47,658 research outputs found

    Conformal Symmetry and Pion Form Factor: Soft and Hard Contributions

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    We discuss a constraint of conformal symmetry in the analysis of the pion form factor. The usual power-law behavior of the form factor obtained in the perturbative QCD analysis can also be attained by taking negligible quark masses in the nonperturbative quark model analysis, confirming the recent AdS/CFT correspondence. We analyze the transition from soft to hard contributions in the pion form factor considering a momentum-dependent dynamical quark mass from a nonnegligible constituent quark mass at low momentum region to a negligible current quark mass at high momentum region. We find a correlation between the shape of nonperturbative quark distribution amplitude and the amount of soft and hard contributions to the pion form factor.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, extensively revised, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Six-qubit permutation-based decoherence-free orthogonal basis

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    There is a natural orthogonal basis of the 6-qubit decoherence-free (DF) space robust against collective noise. Interestingly, most of the basis states can be obtained from one another just permuting qubits. This property: (a) is useful for encoding qubits in DF subspaces, (b) allows the implementation of the Bennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol in DF subspaces just permuting qubits, which completes a the method for quantum key distribution using DF states proposed by Boileau et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 017901 (2004)], and (c) points out that there is only one 6-qubit DF state which is essentially new (not obtained by permutations) and therefore constitutes an interesting experimental challenge.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page

    Effective field theory description of halo nuclei

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    Nuclear halos emerge as new degrees of freedom near the neutron and proton driplines. They consist of a core and one or a few nucleons which spend most of their time in the classically-forbidden region outside the range of the interaction. Individual nucleons inside the core are thus unresolved in the halo configuration, and the low-energy effective interactions are short-range forces between the core and the valence nucleons. Similar phenomena occur in clusters of 4^4He atoms, cold atomic gases near a Feshbach resonance, and some exotic hadrons. In these weakly-bound quantum systems universal scaling laws for s-wave binding emerge that are independent of the details of the interaction. Effective field theory (EFT) exposes these correlations and permits the calculation of non-universal corrections to them due to short-distance effects, as well as the extension of these ideas to systems involving the Coulomb interaction and/or binding in higher angular-momentum channels. Halo nuclei exhibit all these features. Halo EFT, the EFT for halo nuclei, has been used to compute the properties of single-neutron, two-neutron, and single-proton halos of s-wave and p-wave type. This review summarizes these results for halo binding energies, radii, Coulomb dissociation, and radiative capture, as well as the connection of these properties to scattering parameters, thereby elucidating the universal correlations between all these observables. We also discuss how Halo EFT's encoding of the long-distance physics of halo nuclei can be used to check and extend ab initio calculations that include detailed modeling of their short-distance dynamics.Comment: 104 pages, 31 figures. Topical Review for Journal of Physics G. v2 incorporates several modifications, particularly to the Introduction, in response to referee reports. It also corrects multiple typos in the original submission. It corresponds to the published versio

    Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations

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    It is found that both microflare-sized impulsive heating at one leg of the loop and a suddenly imposed velocity perturbation can propel the prominence to oscillate along the magnetic dip. An extensive parameter survey results in a scaling law, showing that the period of the oscillation, which weakly depends on the length and height of the prominence, and the amplitude of the perturbations, scales with R/g\sqrt{R/g_\odot}, where RR represents the curvature radius of the dip, and gg_\odot is the gravitational acceleration of the Sun. This is consistent with the linear theory of a pendulum, which implies that the field-aligned component of gravity is the main restoring force for the prominence longitudinal oscillations, as confirmed by the force analysis. However, the gas pressure gradient becomes non-negligible for short prominences. The oscillation damps with time in the presence of non-adiabatic processes. Compared to heat conduction, the radiative cooling is the dominant factor leading to the damping. A scaling law for the damping timescale is derived, i.e., τl1.63D0.66w1.21v00.30\tau\sim l^{1.63} D^{0.66}w^{-1.21}v_{0}^{-0.30}, showing strong dependence on the prominence length ll, the geometry of the magnetic dip (characterized by the depth DD and the width ww), and the velocity perturbation amplitude v0v_0. The larger the amplitude, the faster the oscillation damps. It is also found that mass drainage significantly reduces the damping timescale when the perturbation is too strong.Comment: 17 PAGES, 8FIGURE

    Heisenberg-picture approach to the exact quantum motion of a time-dependent forced harmonic oscillator

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    In the Heisenberg picture, the generalized invariant and exact quantum motions are found for a time-dependent forced harmonic oscillator. We find the eigenstate and the coherent state of the invariant and show that the dispersions of these quantum states do not depend on the external force. Our formalism is applied to several interesting cases.Comment: 15 pages, two eps files, to appear in Phys. Rev. A 53 (6) (1996

    Observation of magnetocoriolis waves in a liquid metal Taylor-Couette experiment

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    The first observation of fast and slow magnetocoriolis (MC) waves in a laboratory experiment is reported. Rotating nonaxisymmetric modes arising from a magnetized turbulent Taylor-Couette flow of liquid metal are identified as the fast and slow MC waves by the dependence of the rotation frequency on the applied field strength. The observed slow MC wave is damped but the observation provides a means for predicting the onset of the Magnetorotational Instability

    HDIdx: High-Dimensional Indexing for Efficient Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

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    Fast Nearest Neighbor (NN) search is a fundamental challenge in large-scale data processing and analytics, particularly for analyzing multimedia contents which are often of high dimensionality. Instead of using exact NN search, extensive research efforts have been focusing on approximate NN search algorithms. In this work, we present "HDIdx", an efficient high-dimensional indexing library for fast approximate NN search, which is open-source and written in Python. It offers a family of state-of-the-art algorithms that convert input high-dimensional vectors into compact binary codes, making them very efficient and scalable for NN search with very low space complexity

    The General Theory of Quantum Field Mixing

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    We present a general theory of mixing for an arbitrary number of fields with integer or half-integer spin. The time dynamics of the interacting fields is solved and the Fock space for interacting fields is explicitly constructed. The unitary inequivalence of the Fock space of base (unmixed) eigenstates and the physical mixed eigenstates is shown by a straightforward algebraic method for any number of flavors in boson or fermion statistics. The oscillation formulas based on the nonperturbative vacuum are derived in a unified general formulation and then applied to both two and three flavor cases. Especially, the mixing of spin-1 (vector) mesons and the CKM mixing phenomena in the Standard Model are discussed emphasizing the nonperturbative vacuum effect in quantum field theory