21 research outputs found

    A study on effect of social capital on expediting knowledge distribution

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    Knowledge plays important role on having continuous improvement within organization. Highly skilled employees normally contribute their knowledge within organizations and help others. In this paper, we perform an empirical investigation to find important factors influencing expediting knowledge distribution in one of Iranian organizations. The proposed study of this paper designs a questionnaire and distributes it among a randomly selected employees and using some statistical test, the relationship between knowledge distribution as dependent variables with eight independent variables are investigated. The results of our survey confirm that informal mechanism, building a good trust within organization, having a good interaction among different units of organization, hiring highly committed employees, improving innovation, and learning capabilities within organization may help expedite distribution of knowledge within organization. However, the survey does not find any statistical evidence to believe that formal mechanism, having a good identity and stating objective had any meaningful impact on distributing knowledge within organization

    The Effect of Supplier Manufacturing Capabilities on Buyer Responsiveness

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    Abstract -The present research aims at exploring the impact of supplier capabilities and their collaboration on buyer responsiveness. The research sample includes production workshops located in Lourestan and Hamedan Provinces in Iran which have been studied during a four month period. In order to relate supply flexibility and responsiveness and also to model the effect of supplier collaboration on buyer responsiveness, four hypotheses have been developed and examined correspondingly. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the path analysis are used in testing the research hypotheses applying LISREL software, version 8.5. The results reveal that production flexibility, supplier responsiveness, production modularity and supplier collaboration have a positive and meaningful impact on the buyer responsiveness

    The dysbiosis signature of Fusobacterium nucleatum in colorectal cancer-cause or consequences? A systematic review

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cause of cancer globally and the fourth attributable cause of mortality and morbidity due to cancer. An emerging factor contributing to CRC is the gut microbiota and the cellular changes associated with it. Further insights on this may help in the prevention, diagnosis and new therapeutic approaches to colorectal cancer. In most cases of CRC, genetic factors appear to contribute less to its aetiology than environmental and epigenetic factors; therefore, it may be important to investigate these environmental factors, their effects, and the mechanisms that may contribute to this cancer. The gut microbiota has recently been highlighted as a potential risk factor that may affect the structural components of the tumor microenvironment, as well as free radical and enzymatic metabolites directly, or indirectly. Many studies have reported changes in the gut microbiota of patients with colorectal cancer. What is controversial is whether the cancer is the cause or consequence of the change in the microbiota. There is strong evidence supporting both possibilities. The presence of Fusobacterium nucleatum in human colorectal specimens has been demonstrated by RNA-sequencing. F. nucleatum has been shown to express high levels of virulence factors such as FadA, Fap2 and MORN2 proteins. Our review of the published data suggest that F. nucleatum may be a prognostic biomarker of CRC risk, and hence raises the potential of antibiotic treatment of F. nucleatum for the prevention of CRC

    Clinical Breast Cancer Registry of IR. Iran (CBCR-IR):Study Protocol and First Results

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC), as a significant global health problem, is the most common cancer in women. Despite the importance of clinical cancer registries in improving the quality of cancer care and cancer research, there are few reports on them from low- and middle-income countries. We established a multicenter clinical breast cancer registry in Iran (CBCR-IR) to collect data on BC cases, the pattern of care, and the quality-of-care indicators in different hospitals across the country.METHODS: We established a clinical cancer registry in 12 provinces of Iran. We defined the organizational structure, developed minimal data sets and data dictionaries, verified data sources and registration processes, and developed the necessary registry software. During this registry, we studied the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with cancer who were admitted from 2014 onwards.RESULTS: We registered 13086 BC cases (7874 eligible cases) between 1.1.2014 and 1.1.2022. Core needle biopsy from the tumor (61.25%) and diagnostic mammography (68.78%) were the two most commonly used diagnostic methods. Stage distribution was 2.03% carcinoma in situ, 12% stage I, 44.65% stage II, 21.32% stage III, and 4.61% stage IV; stage information was missing in 1532 patients (19.46%). Surgery (95.01%) and chemotherapy (79.65%) were the most common treatments for all patients.CONCLUSION: The information provided by this registry can be used to evaluate and improve the quality of care for BC patients. It will be scaled up to the national level as an important resource for measuring quality of care and conducting clinical cancer research in Iran.</p

    The impact of spirituality on work performance

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    Abstract This paper focuses on the impact of spiritual leadership and spirituality at work for performance improvement. Based on literature survey, a conceptual model has been configured. Data was gathered using questionnaire from samples selected from the employees of Arak&apos;s Machinery Company which are 1849 persons including 52 managers, 178 supervisors, and 1619 other employees. Four hundred questionnaires were initially distributed and 259 usable data were obtained. The structural equation model was used for data analysis. Results show that the organizational vision affects meaningful work. Altruism affects employees&apos; sense of community and meaningful work. Faith in work affects employees&apos; sense, meaningful work and employees&apos; inner life. Meaningful work of employees and employees&apos; sense of community affects the work performance. Other hypotheses are not in support

    Optimal Scheduling in a Milk Production Line Based on

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    Abstract -A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is proposed in this paper that targets the optimal production scheduling in a single milk production line. The model takes into account all the standard constraints encountered in production scheduling (material balances, inventory limitations, machinery capacity, labor shifts and manpower restrictions). Furthermore, it considers special features that characterize milk production, which are limitations in production sequencing mainly due to different fat contents and flavors of various products and sequence-dependent setup times and costs. The objective function that is minimized considers all major sources of variable cost that depend on the production schedule, i.e. changeover cost, inventory cost and labor cost. The model is applied to a milk production line of a Sala industry in Iran and the results are presented and discussed