15 research outputs found
Efekat gena i kombinacione sposobnosti za visinu biljke i preÄnik glave kod suncokreta
Plant height and head diameter are important parameters which effect on a yield in sunflower. Six restorer Rf lines, three tester A lines and their 18 Fl hybrids were studied, using line x tester method. Significant differences were found between restorer lines and testers and their Fl hybrids for plant height and head diameter. Regarding the inheritance of examined characteristic, super dominance and dominance of better parent occurred, and the intermediary too. Tester line HA-48A (188.25 cm) and Fl hybrid HA-48A x RHA-SELEUS (245.10 cm) had the highest mean value for plant height, and the lowest value had line RHA-BRE-1 (105.35 cm) and hybrid L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 (147.9 cm). For head diameter, the highest mean value had line L-19A (19.02 cm) and Fl hybrids HA-48A x RHA-TR-20 and L-19A x RHA-TR-20 (24.55 cm), and the lowest line RHA-BRE-1 (13.10 cm) and hybrid HA-26A x RHA-M-72 (20.25 cm). Based on the results, the following conclusion is that lines RHA-BRE-1 for plant height and RHA-SELEUS for head diameter have the best GCA, and the best SCA have hybrids L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 for plant height and HA-26A x RHA-SELEUS for head diameter. Analyzing components of genetic variance, the nonadditive component played the main role in the inheritance of plant height and the additive of head diameter. The largest average contribution in the expression of plant height had the tester A-lines (83.17%) and for head diameter Rf lines had the greatest influence (58.13%).Visina biljke i preÄnik glave su znaÄajni parametri koji utiÄu na visinu prinosa kod suncokreta. Metodom linija x tester ispitano je Å”est restorer linija, tri tester A linije i njihovih 18 F1 hibrida. UtvrÄene su znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu restorer linija i testera i njihovih F1 hibrida za visinu biljke i preÄnik glave. U nasleÄivanju ispitivanih svojstava ispoljile su se superdominacija i dominacija boljeg roditelja, ali i intermedijarnost. NajveÄu srednju vrednost za visinu biljke su imali tester linija HA-48 A (188,25 cm) i Fj hibrid HA-48A x RHA-SELEUS (245,1 cm), a najmanju linija RHA-BRE-1 (105,35 cm), odnosno hibrid L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 (147,9 cm). Kod preÄnika glave najveÄu srednju vrednost su imali tester linija L-19A (19,95 cm) i F, hibridi HA-48 A x RHA-TR-20 i L-19A x RHA-TR-20 (24,55 cm), a najmanju linija RHA-BRE-1 (13,10 cm) i hibrid HA-26A x RHA-M-72 (20,25 cm). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zakljuÄiti da najbolje OKS imaju linije RHA-BRE-1 za visinu biljke i RHA-TR-20 za preÄnik glave, a najbolje PKS, hibridi L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 za visinu biljke i HA-26A x RHA-SELEUS za preÄnik glave. Analiziranjem komponenti genetske varijanse, neaditivna komponenta je imala najveÄi uticaj na nasleÄivanje visine biljke, a aditivna na preÄnika glave. NajveÄi proseÄni doprinos u ekspresiji visine biljke dale su A-tester linije 83,17%, a za preÄnik glave najveÄi uticaj su imale restorer linije 58,13%
Odnos izmeÄu heterozisa i genetske udaljenosti odreÄena SSR markerima kod suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)
