38 research outputs found

    Brane Inflation and Moduli Stabilization on Twisted Tori

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    We consider supergravity compactifications on 6-dimensional twisted tori, which are 5-torus fibrations of the circle. The motion of branes on such manifolds can lead to power-law potentials at low energy, that may be useful for inflation. We classify the possible low energy potentials one can obtain by wrapping branes on different cycles of the fibre. Turning to the problem of moduli stabilization in such models, we prove a no-go result for solutions with parametrically small cosmological constant, under certain assumptions for the orientifolds and D-branes. We also consider the role of discrete Wilson lines in moduli stabilization on general closed manifolds, and show that gauge invariance restricts their contributions to the effective potential. We derive the allowed discrete Wilson lines in massive Type IIA supergravity on twisted tori. We conclude with a detailed example, computing the effective potentials in a class of models involving a twisted torus and an orientifold 6-plane.Comment: 31+20 pages. v2: added references. v3: JHEP versio

    Three Dimensional Bosonization From Supersymmetry

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    Three dimensional bosonization is a conjectured duality between non-supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories coupled to matter fields in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. There is a well-established supersymmetric version of this duality, which involves Chern-Simons theories with N=2{\cal N} = 2 supersymmetry coupled to fundamental chiral multiplets. Assuming that the supersymmetric duality is valid, we prove that non-supersymmetric bosonization holds for all planar correlators of single-trace operators. The main tool we employ is a double-trace flow from the supersymmetric theory to an IR fixed point, in which the scalars and fermions are effectively decoupled in the planar limit. A generalization of this technique can be used to derive the duality mapping of all renormalizable couplings, in non-supersymmetric theories with both a scalar and a fermion. Our results do not rely on an explicit computation of planar diagrams.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. v2: added reference

    The Holographic Dictionary for Beta Functions of Multi-trace Coupling Constants

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    Field theories with weakly coupled holographic duals, such as large N gauge theories, have a natural separation of their operators into `single-trace operators' (dual to single-particle states) and `multi-trace operators' (dual to multi-particle states). There are examples of large N gauge theories where the beta functions of single-trace coupling constants all vanish, but marginal multi-trace coupling constants have non-vanishing beta functions that spoil conformal invariance (even when all multi-trace coupling constants vanish). The holographic dual of such theories should be a classical solution in anti-de Sitter space, in which the boundary conditions that correspond to the multi-trace coupling constants depend on the cutoff scale, in a way that spoils conformal invariance. We argue that this is realized through specific bulk coupling constants that lead to a running of the multi-trace coupling constants. This fills a missing entry in the holographic dictionary.Comment: 31 pages. v2: added references. v3: added references, JHEP versio

    The Thermal Free Energy in Large N Chern-Simons-Matter Theories

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    We compute the thermal free energy in large N U(N) Chern-Simons-matter theories with matter fields (scalars and/or fermions) in the fundamental representation, in the large temperature limit. We note that in these theories the eigenvalue distribution of the holonomy of the gauge field along the thermal circle does not localize even at very high temperatures, and this affects the computation significantly. We verify that our results are consistent with the conjectured dualities between Chern-Simons-matter theories with scalar fields and with fermion fields, as well as with the strong-weak coupling duality of the N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theory.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures. v2: minor corrections, added references. v3: added pdfoutpu

    Classification of Energy Flow Observables in Narrow Jets

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    We present a classification of energy flow variables for highly collimated jets. Observables are constructed by taking moments of the energy flow and forming scalars of a suitable Lorentz subgroup. The jet shapes are naturally arranged in an expansion in both angular and energy resolution, allowing us to derive the natural observables for describing an N-particle jet. We classify the leading variables that characterize jets with up to 4 particles. We rediscover the familiar jet mass, angularities, and planar flow, which dominate the lowest order substructure variables. We also discover several new observables and we briefly discuss their physical interpretation.Comment: 11 pages and 1 figur