7 research outputs found

    Robotic modeling and simulation of palletizer robot using Workspace5.

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    Employment of robots in manufacturing has been a value-added entity in a manufacturing industry. Robotic simulation is used to visualize entire robotic application system, to simulate the movement of robot arm incorporated with components consist in its environment and to detect collision between the robot and components. This paper presents result of a project in implementing a computer based model to simulate Okura A1600 palletizer robot. The application uses Okura A1600 robot for palletizing bags at the end of the production line and focuses on pick-and-place application. The project objective is to generate a computer simulated model to represent the actual robot model and its environment. The project simulates the robot's first four joints, namely as the Waist, Shoulder, Elbow and Waist and focuses on the position of the robot's end effector, regardless its orientation. Development of the model is using Workspace5 as a simulation tool. Two types of methodology are used, which are the methodology for developing the robotic workcell simulation model and the methodology for executing the robotic simulation. The output of the project will be a three-dimensional view of robot arm movement based on series of predefined Geometry Points, layout checking and robot's reachability by generating working envelope, collision and near miss detection, and monitoring on the cycle time upon completing a task. The project is an offline programming and no robot language is generated

    Lot Sizing using Neural Network Approach

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    A lot of works have been done by the researchers to solve lot-sizing problems over the past few decades. Many techniques and al-gorithm have been developed to solve the lot-sizing problems. Basically, most of the algorithms are developed either based on heuristic or math-ematical approach. Since neural network has been given attention by the researchers in many areas including production planning, therefore in this paper we implement neural network to solve single level lot-sizing problem. Three models are developed based on three well known heuris-tic techniques, which are Periodic Order Quantity (POQ), Lot-For-Lot (LFL) and Silver-Meal (SM). The planning period involves in the model is 12 period where demand in the periods are varies but deterministic. The model was developed using MatLab software. Back-propagation learning algorithm and feed-forward multi-layered architecture is cho-sen in this project. Result shows that the three models able to give optimum solution and easy to be applied in the lot-sizing problem

    The effects of diazinon on pituitary-gonad axis and ovarian histological changes in rats

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    Background: Diazinon is a widely used Organophosphate insecticide, which is applied against plant pests. This compound has various side effects because it acts as an acetyl cholinesterase enzyme inhibitor. Objective: The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of diazinon on pituitary-gonad axis and ovarian histological changes in rats. Materials and Methods: In total, 50 female wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of 10, including control, sham and experimental groups I, II and III which orally received 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg/bw diazinon for 14 days respectively. Diazinon was administered orally, and 24 hours after the last treatment, blood samples were taken from the heart, centrifuged and sera were evaluated for the concentrations of estrogen, progesterone and gonadotropins via RIA method. In addition, ovaries were removed, fixed and studied with steriological methods. Results: The results show no significant changes in body weight among various groups; while, ovarian weight in experimental group III decreased significantly (p<0.05). Also, no significant changes in the levels of LH, FSH and estradiol hormones were observed. In contrast, the concentration of progesterone showed a significant decrease in all experimental groups compared with the control group. The results showed no significance difference in the mean number of primary, secondary and graffian follicles but there was a significant decline in the mean number of corpus luteum in experimental group receiving 150 mg/kg diazinon (p<0.05 ) . Conclusion: One can conclude that oral administration of diazinon could have adverse effect on progesterone hormone level as well as hazardous effects on ovarian tissues and reproductive processes

    The Investigation of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract on Lead Detoxification of Neonatal Rats Kidney

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    &nbsp;Background & Objectives:&nbsp;Lead&nbsp;as a naturally-occurring element has different effects on hematopoitic system, nervous system, kidney, reproductive system and bone. In this investigation, was determined the effect of garlic alcoholic-water extract in kidney poisoning treatment induced by lead in neonatal rat.Materials & Methods: Rats were divided into 7 groups of 8. The First group was the control group, which had received no materials. The second group had received 0/1 ml distilled water, the third group had received the lead with a dose of 0/6 gram per liter. The forth group had just received 0/4 g/kg garlic alcoholic – water extract. The fifth, sixth, and seventh group had first received 0/6 g lead perliter and then received doses of 0/1, 0/2, 0/4 g/kg garlic. Then, injections was performed orally in 10 consecutive days. The data were analysed then using T. Results: Based on the obtained results, there is a significant increase in the body weight and the kidney of the third, fifth, sixth and seventh groups compared with the control group. However, the body weight and kidney of rats in the fourth group showed a meaningful decrease comparing with the lead group. Regarding the third group, there was a meaningful increase in Urea, uric acid, creatinine and potassium compared with the control group but a significant decrease in the sodium. Conclusion: Protective effects of garlic on kidney are related to antioxidant properties, since different types of oxidation reactions have negative effects on glomerular filtration rate. Garlic is eliminating the poisoning effect of lead on the kidney because of having properties such as antioxidant and protective effect

    Effect of Camphor on Pituitary-Gonadal Hormonal Axis and Oogenesis in Adult Female Rats

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    Background & Objective: Camphor stimulates the nervous system and the circulatory system, reduces lactation, and prevents conception and embryo embedding. We investigated the effects of camphor on the pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis and concentration of steroidal hormones.   Materials & Methods: The parameters investigated were concentrations of LH, FSH, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Forty adult female rats at a mean weight of 180 ± 20 grams were divided into five groups. Camphor solution was prepared in olive oil at 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg doses, and 0.2 cc injections were done intraperitoneally every day for 2 weeks. The control group received no injection. The sham group received olive oil (as solvent of camphor) and treatment groups of 1, 2, and 3 received doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg. The treatment groups were sacrificed one day after the last injection, and their hearts were dissected and blood samples were obtained. The concentrations of the hormones were measured by the ELISA test, and the results were evaluated via the t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan.   Results: The results showed a significant decrease in the concentrations of testosterone and progesterone (p value < 0.05) and a significant increase in the concentrations of LH and FSH (p value <0.05).   Conclusion: Camphor augmented oogenesis via effecting a rise in the concentrations of LH and FSH in our rats

    Effect of Olanzapine on Pituitary –Gonad Axis and Spermatogenesis in Adult Male Rats

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    Bakground & Objective: Since Olanzapine is used in the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia, the aim of this investigation was to assess the effect of Olanzapine on the pituitary –gonad axis and spermatogenesis in adult male rats.   Materials & Methods: In the present research, 50 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of 10, including control, sham, and experimental groups I, II, and III, which orally received 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution for 28 days, respectively. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, all the rats were weighed and anesthetized. Blood samples were obtained from the heart and were centrifuged; the sera were thereafter evaluated for concentrations of LH, FSH, testosterone, and prolactin via the RIA method.   Results: The results show that there was a significant increase in the body weight of the group receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution. In addition, the results of hormone assay demonstrated that the serum concentrations of LH and FSH were comparable between the experimental groups, while there was a significant increase in prolactin and significant decrease in testosterone in the group receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution.   Conclusion: The changes observed in the subjects were due to the presence of compounds in the Olanzapine solution, especially Benzodiazepine, which affected the body weight and serum concentration of prolactin and testosterone in the groups receiving 20 mg/kg Olanzapine solution