4,127 research outputs found

    Nivel de satisfacción del paciente renal acerca del cuidado enfermero que recibe en la Clínica de Hemodiálisis Benedicto XVI 2015

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDeterminar el Nivel de Satisfacción del Paciente renal acerca del cuidado enfermero que recibe en la Clínica de Hemodiálisis Benedicto XVI 2015. El estudio fue de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal; la técnica fue la entrevista y el instrumento una escala de Likert validado, modificado y aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Del 100% (40), 70%(28) es medianamente satisfactorio, 15% (6) satisfactorio y 15% (6) insatisfactorio. En la dimensión humana 78%(31) medianamente satisfactorio, 19% (4) satisfactorio y 12% (5) insatisfactorio; en la dimensión oportuna 73% (29) medianamente satisfactorio, 12% (5) satisfactorio y 15% (6) insatisfactorio; en la dimensión continua 73% (29) medianamente satisfactorio, 15% (6) satisfactorio y 12% (5) insatisfactorio; en la dimensión segura 73% (29) medianamente satisfactorio, 10% (4) satisfactorio y 17% (7) insatisfactorio. Los ítems medianamente satisfactorio 48% (19) rara vez le invita a expresar lo que siente, 42% (17) sobre los cuidados en casa, y 32% (13) permanece a su lado; lo insatisfactorio 25% (10) olvida saludarlo y llamarle por su nombre, 5% (2) acudir inmediatamente ante alguna molestia; y lo satisfactorio 37% (15) muestra interés por el estado de salud, 48% (19) le pregunta cómo se encuentra y 52% (21) responde a sus dudas . La mayoría es medianamente satisfactoria porque rara vez le invita a expresar lo que siente, indaga sobre el sangrado, le orienta sobre los cuidados en casa, y permanece a su lado durante todo el procedimiento; seguido por una mínimo porcentaje insatisfactorio porque olvida saludarlo y llamarle por su nombre, acudir ante alguna molestia, orientarle sobre los medicamentos; y un mínimo porcentaje satisfactorio muestra interés por el estado de salud, responde sus dudas, y al finalizar el tratamiento le ayuda y le pregunta sobre cómo se encuentra.Trabajo académic

    Delineating a Stream Network at Gale Crater, Mars, on ArcGIS Pro: A Geographic Information Systems Approach

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    The northwestern region of the Gale crater experienced flooding in the past. Delineation of stream networks for the northwestern region of Gale Crater, Mars employing geographic information systems (GIS) techniques is applied. The stream network produced by the algorithm in the study traverses the clay unit in Gediz Vallis, and visual HiRISE imagery analysis correlates with a topologic cross section of an inverted river channel of 750 meters wide and 90 meters deep. HiRISE imagery analysis further confirms a sulfate and clay stratigraphic unit in a stream 125 meters wide and 25 meters deep. Lastly, data smoothing procedures in the analysis are cross referenced by examining the Curiosity rover landing site. This area is visually analyzed via a HiRISE stamp and the stream network, which suggests minimal change in elevation. The findings of this work and the reliability of the results suggest implementation of GIS tools for continued surficial planetary exploration. The production of thematic hydrologic maps for larger regions on Mars and other rocky planets will serve as a dependable educational tool for mission planning as well as pedagogic benefit

    Impacts of fuel consumption taxes on mobility patterns and CO2 emissions using a system dynamic approach

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    Current transport behaviour leads to increasing congestion of the infrastructure, growing dependence on fossil fuels, increasing energy demand, and growing CO2 emissions. Policies based principally on increasing system speed and in particular car speeds will lead to greater urban sprawl with increases in average trip lengths. Time saved by speed increases are traded for more distance. This trend is not sustainable in the longer term. Transport policies based just on time savings for citizens may not be the basis for our city planning strategy. The same happens with transport cost. With underpriced transport, the market undervalues land use location, which again may lead city to sprawl and could induce greater trip lengths. In this study, the efficiency of a fuel consumption or CO2 tax policy is analysed as a policy to internalise externalities of transport in a fair travel cost. Based on system dynamics theory, an integrated land use and transport model is proposed in order to assess the effects and impacts of such policy in the short, medium and long term. Different scenarios related to clean vehicles are incorporated. This model is applied to three cities Madrid, Vienna and Leeds and compares their results

