated in cells.Peer reviewe

    Immanent sensemaking by entrepreneurs and the interpretation of consumer context

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    Contemporary research has highlighted entrepreneurial sensemaking as a dynamic, socially embedded action undertaken to reduce uncertainty, but scholars have yet to fully address the role of routine-like immanent sensemaking employed when entrepreneurs try to understand their task environment. Defined as a routinised way of making sense of how to proceed in novel situations, we investigate how entrepreneurs use immanent sensemaking as they continuously seek to make sense of their consumer context. Our study reveals that entrepreneurs absorb individual, social and cultural signals from consumers to support their judgement and action. The findings suggest that entrepreneurs use immanent sensemaking not only for unusual events but also construct multilevel frames to understand their customers as individual, social and cultural beings in their everyday encounters.</p

    Molecular mechanism for inhibition of twinfilin by phosphoinositides

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    Membrane phosphoinositides control organization and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton by regulating the activities of several key actin-binding proteins. Twinfilin is an evolutionarily conserved protein that contributes to cytoskeletal dynamics by interacting with actin monomers, filaments, and the heterodimeric capping protein. Twinfilin also binds phosphoinositides, which inhibit its interactions with actin, but the underlying mechanism has remained unknown. Here, we show that the high-affinity binding site of twinfilin for phosphoinositides is located at the C-terminal tail region, whereas the two actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin-like ADF homology domains of twinfilin bind phosphoinositides only with low affinity. Mutagenesis and biochemical experiments combined with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the C-terminal tail of twinfilin interacts with membranes through a multivalent electrostatic interaction with a preference toward phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P-2), PI(4,5)P-2, and PI(3,4,5)P-3. This initial interaction places the actin-binding ADF homology domains of twinfilin in close proximity to the membrane and subsequently promotes their association with the membrane, thus leading to inhibition of the actin interactions. In support of this model, a twinfilin mutant lacking the C-terminal tail inhibits actin filament assembly in a phosphoinositide-insensitive manner. Our mutagenesis data also reveal that the phosphoinositide-and capping protein-binding sites overlap in the C-terminal tail of twinfilin, suggesting that phosphoinositide binding additionally inhibits the interactions of twinfilin with the heterodimeric capping protein. The results demonstrate that the conserved C-terminal tail of twinfilin is a multifunctional binding motif, which is crucial for interaction with the heterodimeric capping protein and for tethering twinfilin to phosphoinositide-rich membranes.Peer reviewe

    Methods for Detecting Abnormal Ventilation in Children - the Case Study of 13-Years old Pitt-Hopkins Girl

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    We present contactless technology measuring abnormal ventilation and compare it with polysomnography (PSG). A 13-years old girl with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome presented hyperpnoea periods with apneic spells. The PSG was conducted simultaneously with Emfit movement sensor (Emfit, Finland) and video camera with depth sensor (NEL, Finland). The respiratory efforts from PSG, Emfit sensor, and NEL were compared. In addition, we measured daytime breathing with tracheal microphone (PneaVox,France). The aim was to deepen the knowledge of daytime hyperpnoea periods and ensure that no upper airway obstruction was present during sleep. The signs of upper airway obstruction were not detected despite of minor sleep time. Monitoring respiratory effort with PSG is demanding in all patient groups. The used unobtrusive methods were capable to reveal breathing frequency and hyperpnoea periods. Every day diagnostics need technology like this for monitoring vital signs at hospital wards and at home from subjects with disabilities and co-operation difficulties.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Nivelreuma - Käypä hoito suosituksen tiivistelmä

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    English summary: Rheumatoid arthritis (updated Current Care guideline) Anti-citrulline antibodies are highly specific to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are thus helpful in differential diagnosis. Early and aggressive disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy is essential for a positive treatment result in cases of RA. Remission during the 1st year of treatment predicts permanent remission, milder joint damage and better functional ability. It is recommended that patients with an unsatisfactory response to DMARDs, including methotrexate and a combination of DMARDs, should be treated primarily with TNF blockers, and non-responders with rituximab or abatacept. RA is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The assessment of cardiovascular risk must not be forgotten in daily practice.

    Explaining apparent particle shrinkage related to new particle formation events in western Saudi Arabia does not require evaporation

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    The majority of new particle formation (NPF) events observed in Hada Al Sham, western Saudi Arabia, during 2013–2015 showed an unusual progression where the diameter of a newly formed particle mode clearly started to decrease after the growth phase. Many previous studies refer to this phenomenon as aerosol shrinkage. We will opt to use the term decreasing mode diameter (DMD) event, as shrinkage bears the connotation of reduction in the sizes of individual particles, which does not have to be the case. While several previous studies speculate that ambient DMD events are caused by evaporation of semivolatile species, no concrete evidence has been provided, partly due to the rarity of the DMD events. The frequent occurrence and large number of DMD events in our observations allow us to perform statistically significant comparisons between the DMD and the typical NPF events that undergo continuous growth. In our analysis, we find no clear connection between DMD events and factors that might trigger particle evaporation at the measurement site. Instead, examination of air mass source areas and the horizontal distribution of anthropogenic emissions in the study region leads us to believe that the observed DMD events could be caused by advection of smaller, less-grown particles to the measurement site after the more-grown ones. Using a Lagrangian single-particle growth model, we confirm that the observed particle size development, including the DMD events, can be reproduced by non-volatile condensation and thus without evaporation. In fact, when considering increasing contributions from a semivolatile compound, we find deteriorating agreement between the measurements and the model. Based on these results, it seems unlikely that evaporation of semivolatile compounds would play a significant role in the DMD events at our measurement site. In the proposed non-volatile explanation, the DMD events are a result of the observed particles having spent an increasing fraction of their lifetime in a lower-growth environment, mainly enabled by the lower precursor vapor concentrations further away from the measurement site combined with decreasing photochemical production of condensable vapors in the afternoon. Correct identification of the cause of the DMD events is important as the fate and the climate relevance of the newly formed particles heavily depend on it – if the particles evaporated, their net contribution to larger and climatically active particle sizes would be greatly reduced. Our findings highlight the importance of considering transport-related effects in NPF event analysis, which is an often overlooked factor in such studies.</p