278 research outputs found

    Chaotic spin-spin entanglement on a recursive lattice

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    We propose an exactly solvable multisite interaction spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on a triangulated Husimi lattice for the rigorous studies of chaotic entanglement. By making use of the generalized star-triangle transformation, we map the initial model onto an effective Ising one on a Husimi lattice, which we solve then exactly by applying the recursive method. Expressing the entanglement of the Heisenberg spins, that we quantify by means of the concurrence, in terms of the magnetic quantities of the system, we demonstrate its bifurcation and chaotic behavior. Furthermore, we show that the underlying chaos may slightly enhance the amount of the entanglement, and present on the phase diagram the transition lines from the uniform to periodic and from the periodic to chaotic regimes.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Updated version for publicatio

    Clustering for Different Scales of Measurement - the Gap-Ratio Weighted K-means Algorithm

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    This paper describes a method for clustering data that are spread out over large regions and which dimensions are on different scales of measurement. Such an algorithm was developed to implement a robotics application consisting in sorting and storing objects in an unsupervised way. The toy dataset used to validate such application consists of Lego bricks of different shapes and colors. The uncontrolled lighting conditions together with the use of RGB color features, respectively involve data with a large spread and different levels of measurement between data dimensions. To overcome the combination of these two characteristics in the data, we have developed a new weighted K-means algorithm, called gap-ratio K-means, which consists in weighting each dimension of the feature space before running the K-means algorithm. The weight associated with a feature is proportional to the ratio of the biggest gap between two consecutive data points, and the average of all the other gaps. This method is compared with two other variants of K-means on the Lego bricks clustering problem as well as two other common classification datasets.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. This paper is under the review process for AIAP 201

    A compact entanglement distillery using realistic quantum memories

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    We adopt the beam splitter model for losses to analyse the performance of a recent compact continuous-variable entanglement distillation protocol [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 060502, (2012)] implemented using realistic quantum memories. We show that the decoherence undergone by a two-mode squeezed state while stored in a quantum memory can strongly modify the results of the preparatory step of the protocol. We find that the well-known method for locally increasing entanglement, phonon subtraction, may not result in entanglement gain when losses are taken into account. Thus, we investigate the critical number mcm_c of phonon subtraction attempts from the matter modes of the quantum memory. If the initial state is not de-Gaussified within mcm_c attempts, the protocol should be restarted to obtain any entanglement increase. Moreover, the condition mc>1m_c>1 implies an additional constraint on the subtraction beam splitter interaction transmissivity, viz. it should be about 50% for a wide range of protocol parameters. Additionally, we consider the average entanglement rate, which takes into account both the unavoidable probabilistic nature of the protocol and its possible failure as a result of a large number of unsuccessful subtraction attempts. We find that a higher value of the average entanglement can be achieved by increasing the subtraction beam splitter interaction transmissivity. We conclude that the compact distillation protocol with the practical constraints coming from realistic quantum memories allows a feasible experimental realization within existing technologies.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Updated version for publicatio

    Generation of entanglement in systems of intercoupled qubits

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    We consider systems of two and three qubits, mutually coupled by Heisenberg-type exchange interaction and interacting with external laser fields. We show that these systems allow one to create maximally entangled Bell states, as well as three qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states. In particular, we point out that some of the target states are the eigenstates of the initial bare system. Due to this, one can create entangled states by means of pulse area and adiabatic techniques, when starting from a separable (non-entangled) ground state. On the other hand, for target states, not present initially in the eigensystem of the model, we apply the robust stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and π\pi pulse techniques, that create desired coherent superpositions of non-entangled eigenstates.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Updated version for publicatio

    Image retrieval : a first step for a human centered approach

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    International audienceImage indexing using content analysis is known as a difficult task, involving the vision research domain. Using these tools in the context of a retrieval system is generally frustrating for users, due to a lack of interfaces development, and to the difficulty for users to understand the low-level features managed by the system. We propose in this paper a general point of view for introducing a link between such systems and potential users. This includes image features based on visual perception models, a relevance feedback model, and a graphical interface to express the information need through user-system interaction

    A simple and efficient feedback control strategy for wastewater denitrification

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    Due to severe mathematical modeling and calibration difficulties open-loop feedforward control is mainly employed today for wastewater denitrification, which is a key ecological issue. In order to improve the resulting poor performances a new model-free control setting and its corresponding "intelligent" controller are introduced. The pitfall of regulating two output variables via a single input variable is overcome by introducing also an open-loop knowledge-based control deduced from the plant behavior. Several convincing computer simulations are presented and discussed.Comment: IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, Franc

    Optimal control and ultimate bounds of 1:2 nonlinear quantum systems

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    Using optimal control, we establish and link the ultimate bounds in time (referred to as quantum speed limit) and energy of two- and three-level quantum nonlinear systems which feature 1:2 resonance. Despite the unreachable complete inversion, by using the Pontryagin maximum principle, we determine the optimal time, pulse area, or energy, for a given arbitrary accuracy. We show that the third-order Kerr terms can be absorbed in the detuning in order to lock the dynamics to the resonance. In the two-level problem, we determine the non-linear counterpart of the optimal π\pi-pulse inversion for a given accuracy. In the three-level problem, we obtain an intuitive pulse sequence similar to the linear counterpart but with different shapes. We prove the (slow) logarithmic increasing of the optimal time as a function of the accuracy
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