15 research outputs found

    Association between a progesterone receptor mutation and hepatitis E sero-positivity in liver transplant recipients

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    Problem: We investigated if the PROGINS mutation increases the risk of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in liver transplant recipients. PROGINS was analyzed through KASP assay; HEV serologies assessed via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and multiplex cytokine assays were evaluated in plasma with the ProcartaPlex human immunoassay. Seventy liver transplant recipients were evaluated, of which 23 (33%) were HEV immunoglobuln G (IgG)-positive (HEV+). The frequency of PROGINS in the HEV+ group was 34%, compared with 14% in those that were HEV IgG negative (HEV−). Cytokine measurements in a sub-set of samples from HEV+/PROGINS+ individuals showed decreased plasma levels of monokine induced by gamma interferon, a proliferation-inducing ligand, and stem cell factor, as well as increased levels of eotaxin-3 and interleukin-31 compared with those HEV−/PROGINS− samples. Our findings suggest an association between the PROGINS mutation and seropositivity for HEV in liver transplant recipients with consequent distorted cytokine levels

    Biochemical measures and frailty in people with intellectual disabilities

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    Introduction: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) are earlier frail than people in the general population. Although this may be explained by lifelong unfavourable social, psychological and clinical causes, underlying physiological pathways might be considered too. Biological measures can help identify pathophysiological pathways. Therefore, we examined the association between frailty and a range of serum markers on inflammation, anaemia, the metabolic system, micronutrients and renal functioning. Methods: Participants (n = 757) with borderline to severe ID (50+) were recruited from three Dutch ID care and support services. Results: Frailty was measured with a frailty index, a measure based on the accumulation of deficits. Linear regression analyses were performed to identify associations between frailty and biochemical measures independent of age, gender, level of ID and the presence of Down syndrome. Frailty appears associated with inflammation (IL-6 and CRP), anaemia, metabolic markers (glucose, cholesterol and albumin) and renal functioning (cystatin-C and creatinine). Discussion: These results are in line with results observed in the general population. Future research needs to investigate the causal relation between biochemical measures and frailty, with a special focus on inflammation and nutrition. Furthermore, the possibility to screen for frailty using biochemical measures needs to be used

    Negative Regulation of Hepatitis C Virus Specific Immunity Is Highly Heterogeneous and Modulated by Pegylated Interferon-Alpha/Ribavirin Therapy

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    Specific inhibitory mechanisms suppress the T-cell response against the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in chronically infected patients. However, the relative importance of suppression by IL-10, TGF-β and regulatory T-cells and the impact of pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin (PegIFN-α/ribavirin) therapy on these inhibitory mechanisms are still unclear. We revealed that coregulation of the HCV-specific T-cell responses in blood of 43 chronic HCV patients showed a highly heterogeneous pattern before, during and after PegIFN-α/ribavirin. Prior to treatment, IL-10 mediated suppression of HCV-specific IFN-γ production in therapy-naive chronic HCV patients was associated with higher HCV-RNA loads, which suggests that protective antiviral immunity is controlled by IL-10. In addition, as a consequence of PegIFN-α/ribavirin therapy, negative regulation of especially HCV-specific IFN-γ production by TGF-β and IL-10 changed dramatically. Our findings emphasize the importance of negative regulation for the dysfunctional HCV-specific immunity, which should be considered in the design of future immunomodulatory therapies

    Immune activation in prolonged cART-suppressed HIV patients is comparable to that of healthy controls

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    Sustained immune activation during chronic HIV infection is considered to augment co-morbidity and mortality. Effective combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has shown to dampen immune activation especially during the first year cART, but the effects of long-term cART in patients without major comorbidities remains under-investigated. We performed a comprehensive analysis including cellular, intracellular and plasma biomarkers to study the effect of cART on immune parameters in 5 groups of 10 HIV patients. All patients were without major co-morbidities and grouped based on cART duration (0, 1, 3, 5, and 10 years). We included 10 matched healthy controls for comparison. Our data show that after the first year of cART, no additional effect on the level of inflammatory markers is observed in HIV infected patients without major co morbidities. Residual immune activation status in well-treated HIV-infection is similar to levels observed in healthy controls