The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between SSR based genetic distance (GD) of new NS sunflower inbred lines and heterosis for six agronomic traits. Twenty three sunflower inbred lines (20 restorer lines and three female lines used as testers) and their hybrids were examined for plant height, head diameter, thousand seed mass, oil content, seed yield per plant and oil yield per plant. Significant heterosis was observed in hybrid combinations for all examined traits except oil content. Genetic distance between pairs of tested sunflower inbred lines ranged from 0.13 to 0.8. There was no significant positive correlation between genetic distance and mid- and better-parent heterosis, specific combining ability and mean value in any of the examined traits for all 60 hybrids. A highly significant negative correlation was found between GD and mean oil percentage (r=-0.33 p lt 0.01). Although GD was generally a poor predictor of heterosis, better results are obtained if hybrid combinations for each tester and each trait are analyzed separately.Cilj rada je utvrdjivanje odnosa izmeÄu genetske udaljenosti (GD) koja je odreÄena SSR markerima (mikrosatelitima) kod novih inbred linija suncokreta i heterozisa za Å”est agronomskih svojstava. Ispitano je dvadeset tri inbred linije (dvadeset restorer linija i tri tester linije majki) i njihovi F1 hibridi za sledeÄa svojstva: visina biljke, preÄnik glave, masa 1000 semena, sadržaj ulja u semenu, prinos semena i ulja po biljci. Zapažen je znaÄajan heterozis kod hibridnih kombinacija za sva ispitivana svojstva sem za sadržaj ulja. Genetska udaljenost izmeÄu parova ispitivanih inbred linija je bila od 0,13 do 0,8. IzmeÄu genetske udaljenosti i heterozisa, posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti i srednjih vrednosti svih ispitivanih svojstava, nije bilo znaÄajne pozitivne korelacije. Jedina znaÄajna vrednost, ali negativna, bila je u odnosu srednje vrednosti ulja i genetske udaljenosti (r=- 0.33 p lt 0.01). Iako se genetskom udaljenosti slabo može predvideti heterozis, bolji Äe se rezultati dobiti ako se analiziraju hibridne kombinacije za svaki tester i svako svojstvo pojedinaÄno
Novi hibridi suncokreta tolerantni na tribenuron-metil
Discovery of tribenuron-methyl resistant wild Helianthus annuus L. population (ANN-KAN) created an opportunity for expansion of sunflower herbicide resistance breeding program. The aim of this work was creation of sunflower hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl. Creation of tribenuron-methyl resistant hybrids would enable the use of a wider palette of herbicides for sunflower, more efficient chemical control of Cirsium arvense and more economically profitable post-emergence control of some annual broad-leaved weeds in sunflower. Original populations SURES-1 and SURES-2 are homozygous for resistance to tribenuron-methyl. F1 generations produced from the crossings are completely resistant to tribenuron-methyl, pointing out to dominant way of inheritance of this trait. Studies on the exact number of genes controlling the resistance are in progress. Tribenuron-methyl resistance was transferred from original populations into a number of famele and restorer inbred lines of the cultivated sunflower. These inbred lines could enable creation of a number of hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl. Hybrids NS-H-2017-SU, NS-H-2018-SU and NS-H-2019-SU are resistant to doubled application dose of tribenuron-methyl. Agronomical characteristics of these hybrids are on par with the leading conventional sunflower hybrids.OtkriÄem populacije divljeg Helianthus annuus L. (ANN-KAN) otporne prema tribenuron-metilu stvorena je moguÄnost proÅ”irenja programa oplemenjivanja suncokreta na tolerantnost na herbicide. Cilj ovog rada je bio stvaranje hibrida suncokreta tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil. Stvaranje hibrida tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil proÅ”irilo bi paletu herbicida u suncokretu, omoguÄilo efikasnije suzbijanje palamide (Cirsium arvense) i ekonomski povoljnije suzbijanje nekih jednogodiÅ”njih Å”irokolisnih korova posle nicanja u suncokretu. Izvorne populacije SURES-1 i SURES-2 su homozigotno tolerantne na tribenuron-metil. Dobijene F1 generacije su u potpunosti tolerantne na tribenuron-metil Å”to ukazuje na dominantan