    City profile: The Bogotá Metropolitan Area that never was

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    Bogotá's urban and regional planning has focused on pressing demographic, economic, and urban development needs that can no longer be administered without a comprehensive understanding of its surrounding region. Population growth in municipalities in the vicinity of Bogotá is twice that of the city, which in some cases has led to a functional integration and conurbation as part of the same territory, despite having different governments and uncoordinated urban development plans. This paper revisits the evolution of the governance and regulatory framework of Bogotá and its surrounding region, as contrasted with the spatial and socioeconomic aspects at the larger metropolitan scale, and analyses its effects on the current configuration of the city-region that we identify as the Bogotá Metropolitan Area. The paper draws conclusions from primary and secondary information, providing insights into the recent and future development of the city and its metropolitan area that is yet to be officially constituted

    Assessing equity in transport accessibility to work and study: The Bogotá region

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    This research was aimed at exploring levels of equity in accessibility to employment and education in the city-region of Bogotá, Colombia's capital city. Building on consolidated methodologies for the assessment of potential accessibility, we estimate accessibility indicators at the zone level, evaluate how potential accessibility varies among income groups, and present evidence related to transport mode, in order to analyze social and spatial inequalities produced by the distribution of accessibility to employment and education activities. The research incorporates a method to evaluate how accessibility varies among zones according to average income and mode of transport in order to produce evidence-based arguments that can inform transport policy in the city-region of Bogotá, and other similar contexts in the Global South. Our results show strong distributional effects of the socio-spatial and economic structure of the city-region, its transport infrastructure and services, and the effect of current transport and land-use policies for citizens of different income groups. The tools and empirical evidence in this research seek to contribute to informed policy development in Latin America and other developing contexts, and feeding current debates on the role of accessibility in addressing social and spatial inequalities stemming from urban mobility

    Cycling diversity, accessibility, and equality: An analysis of cycling commuting in Bogotá

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    In a context of rising awareness for environmental concerns and promotion policies targeting non-motorized travel as a sustainable mobility solution, the bicycle has increasingly become an attractive transport mode in cities. However, accessibility to opportunities for people who cycle is not necessarily the same across socioeconomically different population segments, and it tends to be further constrained by high costs associated with the travel distance through the road network. This research examines equality in the accessibility to employment and education among cycle-user adults in Bogotá. Using 968 reported bicycle trips with these travel purposes in the 2015 Bogotá Household Travel Survey, we estimate a potential accessibility indicator and horizontal and vertical equality indicators. First, we identify three clusters through the K-prototypes method to classify bicycle commuters based on trip and socioeconomic characteristics, and second, we calculate potential accessibility using GIS-based trip distance decay functions, which is later assessed through equality indices such as Lorenz Curves, Gini index and Palma Ratio. Results show marked differences in potential accessibility to work and study opportunities between and within clusters, where up to 90% of the analyzed population of a cyclists' cluster has access to 30% of the job and study opportunities, indicating social and spatial inequalities produced by the urban structure and individual and household characteristics of regular cyclists. Results can guide in the implementation of accurate transport policies towards more equitable and sustainable transport in cities that are experiencing increases in bicycle ridership

    Walk this way: Pedestrian accessibility and equity in Barranquilla and Soledad, Colombia

