17 research outputs found

    Detection of chromosome 21 aneuploidy by fluorescent in situ hybridization

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    Fluorescentna in situ hibridizacija (FISH) je nova visoko osetljiva metoda koja omogućava vizuelnu identifikaciju hromozoma ili delova hromozoma na preparatima. Ova nova metoda molekularne citogenetike zasnovana je na specifičnoj hibridizaciji ciljne DNK fiksirane na pločici i DNK probe obično obeležene biotinom. Visoka učestalost trizomije 21 (1 slučaj na 650 do 1000 novorođene dece) i povezanost sa teškim psihomotornim zastojem kod njihovih nosilaca, učinile su da je Daunov sindrom najviše izučavana hromozomska aberacija kod čoveka. Cilj ovog rada bio je razvijanje i primena FISH metode za brzu dstekciju aneuploidije hromozoma 21. Rezultati koji su ovde prikazani ukazuju da FISH predstavlja metodu koja se može primeniti za brzu prenatalnu dijagnostiku aneuploidija.Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a new highly sensitive method that enables visual identification of chromosomes or part of chromosomes on slides. This new molecular cytogenetic method is based on specific hybridization of the target DNA fixed on slide and DNA probe usually labelled with biotin. The frequency of trisomy 21 in the population (1 in 650 to 1000 live births) and association with psycho-motor delay, make Down's syndrome the most extensively studied human chromosome abnormality. The aim of this work was to develop and apply FISH for rapid detection of chromosome 21 aneuploidy. The results presented here indicate that FISH provides a method for rapid prenatal detection of aneuploidies


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    Smrzavanje je jedan od najstarijih i najčešće korištenih postupaka konzervisanjamesa. Pored brojnih prednosti korištenja ovog načina konzervisanja, postupci smrzavanjamogu negativno uticati na formiranje određenih svojstava smrznutog mesa iproizvoda od mesa. Treba naglasiti da su negativni uticaji tokom smrzavanja i skladištenjamesa skoro zanemarivi u poređenju sa pozitivnim učincima.U toku smrzavanja i skladištenja proizvoda u smrznutom stanju, u proizvodu se odvijajurazličite hemijske promjene sastojaka, koje dovode do destabilizacije proteinskihgelova i emulzija i povećanog otpuštanja vode iz proizvoda tokom odmrzavanja.Najznačajnije promjene proteina u toku smrzavanja i skladištenja smrznutih proizvodasu denaturacija, oksidacija, kao i modifikacija aminokiselinskog lanca, formiranjeproteinskih polimera, smanjenje rastvorljivosti proteina, povećanje proteolitičkeaktivnosti, agregacija ili fragmentacija proteina, povećanje koncentracije karbonila.Navedene promjene povezane su sa smanjenjem funkcionalnih svojstava proteina ismanjenjem kvaliteta mesa i proizvoda od mesa nakon odmrzavanja.U ovom radu je analizirana literatura sa ciljem da se sistematizuje znanje o promjenamaproteina koje se dešavaju tokom smrzavanja i skladištenja mesa i proizvoda odmesa u smrznutom stanju i da se najnovije informacije iz ove oblasti prikažu stručnjacimau naučnim institucijama i praksi

    Marjansko Brdo: La Tène Period Horizon

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    The site of Marjansko brdo is located 16 km northwest from the city of Požarevac, halfway between the villages of Majilovac and Kurjače. During the rescue excavation campaign of 2022-2023, on the route of the future Požarevac-Veliko Gradište-Golubac motorway, conducted by the Institute of Archaeology from Belgrade, Marjansko brdo was investigated among 14 other potential archeological site locations. The downside of such excavations was the limited exploration zone of the expropriated land for the plotted road-to-be, that rarely exceeded 65-75 m, with some wider stretches, especially on the eastern part, where an intersection was planned. Archeological remains from the Marjansko brdo site were detected on a section almost 500 m long, that was divided into three sectors, separated naturally by two land depressions approximately 75 m long. The site yielded rich archaeological remains ranging from Neolithic, through Eneliothic, Bronze and Early Iron Age, to the late La Tène period, despite the fact that the excavated area within the expropriated zone only covered a possible periphery of the settlement, that could have been further north, where the land elevation is at its highest. Both vertical and horizontal stratigraphy were documented, with most of the finds in the western (Sector 1) and central sector (Sector 2). La Tène period on the site included at least 20 buried archaeological features, out of 75 documented on Marjansko brdo, and a cultural stratum spread sporadically across the western and central sector. Most of these features were pits filled with pottery, and animal bones to a lesser extent, that sometimes disturbed earlier horizons, most notably Vinča period houses. Movable finds included pottery fragments and metal objects that proposed late La Tène period dating. This paper will present finds of this horizon on the site as a contribution to the understanding of the period in the Eastern Serbia