naÄin nasleÄivanja. Istraživanja taÄnog broja gena koji kontroliÅ”u ovu otpornost su u toku. Otpornost prema tribenuron-metilu je iz izvornih populacija preneta u veÄi broj majÄinskih i restorer samooplodnih linija suncokreta. Na osnovu ovih linija moguÄe je stvaranje veÄeg broja hibrida tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil. Hibridi NS-H-2017-SU, NS-H-2018-SU i NS-H-2019-SU tolerantni su na dvostruku praktiÄnu koncentraciju po hektaru tribenuron-metila. Ovi hibridi su po svojim agronomskim karakteristikama na nivou vodeÄih hibrida koji se nalaze u Å”irokoj proizvodnji
Intervarietal Differences in Response of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to Different Mutagenic Treatments
For much of the past century, mutagenesis has gained popularity in plant genetics research as a means of inducing novel genetic variation. Induced mutations have been applied for the past 40 years to produce mutant cultivars in sunflower by changing plant characteristics that significantly increase plant yield and quality. The present study was focused on generating baseline data to elucidate the role of genotypic differences in the response of sunflower to induced mutagenesis with the aim of expanding the applicability of the use of induced mutant stocks in the genetic improvement of the crop and in its functional genomics. The strategy adopted was to estimate the optimal treatment conditions (doses of mutagens) through relating the extent of damage in seedling progeny to the exposure levels of the initiating propagules to mutagens. Seeds of 15 elite sunflower genotypes commonly used as breeding stocks and grown on commercial scales were treated with a range of mutagens: Gamma-rays (Ī³ rays); fast neutrons and with ethyle-methane-sulphonate (EMS) at different treatment doses. The three mutagenic agents affected seedling height, reducing it with increasing dosage. Based on the mutagen damage on seedling height, the 50% and 30% damage indices (D50 and D30, respectively) were estimated for the 15 sunflower genotypes for the three mutagens. The D50 (D30) values for the sunflower lines ranged from 120 to 325Gy (5 to 207Gy) for gamma irradiation; 9 to 21Gy (0.1 to 10Gy) for fast neutrons and 0.69 to 1.55% (0.01 to 0.68%) concentration of EMS
Rezultati mikroogleda NS hibrida suncokreta i preporuka sortimenta za 2008. godinu
The objective of this study was the evaluation of NS sunflower hybrids on the basis of the results of seed yield, oil content and oil yield obtained in a network of small-plot trials organized in Vojvodina and central Serbia in 2007, as sowing recommendations for the 2008 planting season. Twenty NS sunflower hybrids in 12 locations (in Vojvodina and 4 in central Serbia) were included in small plot-trials. The highest seed yield in Vojvodina was achieved by the hybrid DuÅ”ko (3.34 t/ha), followed by Velja, Å umadinac and Kazanova. The hybrid NS-H-45 (2.02 t/ha) achieved highest seed yield in central Serbia. Pobednik (Vojvodina), NS-H-111 (both regions) and Somborac (Vojvodina) had the oil content over 48%. The hybrids Å umadinac, BaÄa and NS-H-111 produced the highest oil yield in Vojvodina (over 1.5 t/ha). In the three-year trials in Vojvodina, the hybrids Sremac (2.96 t/ha), Å umadinac (2.81 t/ha) and NS-H-111 (2.74 t/ha) produced the highest seed yields.Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju proizvodne osobine novosadskih hibrida suncokreta na osnovu rezultata koje su ostvarili za prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja u mreži mikroogleda u Vojvodini i centralnoj Srbiji u toku 2007, kao i da se da preporuka sortimenta za 2008. godinu. U ispitivanje je ukljuÄeno 20 hibrida i 12 lokaliteta u Vojvodini i 4 u centralnoj Srbiji. Prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja su se u mreži mikroogleda znaÄajno razlikovali u oba ispitivana regiona. U Vojvodini, najveÄi proseÄan prinos semena ostvario je hibrid DuÅ”ko (3,34 t/ha). Visok prinos semena utvrÄen je kod hibrida Velja, Å umadinac i Kazanova. NajveÄi proseÄan prinos semena u centralnoj Srbiji ostvario je hibrid NS-H-45 (2,02 t/ha). Sadržaj ulja veÄi od 48 % imala su tri hibrida i to Pobednik (Vojvodina), NS-H-111 (oba regiona) i Somborac (Vojvodina). Na teritoriji Vojvodine najveÄe vrednosti prinosa ulja postigli su Å umadinac, BaÄa i NS-H-111 i to u proseku veÄe od 1,50 t/ha. U trogodiÅ”njim ispitivanjima u Vojvodini najveÄi proseÄan prinos semena su postigli hibridi Sremac (2,96 t/ha), Å umadinac (2,81 t/ha) i NS-H-111 (2,74 t/ha)
Produktivnost NS hibrida suncokreta u multilokacijskim ogledima i preporuka sortimenta za setvu u 2009. godini
This paper presents the results of productivity traits (seed yield, oil content and oil yield) of NS sunflower hybrids grown in a network of small-plot trials in Vojvodina and central Serbia in 2008 as well as recommendations for the 2009 sowing season. The hybrid Ć location interaction is evaluated by the AMMI model. The small-plot trials made use of 20 NS sunflower hybrids and 13 locations in Vojvodina and 4 in central Serbia. Seed yield, oil content and oil yield were significantly different in the small-plot trials in the investigated regions. In Vojvodina the highest average seed yield was produced by the hybrid DuÅ”ko (3.79 t/ha), followed by Velja (3.67 t/ha), Sremac (3.62 t/ha), Kazanova (3.60 t/ha), BaÄa (3.60 t/ha) and Vladimir (3.59 t/ha). In central Serbia, the hybrid Sremac (3.48 t/ha) achieved the highest seed yield. The highest average seed yield was achieved in the locality KrÄedin (4.02 t/ha). In five locations in Vojvodina, seed yield was over 3.5 t/ha (Donji Petrovci, Kovin, Rimski Å anÄevi, Sombor, NeÅ”tin). In 2008 the average oil content for the 20 hybrids in Vojvodina was 47.72%. The highest oil content was found in the hybrid BaÄa (50.22%). In central Serbia oil content varied between 43.23% (NS-H-45) and 48.92% (Plamen). Average oil yield (1.66 t/ha) in 2008 for all the hybrids and locations in Vojvodina was significantly higher than in the region of central Serbia, with the average of 1.42%. In a four-year trial in Vojvodina the hybrids Sremac (3.11 t/ha), Å umadinac (2.96 t/ha) and Velja (2.90 t/ha) proved their worth by producing the highest seed yield. AMMI biplot for seed yield showed that the hybrid DuÅ”ko had the highest adaptability in all locations, because the interaction had the lowest value. Also, low interaction effects were stated by the hybrids Kazanova, Vladimir and BaÄa. These hybrids had above-average seed yields for the whole of the small-plot trials in 2008. The hybrids BaÄa, DuÅ”ko, Kazanova, Vladimir, Milan and Sremac, which had mean values above the general mean for oil yield, also had low interaction effects.U radu su prikazani rezultati proizvodnih osobina (prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja) novosadskih hibrida suncokreta u mreži mikroogleda izvedenih u Vojvodini i centralnoj Srbiji u toku 2008. godine. Data je i preporuka sortimenta za 2009. godinu. Interakcija hibrid Ć lokalitet ocenjena je primenom AMMI modela. U ispitivanju je bilo 20 hibrida i 13 lokaliteta u Vojvodini i 4 u centralnoj Srbiji. Prinos semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja su se u mreži mikroogleda znaÄajno razlikovali u ispitivanim regionima. U Vojvodini, najveÄi proseÄan prinos semena ostvario je hibrid DuÅ”ko (3.79 t/ha). Visok prinos semena utvrÄen je i kod hibrida Velja (3.67 t/ha), Sremac (3.62 t/ha), Kazanova (3.60 t/ha), BaÄa (3.60 t/ha) i Vladimir (3.59 t/ha). NajveÄi proseÄan prinos semena u centralnoj Srbiji ostvario je hibrid Sremac (3.48 t/ha). Na lokalitetu KrÄedin postignut je najveÄi proseÄan prinos semena (4.02 