5 research outputs found

    Detection of human endogenous retrovirus type K-specific transcripts in testicular parenchyma and testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults: clinical and biological implications

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    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults have been shown to contain proteins of the human endogenous retrovirus type K family. In a recent study, expression of these retroviral sequences was confirmed using in situ hybridization, which also showed expression in carcinoma in situ, the precursor of all TGCTs. Because of the clinical significance of a test for early diagnosis of TGCTs, we studied whether expression of human endogenous retrovirus type K genes could be an informative parameter. Therefore, we investigated TGCTs of various histologies and testicular parenchyma with and without carcinoma in situ using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for expression of the gag, env, and prt genes. The gag and prt genes were expressed in all samples tested. The env transcripts were not found in TGCTs showing somatic differentiation only but could be detected in most normal testicular parenchyma samples. Therefore, detection of human endogenous retrovirus type K transcripts cannot be used for early diagnosis of TGCTs. Simultaneous expression of multiple gag sequences was found both in normal parenchyma and TGCTs, and we demonstrated that expression of gag sequences with an extra G, necessary to generate a functional protein, was not limited to TGCTs

    Coamplification of DAD-R, SOX5, and EKI1 in human testicular seminomas, with specific overexpression of DAD-R, correlates with reduced levels of apoptosis and earlier clinical manifestation

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    Seminomas and nonseminomas represent the invasive stages of testicular (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults. Although TGCTs are characterized by extra copies of the short arm of chromosome 12, the genetic basis for gain of 12p in the pathogenesis of this cancer is not yet understood. We have demonstrated that gain of 12p is related to invasive growth and that amplification of specific 12p sequences, i.e., 12p11.2-p12.1, correlates with reduced apoptosis in the tumors. Here we show that three known genes map within the newly determined shortest region of overlap of amplification (SROA): DAD-R, SOX5, and EKI1. Whereas EKI1 maps close to the telomeric region of the SROA, DAD-R is the first gene at the centromeric region within the 12p amplicon. Although all three genes are amplified to the same level within the SROA, expression of DAD-R is significantly up-regulated in seminomas with the restricted 12p amplification compared with seminomas without this amplicon. DAD-R is also highly expressed in nonseminomas of various histologies and derived cell lines, both lacking such amplification. This finding is of particular interest because seminomas with the restricted 12p amplification and nonseminomas are manifested clinically in the third decade of life and show a low degree of apoptosis. In contrast, seminomas lacking a restricted 12p amplification, showing significantly lower levels of DAD-R with pronounced apoptosis, manifest clinically in the fourth decade of life. A low level of DAD-R expression is also observed in normal testicular parenchyma and in parenchyma containing the precursor cells of this cancer, i.e., carcinoma in situ. Therefore, elevated DAD-R expression in seminomas and nonseminomas correlates with invasive growth and a reduced level of apoptosis associated with an earlier clinical presentation. These data implicate DAD-R as a candidate gene responsible in part for the pathological effects resulting from gain of 12p sequences in TGCTs. In addition, our results also imply differences in expression regulation of DAD-R between seminomas and nonseminomas

    Restricted 12p amplification and RAS mutation in human germ cell tumors of the adult testis

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    Human testicular germ-cell tumors of young adults (TGCTs), both seminomas and nonseminomas, are characterized by 12p overrepresentation, mostly as isochromosomes, of which the biological and clinical significance is still unclear. A limited number of TGCTs has been identified with an additional high-level amplification of a restricted region of 12p including the K-RAS proto-oncogene. Here we show that the incidence of these restricted 12p amplifications is approximately 8% in primary TGCTs. Within a single cell formation of i(12p) and restricted 12p amplification is mutually exclusive. The borders of the amplicons cluster in short regions, and the amplicon was never found in the adjacent carcinoma in situ cells. Seminomas with the restricted 12p amplification virtually lacked apoptosis and the tumor cells showed prolonged in vitro survival like seminoma cells with a mutated RAS gene. However, no differences in proliferation index between these different groups of seminomas were found. Although patients with a seminoma containing a homogeneous restricted 12p amplification presented at a significantly younger age than those lacking it, the presence of a restricted 12p amplification/RAS mutation did not predict the stage of the disease at clinical presentation and the treatment response of primary seminomas. In 55 primary and metastatic tumors from 44 different patients who failed cisplatinum-based chemotherapy, the restricted 12p amplification and RAS mutations had the same incidence a

    Stem cell factor receptor (c-KIT) codon 816 mutations predict development of bilateral testicular germ-cell tumors

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    Testicular germ-cell tumors (TGCTs) of adolescents and adults originate from intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN), which is composed of the malignant counterparts of embryonal germ cells. ITGCN cells are characterized, among others, by the presence of stem cell factor receptor c-KIT. Once established, ITGCN will always progress to invasiveness. Approximately 2.5-5% of patients with a TGCT will develop bilateral disease and require complete castration, resulting in infertility, a need for lifelong androgen replacement, and psychological stress. To date, the only way to predict a contralateral tumor is surgical biopsy of the contralateral testis to demonstrate ITGCN. We did a retrospective study of 224 unilateral and 61 proven bilateral TGCTs (from 46 patients, in three independently collected series in Europe) for the presence of activating c-KIT codon 816 mutations. A c-KIT codon 816 mutation was found in three unilateral TGCT (1.3%), and in 57 bilateral TGCTs (93%; P < 0.0001). In the two wild-type bilateral tumors for which ITGCN was available, the preinvasive cells contained the mutation. The mutations were somatic in origin and identical in both tumors. We conclude that somatic activating codon 816 c-KIT mutations are associated with development of bilateral TGCT. Detection of c-KIT codon 816 mutations in unilateral TGCT identifies patients at risk for bilateral disease. These patients may undergo tailored treatment to prevent the development of bilateral disease, with retention of testicular hormonal function