    Late Bronze Age Eponymic Site on the Danube: Insights from the Faunal Remains and Archaeological Features at Žuto Brdo Site

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    Archaeological site Žuto brdo is located around the confluence of the Tumanska river with the Danube, in eastern Serbia, just before the Iron Gates. The first archaeological excavations of Žuto brdo site took place at the very beginning of the 20th century, and later the site was excavated several times. During 2022, due to the construction of the motor road Požarevac - Veliko Gradište - Golubac, protective archaeological investigations were conducted by the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade. During these excavations, a larger number of archaeological finds from the period of Late Bronze Age (Žuto brdo group) were discovered, as well as several finds from the period of Roman domination. The distribution and degree of fragmentation of the faunal and ceramic material indicated that the investigated area of the Žuto brdo archaeological site served as a garbage dump just beside a potential settlement. The results of the archaeozoological analysis indicated that the most represented were remains of domestic animals, that is, the remains of domestic cattle, caprines, domestic pigs and dogs. Wild mammals were represented with red deer, roe deer, wild boar, European hare and auroch. Other archaeological material provided lot of fragmented pots ornamented with typical rich decoration with white incrustation. Several anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines was found, as well as LBA amulets. Specific finds were presented by mold for typical lunular LBA pendants and, so far unique find of paleontological shell of the Potamides Bidentatus which could be first confirmation of fossil use, because shell tip is obviously used and numbed

    Антрополошка анализа скелетних остатака индивидуа из периода Културе гробних хумки (1600-1200. г.п.н.е.) сахрањених на локалитетима Растина (улица Вука Караџића) и Гаково (Локалитет Васин До)

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    Приликом заштитних ископавања на териорији Сомбора 2012. и 2013. године, на локалитетима Растина (улица Вука Караџића) и Гаково (локалитет Васин До) истражена су два гроба за које се претпоставља даприпадају старијој фази културе гробних хумки. Антрополошка анализа показала је да скелетни остаци у гробу 1 са локалитета Растина (улицаВука Караџића) припадају детету од око 10 година, док скелетни остациу гробу 1 са локалитета Гаково (Васин До) припадају млађој индивидуи мушког пола старости 15 –18 година. Анализа је показала да ни дете ни млађи мушкарац нису имали повољене услове живота, као и да су преживели неки метаболички стрест у току детињства, будући да је код обе индивидуе забележено присуство хипоплазије зубне глеђ и и cribraorbitaliae. Поред тога, код обе индивидуе је установљено присуство каријеса на по једном зубу, док је присуство каменца забележено на више зуба, што може бити последица исхране, лоше оралне хигијене и других фактора. Такође, код обе индивидуе је забележено присуство трагова немастикаторних активности, који указују на коришћење зуба као “треће руке”. Анализа припоја мишића код млађег мушкарца показала је да јеобављао неки тежи физички рад од раног детињства имајући у виду лезије на припојима мишића хумеруса као и закривљеност дијафиза. Присутна закривљеност обе дијафизе фемура указује на неки специфичан положај у којем је ова индивидуа била приликом обављања одређених активности. Резултати анализа стабилних изотопа угљеника (13C) и азота (15N), показали су да су обе индивидуе имале исхрану претежно базирану на C4 биљкама, као што је просо, док су протеини попут меса или рибе били мање заступљени. Обављена је и археозоолошка анализа која је открила врсте присутних животиња, као и антропогене трагове у виду касапљења. Антрополошка истраживања припадника ове културе за сада су оскудна, те стога анализа ових индивидуа, иако малобројних, пружа значајне податке о расту и развоју, активностима и исхрани носилаца културе гробних хумки

    An Insight into Animal Exploitation at the Roman Frontiers Throughout the Late Antiquity: A Case Study of Čortanovci, Mihaljevačka šuma – Prosjanice Site (Northern Serbia)

