147 research outputs found

    Komponente varijanse i korelacije agronomskih svojstava kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) različitih grupa zrenja

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    In this paper we studied the variability and correlation of cabbage traits in different maturity groups. The study included early spring cabbages (planted in early spring, harvested in early summer) and autumn cabbages (planted in mid-summer, harvested in late autumn). Using coefficients of variation and correlation coefficients, we analyzed 17 cabbage traits in 35 commercially grown cultivars, F1 hybrids, and experimental F1 hybrids. The traits were analyzed separately for each maturity group. In the early cabbages, the coefficients of variation ranged from 4.8 to 44.2%. The calculated correlation coefficients differed between the two maturity groups. The early cabbages had 26 significant positive correlations. The positive correlations calculated among different traits of early cabbages defined this group fully and made it distinct from the late-maturing genotypes. Plant height and rosette diameter in the early genotypes were highly positively correlated with rosette weight, whole plant weight, head weight, usable portion of head, head height, and head diameter. Plant height and rosette diameter participate in the formation of active photosynthetic area in early cabbages. Rosette width in these genotypes provides a greater influx of light and heat, which results in greater head weight. Also, in early cabbages that have greater plant height, the leaf rosette will not lie on the cold surface of the ground in the spring. The activity of the cabbage plant is thus more focused towards the formation of larger head weight. Head volume in the late genotypes was highly positively correlated with rosette diameter, whole plant weight, head weight, usable portion of head, inner stem length, and head height. In late cabbages plant activity is directed towards the formation of head volume due to the longer duration of the growth period, larger leaves, and differences in climatic conditions.U radu smo istraživali varijabilnost i korelacije svojstava kupusa iz različitih grupa zrenja. Ubuhvaćeni su rani-prolećni kupusi (posejani rano u proleće, posečeni u rano leto), i jesenji kupusi (posejani sredinom leta, posečeni kasno u jesen). Koeficijentima varijacije i korelacionim koeficijentima analizarano je 17 kupusnih svojtava, između 35 komercijalno gajenih sorata, F1-hibrida i eksperimentalnih hibrida kupusa. Svojstva sorata i F1-hibrida kupusa smo analizirali posebno kod svake grupe zrenja. Koeficijent varijacije analiziranih svojstava se kretao od minimalnih 4,8% do maksimalnih 44,2%. Navedeni koeficijenti varijacije su pripadali kupusima iz rane grupe zrenja. Međutim korelacioni koeficijenti su bili različiti između analiziranih grupa zrenja kupusa. Kupusi iz rane grupe zrenja imali su 32 signifikantno pozitivne korelacije, a kasno jesenji kupusi su imali 26 signifikantno pozitivnih korelacija. Visina biljke i prečnik rozete kod ranih genotipova je u visokoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa masom rozete, masom cele biljke, masom glavice, korisnim delom glavice, visinom glavice i prečnikom glavice. Kod ranih kupusa sa većom visinom glavice, lisna rozeta tokom proleća neće ležati na hladnoj površini zemljišta. Ovako je aktivnost biljke više usmerena na formiranje veće mase glavice. Zapremina glavice kod kasnih genotipova je u visoko pozitivnoj korelaciji sa prečnikom rozete, masom cele biljke, masom glavice, korisni delom glavice, dužinom unutrašnjeg kočana i visinom glavice. Aktivnost biljaka kod kasnih kupusa na formiranju veće zapremine glavice je u funkciji dužeg vegetacionog perioda, većih listova rozete i drugačijih klimatskih uslova

    Varijabilnost ploda kod različitih genotipova paradajza (L. esculentum Mill.)

