1,219 research outputs found

    A Malay work on Islamic law from Aceh: Mirat al-tullab

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    A Malay work on Islamic law from Aceh: Mirat al-tullab by Annabel Teh Gallop, 05/12/2016, Asian and African studies blog (British library) In the 16th century the sultanate of Aceh on the north coast of Sumatra grew to become the most powerful Muslim kingdom in Southeast Asia and a great centre for the study and teaching of Islam.  One of the most famous scholars and writers from Aceh was Abdul Rauf (‘Abd al-Ra’ūf ibn ‘Alī al-Jāwī al-Fanṣurī al-Sinkīlī), who was born at Singkel on the west co..

    The Political Economy of Clientelism: A Comparative Study of Indonesia’s Patronage Democracy

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    Ward Berenschot, « The Political Economy of Clientelism: A Comparative Study of Indonesia’s Patronage Democracy », 19/03/2018, Comparative Political Studies Abstract What kind of economic development curtails clientelistic politics? Most of the literature addressing this relationship focuses narrowly on vote buying, resulting in theories that emphasize the importance of declining poverty rates and a growing middle class. This article employs a combination of ethnographic fieldwork and an expe..

    Videos of International Workshop "Natures and Cultures in Southeast Asia" with the participation of Philippe Descola.

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    Videos of International Workshop "Natures and Cultures in Southeast Asia" with the participation of Philippe Descola. https://youtu.be/7BZKV9Y9LB

    Visiting Fellowships in Myanmar Studies, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute

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    Visiting Fellowships in Myanmar Studies, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute The ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute (formerly Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) invites applications for Visiting Fellowships in Myanmar Studies. MYANMAR STUDIES Preference will be given to candidates who have done or can work on projects associated with one or more of the following themes: Myanmar’s ongoing peace process, including its implications for implementation of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and the de..

    Banning Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia: Freedom or Security?

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    Alexander Raymond Arifianto, Banning Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia: Freedom or Security? 18/05/2017 RSIS / Commentaries / Country and Region Studies / Religion in Contemporary Society / Southeast Asia and ASEAN Synopsis The Indonesian government has issued a recommendation for the Islamist group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) to be legally prohibited. While some observers have criticised the proposal on grounds of freedom of expression or assembly, the move may be justifiable for Indonesian securit..

    Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, vol. 36, n° 1, 2017

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    Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, vol. 36, n° 1, 2017 Research articles How Power Affects Policy Implementation: Lessons from the Philippines by Jens Marquardt Sarawak State Elections 2016: Revisiting Federalism in Malaysia by Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman, Rashaad Ali Territorial Disputes and Nationalism: A Comparative Case Study of China and Vietnam by Hannah Cotillon The NLD and Myanmar’s Foreign Policy: Not New, But Different by Maung Aung Myoe Research notes The Down..

    Call for papers : Southeast Asian Islam : Religious Radicalism, Democracy, and Global Trends

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    Call for Papers : The 2nd Studia Islamika International conference 2017 :  Southeast Asian Islam : Religious Radicalism, Democracy, and Global Trends, 8-10/08/2017, Jakarta Deadline for abstract submission : 15/05/2017 The Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta will carry out an international conference in August this year. This conference is dedicated to promoting Studia Islamika, an international journal published by t..

    The Buddha in Lanna: Art, Lineage, Power, and Place in Northern Thailand

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    Angela S. Chiu, The Buddha in Lanna: Art, Lineage, Power, and Place in Northern Thailand, University of Hawaii Press, 2017 For centuries, wherever Thai Buddhists have made their homes, statues of the Buddha have provided striking testament to the role of Buddhism in the lives of the people. The Buddha in Lanna offers the first in-depth historical study of the Thai tradition of donation of Buddha statues. Drawing on palm-leaf manuscripts and inscriptions, many never previously translated into ..

    Asian ethnicity, vol. 28, no. 3, june 2017

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    Asian Ethnicity, vol. 28, no. 3, June 2017 Table of contents Infrastructures for ethnicity: understanding the diversification of contemporary Indonesia by Zane Goebel Ethnic Chinese in Malaysian citizenship: gridlocked in historical formation and political hierarchy by Cheun Hoe Yaw Multi-ethnic school environment from the school leader’s perspective: challenges and approaches to improve multi-cultural competency among teachers in Malaysia by Yasmin Ahmad and Najeemah Mohd Yusof C..

    Visiting Professorship and postdoctoral position at University of Passau

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    Deadline : 31 janvier 2017 le site de l'annonce January 16, 2017Jobs & InternshipsDaniela The  Chair  of  Comparative  Development  and  Cultural  Studies  with  a  focus  on Southeast  Asia  of  the  Faculty  of  Arts  and  Humanities  (Professor  Martina Padmanabhan) invites applications for  an interim/visiting professorship (full-time) for 12 months from  1  September  2017  until  31  August  2018,  covering  the  academic  year 2017-18  (winter  semester  2017-18  and  summer  semes..