t/ha). Na pet lokaliteta u Vojvodini, prinos semena bio je iznad 3.5 t/ha (Donji Petrovci, Kovin, Rimski Å anÄevi, Sombor, NeÅ”tin). U 2008. godini proseÄan sadržaj ulja za 20 ispitivanih hibrida u regionu Vojvodine iznosio je 47.72%. NajveÄi sadržaj ulja postigao je hibrid BaÄa (50.22%). U regionu centralne Srbije sadržaj ulja se kretao od 43.23% (NS-H-45) do 48.92% (Plamen). OpÅ”ti prosek prinosa ulja (1.66 t/ha) za sve hibride i lokalitete u Vojvodini tokom 2008. godine, bio je znaÄajno veÄi u odnosu na lokalitete u centralnoj Srbiji, gde je prinos ulja u proseku iznosio 1.42 t/ha. U ÄetvorogodiÅ”njim ispitivanjima u Vojvodini najveÄi proseÄan prinos semena su postigli hibridi Sremac (3.11 t/ha), Å umadinac (2.96 t/ha) i Velja (2.90 t/ha). AMMI biplot prinosa semena je pokazao da je hibrid DuÅ”ko visoko adaptabilan na svim ispitivanim lokalitetima, zbog malog efekta interakcije. Pored njega veoma mali efekat interakcije uoÄen je kod hibrida Kazanova, Vladimir i BaÄa. Kod ovih hibrida prinos semena je bio na nivou opÅ”teg proseka mikroogleda u 2008. godini. Najmanji efekat interakcije pokazali su hibridi BaÄa, DuÅ”ko, Kazanova, Vladimir Milan i Sremac, koji su imali i prinos ulja iznad opÅ”teg proseka
Rezultati dvogodiŔnjih ispitivanja novosadskih hibrida suncokreta u mikroogledima
In 2004, conditions for sunflower production were highly favorable and high yields were obtained both in trials and large-scale production (2.34 t/ha). In 2005, however, abundant precipitation throughout the growing season and across most of Vojvodina brought about high incidence of sunflower head rot (Sclerotinia), resulting in yield losses in trials as well as large-scale production (1.8 t/ha). In both study years, when growing season precipitation was close to the long-term average, high yields (over 3 t/ha) were obtained with NS hybrids grown in large-scale production, most notably NS-H-111,NS-H-45, Velja, BanaÄanin, BaÄvanin, Rimi and others. Even in an unfavorable year such as 2005, the new hybrids Sremac, Somborac and Å umadinac produced significantly higher yields in trials in Vojvodina than the standard sunflower hybrids used in large-scale commercial production. In 2007, the results of the study indicate, there is going to be a significant change in the percentage contribution of individual sunflower hybrids to overall large-scale production of this crop in our country.Uslovi za proizvodnju suncokreta u 2004. godini su bili veoma povoljni i zato su ostvareni visoki prinosi na nivou ogleda i masovne proizvodnje (2,34 t/ha). Dok, su obilne padavine u toku celog vegetacionog perioda u veÄem delu Vojvodine dovele do velikog stepena oboljenja suncokreta od bele truleži glave (Sclerotinia) i smanjenja prinosa u ogledima i u masovnoj proizvodnji (1,8 t/ha). U obe godine ispitivanja gde su bile padavine u toku vegetacionog perioda bliske viÅ”egodiÅ”njim prosecima ostvareni su visoki prinosi (preko 3 t/ha) sa hibridima koji se nalaze u masovnoj proizvodnji, a pre svega sa NS-H-111, NS-H-45, Velja, BanaÄanin, BaÄvanin, Rimi i drugim. Sa novim hibridima Sremac, Somborac i Å umadinac i u nepovoljnoj 2005. godini u ogledima u Vojvodini su ostvareni znaÄajno veÄi prinosi od standardnih hibrida koji se nalaze u masovnoj proizvodnji. Na osnovu ovih rezultata treba istaÄi da Äe doÄi u 2007. godini do znaÄajne izmene zastupljenosti pojedinih hibrida u masovnoj proizvodnji suncokreta u naÅ”oj zemlji
Rezultati ispitivanja NS hibrida suncokreta u ogledima i preporuka za setvu u 2007. godini
