213 research outputs found

    PAC-Bayesian High Dimensional Bipartite Ranking

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    This paper is devoted to the bipartite ranking problem, a classical statistical learning task, in a high dimensional setting. We propose a scoring and ranking strategy based on the PAC-Bayesian approach. We consider nonlinear additive scoring functions, and we derive non-asymptotic risk bounds under a sparsity assumption. In particular, oracle inequalities in probability holding under a margin condition assess the performance of our procedure, and prove its minimax optimality. An MCMC-flavored algorithm is proposed to implement our method, along with its behavior on synthetic and real-life datasets

    An Oracle Inequality for Quasi-Bayesian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

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    The aim of this paper is to provide some theoretical understanding of quasi-Bayesian aggregation methods non-negative matrix factorization. We derive an oracle inequality for an aggregated estimator. This result holds for a very general class of prior distributions and shows how the prior affects the rate of convergence.Comment: This is the corrected version of the published paper P. Alquier, B. Guedj, An Oracle Inequality for Quasi-Bayesian Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 2017, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 55-67. Since then Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE) found a mistake in the proofs. We fixed the mistake at the price of a slightly different logarithmic term in the boun

    Pycobra: A Python Toolbox for Ensemble Learning and Visualisation

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    We introduce \texttt{pycobra}, a Python library devoted to ensemble learning (regression and classification) and visualisation. Its main assets are the implementation of several ensemble learning algorithms, a flexible and generic interface to compare and blend any existing machine learning algorithm available in Python libraries (as long as a \texttt{predict} method is given), and visualisation tools such as Voronoi tessellations. \texttt{pycobra} is fully \texttt{scikit-learn} compatible and is released under the MIT open-source license. \texttt{pycobra} can be downloaded from the Python Package Index (PyPi) and Machine Learning Open Source Software (MLOSS). The current version (along with Jupyter notebooks, extensive documentation, and continuous integration tests) is available at \href{https://github.com/bhargavvader/pycobra}{https://github.com/bhargavvader/pycobra} and official documentation website is \href{https://modal.lille.inria.fr/pycobra}{https://modal.lille.inria.fr/pycobra}

    A Quasi-Bayesian Perspective to Online Clustering

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    When faced with high frequency streams of data, clustering raises theoretical and algorithmic pitfalls. We introduce a new and adaptive online clustering algorithm relying on a quasi-Bayesian approach, with a dynamic (i.e., time-dependent) estimation of the (unknown and changing) number of clusters. We prove that our approach is supported by minimax regret bounds. We also provide an RJMCMC-flavored implementation (called PACBO, see https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PACBO/index.html) for which we give a convergence guarantee. Finally, numerical experiments illustrate the potential of our procedure

    Wasserstein PAC-Bayes Learning: A Bridge Between Generalisation and Optimisation

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    PAC-Bayes learning is an established framework to assess the generalisation ability of learning algorithm during the training phase. However, it remains challenging to know whether PAC-Bayes is useful to understand, before training, why the output of well-known algorithms generalise well. We positively answer this question by expanding the \emph{Wasserstein PAC-Bayes} framework, briefly introduced in \cite{amit2022ipm}. We provide new generalisation bounds exploiting geometric assumptions on the loss function. Using our framework, we prove, before any training, that the output of an algorithm from \citet{lambert2022variational} has a strong asymptotic generalisation ability. More precisely, we show that it is possible to incorporate optimisation results within a generalisation framework, building a bridge between PAC-Bayes and optimisation algorithms

    Sequential Learning of Principal Curves: Summarizing Data Streams on the Fly

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    When confronted with massive data streams, summarizing data with dimension reduction methods such as PCA raises theoretical and algorithmic pitfalls. Principal curves act as a nonlinear generalization of PCA and the present paper proposes a novel algorithm to automatically and sequentially learn principal curves from data streams. We show that our procedure is supported by regret bounds with optimal sublinear remainder terms. A greedy local search implementation (called \texttt{slpc}, for Sequential Learning Principal Curves) that incorporates both sleeping experts and multi-armed bandit ingredients is presented, along with its regret computation and performance on synthetic and real-life data

    Differentiable PAC–Bayes Objectives with Partially Aggregated Neural Networks

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    We make two related contributions motivated by the challenge of training stochastic neural networks, particularly in a PAC–Bayesian setting: (1) we show how averaging over an ensemble of stochastic neural networks enables a new class of partially-aggregated estimators, proving that these lead to unbiased lower-variance output and gradient estimators; (2) we reformulate a PAC–Bayesian bound for signed-output networks to derive in combination with the above a directly optimisable, differentiable objective and a generalisation guarantee, without using a surrogate loss or loosening the bound. We show empirically that this leads to competitive generalisation guarantees and compares favourably to other methods for training such networks. Finally, we note that the above leads to a simpler PAC–Bayesian training scheme for sign-activation networks than previous work

    PAC-Bayes Generalisation Bounds for Heavy-Tailed Losses through Supermartingales

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    While PAC-Bayes is now an established learning framework for light-tailed losses (\emph{e.g.}, subgaussian or subexponential), its extension to the case of heavy-tailed losses remains largely uncharted and has attracted a growing interest in recent years. We contribute PAC-Bayes generalisation bounds for heavy-tailed losses under the sole assumption of bounded variance of the loss function. Under that assumption, we extend previous results from \citet{kuzborskij2019efron}. Our key technical contribution is exploiting an extention of Markov's inequality for supermartingales. Our proof technique unifies and extends different PAC-Bayesian frameworks by providing bounds for unbounded martingales as well as bounds for batch and online learning with heavy-tailed losses.Comment: New Section 3 on Online PAC-Baye

    Comparing Comparators in Generalization Bounds

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    We derive generic information-theoretic and PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds involving an arbitrary convex comparator function, which measures the discrepancy between the training and population loss. The bounds hold under the assumption that the cumulant-generating function (CGF) of the comparator is upper-bounded by the corresponding CGF within a family of bounding distributions. We show that the tightest possible bound is obtained with the comparator being the convex conjugate of the CGF of the bounding distribution, also known as the Cram\'er function. This conclusion applies more broadly to generalization bounds with a similar structure. This confirms the near-optimality of known bounds for bounded and sub-Gaussian losses and leads to novel bounds under other bounding distributions.Comment: AISTATS 202

    Differentiable PAC-Bayes Objectives with Partially Aggregated Neural Networks

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    We make three related contributions motivated by the challenge of training stochastic neural networks, particularly in a PAC-Bayesian setting: (1) we show how averaging over an ensemble of stochastic neural networks enables a new class of \emph{partially-aggregated} estimators; (2) we show that these lead to provably lower-variance gradient estimates for non-differentiable signed-output networks; (3) we reformulate a PAC-Bayesian bound for these networks to derive a directly optimisable, differentiable objective and a generalisation guarantee, without using a surrogate loss or loosening the bound. This bound is twice as tight as that of Letarte et al. (2019) on a similar network type. We show empirically that these innovations make training easier and lead to competitive guarantees
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