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    Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) is vegetable which could be produced and consumed in a many different ways, due to its variability, made by breeding programs. Variability of analyzed genotypes was determinated for further fruit traits: average mass, fruit shape, locules number and dry matter content. Variability source structure was determinated using principal components analysis (PCA). Three main components, which explain 94,2 % of total variability, were chosen for further analysis. The biggest part of the first main component has fruit shape and locule number. The second component is determinated by dry matter content, and the third by the fruit mass. For more precisely perception of homology and divergence between analyzed genotypes, nonhierarchical grouping analysis (k-means) was performed, and genotypes were divided into three groups. Divergency was determinated for fruit mass and locule number, while for index shape and dry matter contetent analyzed genotypes are homologous. The aim of this study is to examine tomato genotypes variability for fruit traits.Paradajz (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) se odlikuje raznolikošću načina proizvodnje i upotrebe, zahvaljujući varijabilnosti koju čovek stvara oplemenjivanjem. Varijabilnost ispitivanih genotipova paradajza analizirana je za sledeće osobine ploda: prosečna masa, oblik, broj komora i sadržaj suve materije. Struktura izvora varijabilnosti određena je primenom metode glavnih komponenata (PCA). Za dalju analizu odabrano je tri glavne komponente, kojima je objašnjeno 94,2% ukupne varijabilnosti. Najveći udeo u prvoj glavnoj komponenti imaju oblik ploda i broj komora. Druga glavna komponenta definisana je sadržajem suve materije dok je masa ploda izdvojena u treću glavnu komponentu. U cilju jasnijeg sagledavanja sličnosti i razlika između genotipova paradajza, primenjena je nehijerarhijska analiza grupisanja (k-means), sa podelom genotipova u tri grupe. Utvrđeno je da se ispitivani genotipovi razlikuju u masi ploda i broju komora, dok su po obliku ploda i sadržaju suve materije sličniji. Cilj rada je ispitivanje varijabilnosti genotipova paradajza za osobine ploda

    Divergentnost u kolekciji pasulja prikazana analizom glavnih komponenata (PCA)

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    We studied the divergence of our beans collection. The study included two qualitative traits, grain color and shape, and 13 quantitative traits, namely three components of plant height, five direct yield components and five chemical properties of grain. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed which of the traits were decisive in genotype differentiation. The principal components were formed based on the correlation matrix and shown through unrotated and rotated values of trait correlation with the main axes. The percentage contribution of particular principal components to total variability was shown, as was the accumulation of variability. The variability of the collection was interpreted based on the seven principal components, the first one describing genotype productivity, the second grain shape, the third grain size, the fourth genotype harvestability and the last three describing the chemical composition of grain.Ispitivana je divergentnost kolekcije pasulja. Posmatrane su boja i oblik zrna pasulja kao kvalitativne i 13 kvantitativnih osobina (tri komponente visine biljke, pet direktnih komponenti prinosa i pet hemijskih osobina zrna). Analizom glavnih komponenata (PCA) utvrđeno je koje su od ispitivanih osobina odlučujuće u diferenciranju genotipova. Glavne komponente su formirane na osnovu korelacione matrice. Prikaz glavnih komponenti vršen je preko nerotiranih i preko rotiranih vrednosti korelacija osobina sa glavnim osama. Prikazan je procentualni udeo pojedinih glavnih komponenata u ukupnoj varijabilnosti, kao i kumulacija varijabilnosti. Za objašnjenje varijabilnost kolekcije dovoljno je bilo sedam glavnih komponenata. Prva glavna komponenta govori o produktivnosti genotipa, druga o obliku zrna, treća o krupnoći zrna, četvrta o pogodnosti genotipova za žetvu, a ostale tri o hemijskom sastavu zrna

    Quality differences among garlic ecotypes

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    Garlic quality is comprised of bulb yield components and dry matter content Garlic has the highest dry matter content of all vegetable crops. Clove mass as a yield component, along with dry matter content, is the basis for determining garlic quality for food industry and seed production purposes alike. Predominant in our country’s garlic production are domestic ecotypes which give lower yields than cultivars resulting from breeding. In the present paper, we studied the divergence of garlic ecotypes by analyzing their dry matter content and clove size. The study lasted three years and involved 48 garlic ecotypes (18 autumn and 30 spring ones). Using hierarchical clustering, a very low variability of dry matter content was found in the autumn ecotypes. Differences in clove mass were very pronounced so four ecotype groups were formed that differed in the number of ecotypes as well as in the value of this trait. The spring garlic ecotypes were very heterogeneous in terms of bulb mass and dry matter content and were accordingly divided into six and five groups, respectively

