66 research outputs found

    Visual ecology of aphids – a critical review on the role of colours in host finding

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    We review the rich literature on behavioural responses of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to stimuli of different colours. Only in one species there are adequate physiological data on spectral sensitivity to explain behaviour crisply in mechanistic terms. Because of the great interest in aphid responses to coloured targets from an evolutionary, ecological and applied perspective, there is a substantial need to expand these studies to more species of aphids, and to quantify spectral properties of stimuli rigorously. We show that aphid responses to colours, at least for some species, are likely based on a specific colour opponency mechanism, with positive input from the green domain of the spectrum and negative input from the blue and/or UV region. We further demonstrate that the usual yellow preference of aphids encountered in field experiments is not a true colour preference but involves additional brightness effects. We discuss the implications for agriculture and sensory ecology, with special respect to the recent debate on autumn leaf colouration. We illustrate that recent evolutionary theories concerning aphid–tree interactions imply far-reaching assumptions on aphid responses to colours that are not likely to hold. Finally we also discuss the implications for developing and optimising strategies of aphid control and monitoring

    On visual pigment templates and the spectral shape of invertebrate rhodopsins and metarhodopsins

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    The absorbance spectra of visual pigments can be approximated with mathematical expressions using as single parameter the absorbance peak wavelength. A comparison of the formulae of Stavenga et al. in Vision Res 33:1011–1017 (1993) and Govardovskii et al. in Vis Neurosci 17:509–528 (2000) applied to a number of invertebrate rhodopsins reveals that both templates well describe the normalized α-band of rhodopsins with peak wavelength > 400 nm; the template spectra are virtually indistinguishable in an absorbance range of about three log units. The template formulae of Govardovskii et al. in Vis Neurosci 17:509–528 (2000) describe the rhodopsin spectra better for absorbances below 10−3. The template predicted spectra deviate in the ultraviolet wavelength range from each other as well as from measured spectra, preventing a definite conclusion about the spectral shape in the wavelength range <400 nm. The metarhodopsin spectra of blowfly and fruitfly R1-6 photoreceptors derived from measured data appear to be virtually identical. The established templates describe the spectral shape of fly metarhodopsin reasonably well. However, the best fitting template spectrum slightly deviates from the experimental spectra near the peak and in the long-wavelength tail. Improved formulae for fitting the fly metarhodopsin spectra are proposed

    Metarhodopsin control by arrestin, light-filtering screening pigments, and visual pigment turnover in invertebrate microvillar photoreceptors

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    The visual pigments of most invertebrate photoreceptors have two thermostable photo-interconvertible states, the ground state rhodopsin and photo-activated metarhodopsin, which triggers the phototransduction cascade until it binds arrestin. The ratio of the two states in photoequilibrium is determined by their absorbance spectra and the effective spectral distribution of illumination. Calculations indicate that metarhodopsin levels in fly photoreceptors are maintained below ~35% in normal diurnal environments, due to the combination of a blue-green rhodopsin, an orange-absorbing metarhodopsin and red transparent screening pigments. Slow metarhodopsin degradation and rhodopsin regeneration processes further subserve visual pigment maintenance. In most insect eyes, where the majority of photoreceptors have green-absorbing rhodopsins and blue-absorbing metarhodopsins, natural illuminants are predicted to create metarhodopsin levels greater than 60% at high intensities. However, fast metarhodopsin decay and rhodopsin regeneration also play an important role in controlling metarhodopsin in green receptors, resulting in a high rhodopsin content at low light intensities and a reduced overall visual pigment content in bright light. A simple model for the visual pigment–arrestin cycle is used to illustrate the dependence of the visual pigment population states on light intensity, arrestin levels and pigment turnover

    The effect of light on outer segment calcium in salamander rods

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    Calcium acts as a second messenger in vertebrate rods, regulating the recovery phase of the light response and modulating sensitivity during light-adaptation. Since light not only decreases the outer segment calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) by closing cyclic nucleotide-gated channels but can also increase [Ca2+]i by releasing Ca2+ from buffer sites or intracellular stores, we examined in detail the effect of light and circulating current on [Ca2+]i by making simultaneous measurements of suction pipette current and [Ca2+]i from isolated rods of the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum after incorporation of the fluorescent dye fluo-5F. When the release of Ca2+ is measured in 0 Ca2+−0 Na+ solution, minimising fluxes of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane, it is substantial only for light bright enough to bleach a significant fraction of the photopigment and is restricted to the part of the outer segment in which the bleach occurred. It is unlikely, therefore, to make a large contribution to [Ca2+]i for most of the physiological operating range of the rod. Nevertheless, since release is half-maximal for a bleach of less than 10 %, it cannot be produced by a simple mechanism such as a change in the affinity of a binding site on rhodopsin itself but must instead require some more complex interaction. In Ringer solution, the Ca2+ in the light-releasable pool can be discharged merely by the decrease in [Ca2+]i that occurs as the outer segment channels close. In steady background light or after exposure to saturating illumination, the fraction of Ca2+ in the pool decreases essentially in proportion to [Ca2+]i as if Ca2+ were being removed from a buffer site within the cytoplasm. Furthermore, [Ca2+]i itself changes in proportion to the circulating current, with little evidence for a contribution from Ca2+ release or other mechanisms of Ca2+ homeostasis. This indicates that flux of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane is the major determinant of outer segment Ca2+ concentration within the rod's normal operating light intensity range. Once Ca2+ has been discharged from the releasable pool, it is restored following dim illumination apparently as the simple result of the subsequent restoration of dark [Ca2+]i and the rebinding of Ca2+ to its release site, but after brighter light perhaps also as a consequence of regeneration of the photopigment