NS sunflower hybrids are developed primarily for the Serbian agro-ecological conditions while taking into account the limiting factors of the domestic sunflower production.The 2006 sunflower yields were negatively affected by excessive soil moisture, high groundwater levels, and floods occurring during the optimum period for sowing in nearly all sunflower-growing regions of the country. The increased moisture hampered planting and increased weediness thus negatively affecting the yields. Weather conditions in the latter part of the vegetation period had a favorable effect on sunflower growth and development. Seed and oil yields obtained in a network of small-plot trials varied according to location and cultural practices used. In both of the sunflower regions studied in the paper, the highest seed yields were produced by the hybrids Sremac, NS-H-111 and NS-H-45. The highest oil yields in the trial network were obtained with the hybrids Baca, Pobednik, Olivko and Sumadinac. The hybrids Baca, NS-H-111 and Sremac produced the highest oil yields in the province of Vojvodina, while the hybridsSumadinac, HS-H-111 and Stig did the same in central Serbia. In a two-year study in Vojvodina, the new hybrids Sremac, Sumadinac and Somborac proved their worth by producing higher seed yields than the hybrids commonly used in commercial production. Results of the small-plot trials confirmed the commercial value of the standard hybrids and showed the value of the new ones, which are expected to become the mainstays of sunflower production in the country as they gradually replace the currently predominant hybrids.Novosadski hibridi suncokreta prvenstveno se stvaraju za agroekoloÅ”ke uslove u Srbiji, pri Äemu se vodi raÄuna o limitirajuÄim faktorima proizvodnje. Izražena vlažnost zemljiÅ”ta, visok nivo podzemnih voda i poplave u periodu optimalnom za setvu suncokreta, u skoro svim regionima gajenja, su se negativno odrazili na prinose u 2006. godini. PoveÄana vlažnost je omela setvu, poveÄala zakorovljenost, a time i negativno uticala na prinos. Vremenske prilike u drugoj polovini vegetacije povoljno su uticale na rast i razvoj suncokreta. Prinos semena i ulja se u mreži mikro ogleda razlikovao u zavisnosti od lokaliteta i primenjene agrotehnike. U oba ispitivana regiona najviÅ”i prinos semena ostvarili su hibridi Sremac, NS-H-111 i NS-H-45. Najuljaniji hibridi u mreži mikroogleda su bili BaÄa, Pobednik, Olivko i Å umadinac. NajveÄi prinos ulja u Vojvodini ostvarili su hibridi BaÄa NS-H-111 i Sremac, a u centralnoj Srbiji Å umadinac, NS-H-111 i Stig. Novi hibridi Sremac, Å umadinac i Somborac, u dvogodiÅ”njim ispitiva njima u regionu Vojvodine, dokazali su svoju vrednost ostvarivÅ”i viÅ”i prinos semena od hibrida koji se nalaze u masovnoj proizvodnji. Rezultati mikroogleda potvrdili su komercijalnu vrednost standardnih hibrida i ukazali na vrednost novih hibrida od kojih se oÄekuje da postanu nosioci proizvodnje izmenom zastupljenosti hibrida u masovnoj proizvodnji suncokreta
Oplemenjivanje suncokreta u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
The foundation of the Industrial Crops Department (later renamed the Oil Crops Department) in 1962 marked the start of sunflower breeding at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The Department was among the first in the world to develop productive sunflower hybrids based on cytoplasmic male sterility (such hybrids were developed early in France and Romania as well). The main goal of the Institute's sunflower program is to develop sunflower hybrids with high seed and oil yields that are resistant to the common sunflower diseases and drought. The program also develops hybrids for special purposes. These include sunflowers with altered oil quality, confectionery hybrids, hybrids to be used as poultry or bird feed, hybrids tolerant of certain herbicide groups (imidazolinones, tribenuron methyl), and ornamental sunflowers. Over the past 40 years, the IFVC sunflower team has developed a total of 178 sunflower hybrids, 130 of which were released abroad. The Institute also has well-developed cooperation programs on joint hybrid development with over 30 