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    As a transport mode available to everyone and most abled-bodied urban residents, walking is, actually, the most equitable mode of transport. Walking brings several benefits to inhabitants among money savings and health improvement. Unfortunately, despite its benefits, walking is not a priority in the urban planning agenda of some cities, especially in the Global South. Walkability conditions in some areas of these cities are not particularly friendly for pedestrians, which discourage walking trips and promotes inequities across inhabitants. Evidence supporting inequalities in the provision of adequate conditions for the use of active transport in the Global South cities remain scarce. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap by first proposing a framework to link pedestrian accessibility with walkability measures. Specifically, we use a macro-scale measure of pedestrian accessibility and a meso-scale measure of walkability to compare walking conditions on different zones in Barranquilla and Soledad, Colombia. After comparing both measures, we found that low-income zones have higher walkability indexes but present lower potential pedestrian accessibility. In contrast, the highest potential pedestrian accessibilities were located in high and medium-income zones, where people rely more on private transport modes. This imbalance regarding supply and demand conditions for walking trips suggest that unfortunately, zones with the highest potential of being walkable are the ones that face more barriers to walk. Then, adequate planning policies when implemented in the right locations could promote higher use of walking and have the potential to reduce current inequalities in pedestrian infrastructure provision

    Urban transport planning and access inequalities: A tale of two Colombian cities

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    Accessibility inequalities are a common trait of many Global South cities. Such inequalities are often the result of urban development trajectories and inherited practices of transport planning marked by spatial segregation and decades of car-centred development. This situation, repeated across Latin American cities, tends to affect mostly the poor in the urban peripheries. Despite available evidence of access inequalities on a case-to-case basis, comparative evidence across cities within the same region is still limited. Our paper addresses this gap by deploying a comparative accessibility assessment of inequalities in accessibility in the two Colombian cities of Bogotá and Barranquilla. Our comparison suggests that by following similar patterns of urban transport development, Bogotá and Barranquilla have reached similar accessibility and affordability patterns. Wealthier areas benefit from the triad of better transport coverage, proximity to opportunities, and higher purchasing power, while the poor in both cities face deep affordability and spatial segregation problems. Despite their similarities, our analysis reveals the effects of long-term decision-making in the number of opportunities which can be reached by different transport modes and population segments. Accessibility per capita in public transport is higher in Bogotá than in Barranquilla, and vice versa in private vehicles. These results are consistent with nearly a decade of implementation of different urban transport policies in both cities, which in Bogotá have been more public-transport-oriented than in Barranquilla. Findings also suggest that public transport-related policies can contribute to redefining urban trajectories, as both cities have experienced demographic and urban footprint increases in years. Similarities and differences in spatial and economic dimensions of accessibility serve as a mirror against which we assess transport's role in urban equality in similar global south cities. The discussion in this paper can be helpful to decision-makers as it recalls that some urban and transport policies and investments may have undesired long-term impacts in urban growth and access equality across the city

    Dispersión urbana. Estudio de la comunidad de Madrid por corredores y su dependencia del centro

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    Analizando la evolución de la movilidad de la Comunidad de Madrid bajo un contexto de un sistema equilibrado enfocado a la reducción de costes totales de transporte y escenarios más eficientes, es decir, hacia una movilidad más sostenible, se tiene que el gran aumento de la motorización y la dependencia del coche, no contribuyen a este objetivo. Entre 1996 y 2004 la movilidad en Madrid ha aumentado casi en un 40%, debido principalmente al crecimiento de la población, pero también a que las personas cada vez viajan más. Generalmente, los desplazamientos realizados en la Comunidad de Madrid presentaban una alta dependencia con la zona central del municipio. Sin embargo, esta tendencia dependiente del centro poco a poco ha venido mostrando un cambio y ahora muestra una inclinación a darle una mayor importancia a los movimientos transversales. De esta manera, la nueva tendencia de la movilidad en Madrid es dejar a un lado el concepto de ciudad monocéntrica ya que progresivamente se vienen desarrollado importantes núcleos atractores de viajes fuera del Municipio de Madrid y cerca de importantes infraestructuras viales de transporte. Esta comunicación presenta el análisis de los resultados desde el punto de vista de movilidad y equilibrio territorial que esta dispersión y descentralización de las principales actividades de la ciudad genera. El análisis se ha llevado a cabo bajo una estructura sectorial por corredores como ejes principales de movilidad de la Comunidad sobre los que se han caracterizado la movilidad y el territorio de cara a discernir si esta evolución conduce a escenarios autosuficientes de concentración policéntrica o si por el contrario a escenarios mucho más difusos de dispersión urbana