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    Archaeological site Prosjanice, in the Mihaljevačka šuma near the village of Čortanovci in Srem (Northern Serbia), is located on the right Danube bank, under the last slopes of Fruška gora mountain. At this position, remains of the Roman military border fortress, settlement, and necropolis were discovered. The fortress was built at the end of the 3rd/beginning of the 4th century AD and it was destroyed at the beginning of the Great Migrations period, in the second half of the 4th century in particular. Archaeological excavations of the southern part of the fortress, part of the cemetery, and one structure in the vicinity were carried out on several occasions during the second half of the 20th century. During 2018, two rescue campaigns were focused, among other contexts, on the remains of settlement and necropolis coeval with the fortress. The focus of research on the Roman Limes in Serbia primarily revolves around the fortifications, with considerably less published information concerning the surrounding areas and settlements associated with these fortifications. In Čortanovci during the 4th century, both the settlement and its cemetery were situated near the fortification. The settlement was inhabited by soldiers and their families, supported by the discovery of graves of women and children in the necropolis, along with other portable finds within the settlement. The significance of this paper is reflected in the fact that it represents preliminary results of the first archaeozoological analyses of the Roman settlement at Čortanovci, Mihaljevačka šuma – Prosjanice site, which provide an insight into animal exploitation strategies of the Roman soldiers and their families during the Late Antiquity

    Archaeology Workshops as an Educational Approach in Communication with the Public – Case Study Roman Games in Ptuj

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    The Roman Festival in Ptuj aims to connect the local community and visitors with the Roman heritage and present a part of Roman life that includes the army, gladiatorial fights, conflicts with the Barbarians, traditional Roman food, craftsmen, etc. Within the project “Sadike na prihodnost” supported by the Erasmus + programme, some educational activities were organised during the event. This was a good opportunity for the creation of specific and thematically defined archaeological workshops, which were used as a good educational approach in communication between professionals and the wider public. Visitors were also able to get acquainted with the skills required for the slingshot used by Roman soldiers, through a practical workshop that students prepared. In such a way it can be said that the project results contributed to a widening educational approach towards the Ptuj public and the local community

    Analysis of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins in pork meat by capillary gel electrophoresis

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    Myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins were extracted from pork meat (M. Longissimus dorsi) and then separated by capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE). Migration time and peak areas of individual protein molecules in the electropherogram were analysed. The electropherograms obtained after the separation of myofibrillar proteins contained 53 well-separated peaks, of which the following were identified: thymosin, myosin light chain-3 (MLC-3), myosin light chain-2 (MLC-2), troponin C, troponin I, myosin light chain-1 (MLC-1), tropomyosin 1, tropomyosin 2, troponin T, actin, desmin, troponin, C protein, and myosin heavy chain (MHC). The relative concentration of the identified myofibrillar proteins was 74.5%. Of the 56 separated sarcoplasmic proteins the following were identified: myoglobin, myokinase, triosephosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate mutase, lactate dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, aldolase, creatine kinase, enolase, phosphoglucose isomerase, pyruvate kinase, phosphoglucomutase, and phosphorylase b. The relative concentration of the identified sarcoplasmic proteins was 83.6% of all sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from the pork meat

    Effect of Antioxidants on the Colour Stability of Fermented Sausage “Sucuk” Type

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    Abstract: Purpose - The aim of this study was to investigate effect of some antioxidants on the cross section color stability of dry-fermented beef sausage “sucuk” type, during 120 minute exposure of sausage slices to air, at the temperature of 20°C and 4°C. Design/methodology/approach - Samples were produced in industrial conditions, seven experimental model samples with selected antioxidants added separately to each (sodium ascorbate, rosemary extract, green tea extract, ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, tocopherols and butylatedhydroxyanisole) and control sample, without antioxidants. Colour parameters, expressed as CIE L*, a* and b* values, total colour difference (∆E), the kinetics of colour change, chemical composition and pH value were determined. Findings - The cross section colour of all samples significantly changed (p<0.05), due to exposition of sausage cuts to air, but significantly smaller changes in colour (p<0.05) were observed in the samples kept at lower temperature. Dry-fermented beef sausage “sucuk” type, produced with selected antioxidants, can be sliced 120 minutes before serving and stored at the temperature of 4°C, and cross section colour changes are unrecognisable, but at the temperature of 20ºC colour changes are significantly greater. Addition of natural antioxidant, rosemary extract and green tea extract, have a positive effect on colour stability of tested sausage “sucuk” type. Originality/value - This paper provides information on colour changes during exposition of dry sausage cuts to air and the findings may be interesting for entrepreneurs whose activity is connected with serving these products in restaurants, catering services or the households

    The effects of anoinic and cationic surfactants on acid-base equilibria of irbesartan

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    In this study the pKa values of irbesartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, were determined by potentiometry and the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) on its protolytic equilibria have been investigated. It was observed that shift in pKa values is a result of complex electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions with the micelar solutions. Based on the obtained results drug interactions with biomolecules can be evaluated.12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, September 22-26, 2014 Belgrade, Serbi