foreign partner companies from around the world, enabling the utilization of genetic variability on an international level. These have produced a total of 125 joint hybrids released in different European and non-European countries that play a major role in the global sunflower production, most notably in countries such as France, Russia, Ukraine, China, and so on. The leading NS hybrids in Serbian commercial sunflower production are NS-H-111, BaÄvanin, BanaÄanin and Velja. These will eventually be replaced on the fields by the latest batch of top-quality NS genotypes that includes the hybrids Sremac, Å umadinac, BaÄa, Kazanova, DuÅ”ko, Branko, Oliva and NovosaÄanin. .Osnivanjem Odeljenja za industrijsko bilje 1962. godine u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo zapoÄet je rad na oplemenjivanju suncokreta. U Odeljenju za uljane kulture stvoreni su meÄu prvima u svetu (Francuska i Rumunija) produktivni hibridi na bazi cms-a. Osnovni pravac u oplemenjivaÄkom programu je stvaranje uljanih hibrida sa visokim prinosom semena i ulja, otpornih prema dominantnim bolestima i suÅ”i. Pored toga stvaraju se hibridi za posebne namene: sa razliÄitim kvalitetom ulja, konzumni, za ishranu živine i ptica, tolerantni prema odreÄenim grupama herbicida (imidazolinonima i tribenuron metil) i dekorativni. Tokom proteklih 40. godina intenzivnog rada na oplemenjivanju suncokreta stvoreno je 178 NS-hibrida od kojih su 48 priznati u Srbiji, a 130 je priznato u inostranstvu. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo ima razvijenu saradnju na programima stvaranja zajedniÄkih hibrida sa viÅ”e od 30 stranih partnera, Å”to omoguÄava koriÅ”Äenje genetske varijabilnosti na meÄunarodnom nivou i stvaranje zajeniÄkih hibrida. Stvoreno je 125 zajedniÄkih hibrida koji su priznati u evropskim i vanevropskim zemljama koji imaju važnu ulogu u proizvodnji suncokreta u svetu (Francuska, Rusija, Ukrajina, Kina...). VodeÄi hibridi suncokreta u masovnoj proizvodnji u Srbiji su NS-H-111, BaÄvanin, BanaÄanin i Velja. Njihovo mesto polako zauzimaju novi hibridi suncokreta Sremac, Å umadinac, BaÄa, Kazanova, a uskoro i DuÅ”ko, Branko, Oliva i NovosaÄanin.
Total phenolic content in edible parts of selected allium species biofortified with selenium
Species of the genus Allium have great importance in human nutrition due wide
range of therapeutic properties and great health benefits. Their nutritional value is
primarily determined by the chemical composition of the edible parts. The
nutritional quality of Allium crops is possible to improve through agronomic
practices (plant nutrition and agrotechnic measures) by the process known as
biofortification. In this paper, the effect of biofortification with different
concentrations of selenium (0 g, 10 g, 20 g and 30 g per hectare) in open field
condition on selected Allium species (Allium sativum var. saggitatum L.; A.
fistulosum L.; A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum L.; A. nutans L.; A. odorum L.;
A. schoenoprasum L.) was investigated, with a goal to improve nutritional value of
the edible parts. For this purpose 24 samples of fresh plant material were prepared
and extracted with 80% methanol. Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined
using the standard spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu method. The obtained
results are expressed as mg of ferulic acid equivalents (FAE) per g of fresh weight.
TPC was in range from 0.36 to 2.60 mg/g FAE. The obtained research results
indicate that TPC in the edible parts differs between species, as well as within the
species, and depending on the applied dose of selenium. The obtained results
indicate the necessity of determining the optimal doses of selenium in the process
of biofortification, in order to obtain edible parts of Allium species with high
nutritional value