    Immune dissociation during acute hepatitis E infection

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    Objective: We report the immune response during a case of acute HEV response in a patient with an acute hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 infection in the Netherlands. Methods: Cytokine evaluation was performed via multiplex cytokine array for 65 immune markers in plasma during the different phases of hepatitis. Results: The patient initially presented with features typical of acute viral hepatitis, with detectable HEV RNA in blood. This evolved into a cholestatic disease following peripheral clearance of the virus, leading to the demise of the patient. Real time PCR revealed the presence of HEV in liver tissue, suggestive of active intrahepatic infection despite clearance in blood. During the phase of detectable HEV RNA in serum, there was a surge in T-cell-related immune mediators, as well as interferon alpha and interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10), characteristic of a viral infection. After clearance of the virus in the blood and development of cholestatic hepatitis, several inflammatory markers subsided, followed by an increase in immune factors related to anti-inflammatory activity, as well as monocyte/macrophage-related markers, likely due to the intrahepatic presence of the virus. Conclusions: This report describes the dissociation of intra- and extra-hepatic immune responses during acute HEV infection. As shedding of the virus became solely intrahepatic, an immune prof

    Monocytes from chronic HBV patients react in vitro to HBsAg and TLR by producing cytokines irrespective of stage of disease

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    Individuals who are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) are highly heterogenous with respect to serum levels of HBV DNA, HBV particles and viral proteins. Since circulating leukocytes, such as monocytes, are constantly exposed to these viral components, it is likely that the functionality of these cells is affected. However, at present, little information is available on the consequences of the interaction between monocytes and viral components. Therefore, we examined the in vitro effects of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) on monocytes and evaluated whether these effects were reflected in vivo. We observed that in vitro HBsAg exposure of monocytes induced robust production of IL-6 and TNF. However, between chronic HBV patients with distinct levels of serum HBsAg, HBV early antigen (HBeAg), and HBV DNA, TLR-induced monocyte cytokine production did not differ. Importantly, HBsAg-induced cytokine production by monocytes was similar between patients and healthy controls showing that earlier in vivo exposure to HBsAg does not affect the in vitro response. Additionally, we show that IL-10 is able to inhibit cytokine production by HBsAg-induced monocytes. In conclusion, we demonstrate that monocytes can recognize and respond to HBsAg, resulting in vigorous pro-inflammatory cytokine production in vitro. However, phenotype and function of the monocyte compartment in chronic HBV patients are not influenced by differences in levels of serum viral components, suggesting that regulatory mechanisms are active to avoid excessive in vivo monocyte activation

    A mutation in the progesterone receptor predisposes to HEV infection in HIV-positive patients

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    Background and Aims: Infection with Hepatitis E virus (HEV) can cause chronic liver disease in immunocompromised hosts. In transplant recipients, the use of certain immunosuppressants and food habits has been proposed as risk factors for HEV. In individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), risk factors for HEV infection are less clear. We aimed to study the association between a mutation in the progesterone receptor (PR) named PROGINS and HEV-infected in HIV-positive individuals. Methods: We evaluated the presence of the SNP PROGINS via KASP in serum samples of 64 HIV-positive individuals and 187 healthy controls. We performed ELISA tests to address the serum levels of IL-10 and IL-12, as well as T-cell stimulation assays in peripheral blood to address immune response in individuals with PROGINS. Results: We found a significant association between the presence of PROGINS mutation and HEV seroprevalence in individuals infected with HIV (30% in HIV+/HEV+ versus 2% in HIV+/HEV, respectively, P =.009). Moreover, we found that HIV+/HEV+ individuals expressing the PROGINS mutation had lower serum levels of IL-10 and higher levels of IL-12. The presence of the mutation led to a reduced response upon stimulation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compared to those without the mutation, suggesting an immune modulation associated with PROGINS. Conclusions: Our study identified a mutatio