    Root and onion vegetables

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    Traditional greenhouse vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce, are common vegetables found almost year-round in supermarkets. Improved quality of life and consumer buying capacity have increased the demand for other commodities, including herbs, roots, tubers, green onions and exotic vegetables. Production practices and technologies for growing less common greenhouse root and onion vegetables are presented to growers in an easily understandable manner. Greenhouse radish, carrot, onion and garlic for green-leaf market-oriented production are included. Guidelines are provided on technologies for growing roots and onions for green leaves in different crop protected cultivation constructions, including greenhouses, tunnels, low tunnels and fields covered with agrotextile materials for temporary frost protection

    Stability of head weight in cabbage accessions (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

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    An understanding of the causes of genotype x environment interaction can help in identifying traits and environments for better cultivar evaluation. The fact that head formation depends on other factors besides the cabbage accessions involved, makes it necessary to investigate accessions responses to agroecological growing conditions. Studied in the present paper was the stability of 21 cabbage accessions (10 cultivars and 11 F1-hybrids) with regard to head weight over three growing seasons. Joint analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the cabbage accessions, study years and accessions x year interactions. The parameter stability test showed that seven of the accessions (Kopenhaski and Elisa-F1 as early type; Tucana-F1 as summer type; Srpski melez, SG-3014, Ljubljanski and Rodeo-F1 as late type) significantly deviated from the regression line. Four of the seven accessions are cultivars and three F1-hybrids. These accessions had quite different regression coefficients around or above the value of one. Analysis of stability parameters for head weight showed the following accessions to be very stable: Copenhagen market (an early variety), Grenadier-F1 (a summer cabbage) and Ljubljanski (a late variety)

    Multivariaciona analiza mase glavice i prinosa eksperimentalnih hibrida kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

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    This paper reviews characters of 18 cabbage genotypes (9 experimental hybrids vs 4 cultivars and 5 hybrids from the domestic commercial production). The experimental genotypes differed in head weight, growing season and yield performance. The analysis of variability of the characters was performed by the PCA method. The two characters selected by the scree test accounted for 57.7% of the variability. Based on head weight and yield performance, the tested hybrids were classified into two clusters that differed quantitatively.Masa glavice i prinos su najznačajnija svojstva ekonomskog prinosa kupusa. Tokom procesa oplemenjivanja ispituju se eksperimentalni hibridi u poređenju sa aktualno gajenim sortama i hibridima u proizvodnji. U ovom radu su prikazane karakteristike 18 genotipova kupusa, (9 eksperimentalnih hibrida, 4 sorte i 5 hibrida iz šire proizvodnje). Genotipovi kupusa u ogledu su različite mase glavice a samim tim i prinosa, obzirom da su i različite dužine vegetacije. Analiza varijabilnosti osobina vršena je PCA metodom, gde je na osnovu scree testa, odabrano dve glavne komponente kojima je definisano 57.7% varijabilnosti. Masa glavice i prinos su osobine na osnovu kojih su ispitivani hibridi razvrstani u kvantitativno različite grupe, čime su bliže određene njihove vrednosti

    Regression analysis of head mass and mass of useful part of head in cabbage (Brassica oleracea Var. capitata L)

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    The objective of this paper was to determine the genetic mode of inheritance of quantitative traits in cabbage via regression analysis in complete diallel crossing.The regression analysis of head mass traits showed that the regression line was distant from the limiting parabola, indicating nonadditive gene action in head mass inheritance. The expected line of regression intersected the Wr axis below the coordinate origin, confirming the presence of superdominance in this inheritance. As useful head part mass comprises the bulk of total head mass, the regression analysis results were similar. The regression line was also far from the limiting parabola indicating nonadditive gene action in this trait's inheritance. Similarly the regression line intersected the Wr axis below the origin, suggesting we had a case of superdominance in the inheritance of this trait as well