    NK cell phenotypic and functional shifts coincide with specific clinical phases in the natural history of chronic HBV infection

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    Background Chronic HBV infection can be divided into 4 distinct clinical phases: immune tolerant, immune active, inactive carrier, and HBeAg-negative hepatitis. Using a systems biology approach, we recently identified innate immune response components, specifically NK cells as a distinctive factor of specific HBV clinical phases. To expand on this study and identify the underlying immunological mechanisms, we performed a comprehensive profiling of NK cells in chronic HBV infection. Methods Peripheral blood from untreated chronic HBV patients was used to analyze phenotypic markers, as well as cytokine production and cytoxicity of NK cells. Results The overall composition, phenotype, and cytolytic activity of the NK cells remained constant across all clinical phases, with the exception of a few specific markers (KIRs, NKp46). CD56bright NK cells of chronic HBV patients differed in their ability to produce IFN-γ between the clinical phases pre- and post-HBeAg seroconversion. Conclusion This depicts a shift in NK cell characteristics between the immune active, under heavy viral or immune pressure, and inactive carrier phases, that coincides

    NK cells in self-limited HCV infection exhibit a more extensively differentiated, but not memory-like, repertoire

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    Natural killer (NK) cells have long been thought of as a purely innate immune cell population, but increasing reports have described developmental and functional qualities of NK cells that are commonly associated with cells of the adaptive immune system. Of these features, the ability of NK cells to acquire functional qualities associated with immunological memory and continuous differentiation resulting in the formation of specific NK cell repertoires has recently been highlighted in viral infection settings. By making use of a unique cohort of monitored, at-risk intravenous drug users in this study, we were able to dissect the phenotypic and functional parameters associated with NK cell differentiation and NK cell memory in patients 3 years after acute HCV infection and either the subsequent self-clearance or progression to chronicity. We observed increased expression of cytolytic mediators and markers CD56bright and NKp46+ of NK cells in patients with chronic, but not self-limited HCV infection. Patients with a self-limited infection expressed higher levels of differentiation-associated markers CD57 and KIRs, and lower levels of NKG2A. A more extensively differentiated NK cell phenotype is associated with self-clearance in HCV patients, while the NK cells of chronic patients exhibited more naïve and effector NK cell phenotypic and functional characteristics. The identification of these distinct NK cell repertoires may shed light on the role NK cells play in determining the outcome of acute HCV infections, and the underlying immunological defects that lead to chronicity

    Evaluation of IL-28B Polymorphisms and Serum IP-10 in Hepatitis C Infected Chimpanzees

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    In humans, clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with genetic variation near the IL-28B gene and the induction of interferon-stimulated genes, like IP-10. Also in chimpanzees spontaneous clearance of HCV is observed. To study whether similar correlations exist in these animals, a direct comparison of IP-10 and IL-28B polymorphism between chimpanzees and patients was performed. All chimpanzees studied were monomorphic for the human IL-28B SNPs which are associated with spontaneous and treatment induced HCV clearance in humans. As a result, these particular SNPs cannot be used for clinical association studies in chimpanzees. Although these human SNPs were absent in chimpanzees, gene variation in this region was present however, no correlation was observed between different SNP-genotypes and HCV outcome. Strikingly, IP-10 levels in chimpanzees correlated with HCV-RNA load and γGT, while such correlations were not observed in humans. The correlation between IP-10, γGT and virus load in chimpanzees was not found in patients and may be due to the lack of lifestyle-related confounding factors in chimpanzees. Direct comparison of IP-10 and IL-28B polymorphism between chimpanzees and patients in relation to HCV infection, illustrates that the IFN-pathways are important during HCV infection in both species. The Genbank EMBL accession numbers assigned to chimpanzees specific sequences near the IL-28B gene are HE599784 and HE599785