    Dialelna analiza osobina ploda kod lubenica

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    Current demands of consumers and thus producers are important when targeting watermelon breeding programs, especially in programs aimed at improvement of fruit traits. A complete diallel set has been investigated for breeding values of six watermelon lines, via general and specific combining ability, relationships between general and specific combining ability, heritability and heterosis for fruit size, rind thickness, soluble solids and fruit shape. The lines P2 and P4 were good general combiners for fruit size. These lines also had high values of specific combining ability in direct and reciprocal crosses. The lines with negative general combining ability for fruit size (P1 and P5) can be used in breeding for small fruits (4-6 kg), good taste (high sugar content), desired rind thickness, desired fruit form and high fruit ratio. Relationships between general and specific combining ability indicated that the additive effect played an important role in the expression of fruit weight, rind thickness and sugar content, while fruit shape was inherited incompletely dominantly.Pozitivne vrednosti GCA za krupnoću ploda su imali dva roditelja, P2 i P4, koji se mogu koristiti kako u direktnim tako i u recipročnim ukrštanjima, za stvaranje hibrida veće krupnoće. Visoko negativne vrednosti GCA su imali P1 i P5, te se ove linije mogu koristiti za stvaranje hibrida manje krupnoće ploda (od 4-6 kg), dobrog ukusa (9,8 %SS), željene debljine kore, odgovarajućeg oblika i visokog randmana ploda. GCA/SCA odnosom ustanovljeno je da aditivni efekat ima važnu ulogu u ekspresiji mase ploda, debljine kore i %SS. Ova istraživanja ukazuju da je za stvaranje hibrida lubenica, zavisno od postavljenog modela, neophodno korišćenje divergentnih linija za ispitivane osobine ploda, a posebno za masu (veličinu) ploda

    Uticaj genotipa i spoljne sredine na prinos i kvalitet jesenjeg belog luka

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    Genotype response to changeable environmental factors as ex-pressed through genotype x environment interaction offers important in-formation to breeders and growers as end users. Bulb mass and dry matter yield per bulb are major components of garlic yield and quality. The paper analyzed G x E interaction of 18 winter garlic genotypes (13 populations and five clones) across three growing seasons. Main effects of the genotype, environment and their interaction were determined applying the AMMI model. Year was the major source of variability for bulb mass (70.7%), while G x E interaction amounted to 6.18%. Dry matter yield was most variable under the effect of genotype (46.91%) and the interaction was high, 13.45%. The first principal component was important for bulb mass and dry matter yield since it explained 77.52% and 78.39% of the G x E interactions, respectively. A biplot was constructed to graphically represent the G x E interaction.Značajnu informaciju o genotipu za oplemenjivače i proizvođače kao krajnje korisnike, predstavlja njegov odgovor na promenljive faktore sredine, koji je izražen preko interakcije genotipa sa spoljnom sredinom. Prinos i kvalitet belog luka predstavljeni su masom lukovice i prinosom suve materije po lukovice. U radu je analizirana G x E interakcija 18 genotipova (13 populacija i 5 klonova) jesenjeg belog luka tokom tri vegetacione sezone. Primenom AMMI modela ustanovljeni su glavni efekti genotipova za ispitivane osobine preko glavnog efekta sredine za genotipove i njihove interakcije. Najveći izvor varijabilnosti za masu lukovice imale su godine (70,7%) dok je interakcija iznosila 6,18%. Prinos suve materije je najviše varirao pod uticajem genonotipa (46,91%) i visok udeo interakcije 13,45 %. Za masu lukovice i prinos suve materije je značajna prva glavna komponenta, kojom je objašnjeno 77,52% odnosno 78,39% G x E interakcije. Korišćen je biplot da bi se grafički predstavila G x E interakcija