7 research outputs found

    From Vojak to harbor: Anthropogeographic overview of Lovranština

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    Na temelju pregleda objavljene literature, novovjekovnih kartografskih izvora i materijalnih tragova na terenu ovaj rad nastoji definirati funkcionalnu shemu tradicijske ekonomije i životnih obrazaca Lovranštine u predindustrijskom novovjekovnom periodu. Učka je svojim naglim uzdizanjem kroz više različitih bioklimatskih pojaseva omogućila lokalnoj ekonomiji da se okoristi raznolikim resursima koje rijetko nalazimo koncentrirane na tako malenu prostoru. S tom svrhom formirala se mreža povijesnih putova koji se iz Starog grada granaju prema okolnim ruralnim naseljima te vode sve do vrha planine. Lovranština je tako ubirala plodove raznolikih gospodarskih formi u rasponu od mediteranske poljoprivrede do planinskog stočarstva, što je predstavljalo temelj njezina relativna prosperiteta.Through the research of published literature, Modern Era cartographic sources and in-situ material evidence, this paper aims to define a functional schematic of traditional economy and life patterns of Lovranština in preindustrial Modern Era period. The steep rise of the mountain trough multiple bioclimatic zones enabled local economy to make use of different resources which are not often found such a short distance away. Network of historical pathways that starts from the Old town, climbs and branches to the surrounding rural settlements and leads all the way to Vojak, the peak of the mountain was formed for this purpose. Lovranština has harvested products of different economic forms ranging from mediterranean agriculture to mountain pastoralism, which represented the foundation of its relative prosperity

    Transhumation as Transnationalism: Sheep Herders from Šar-Planina on Učka Mountain

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    Transhumantno stočarstvo je obrazac življenja i gospodarenja između više lokacija koji svojom starošću daleko nadmašuje nacije i transnacionalnu problematiku. Kroz slučaj obitelji Maniani, šarplaninskih ovčara koji su se naselili na opustjelu Učku, ovaj članak proučava primjer kako je ovaj drevni način života dobio transnacionalnu komponentu. Prikupljanje podataka za ovaj rad odvijalo se na obama spomenutim lokalitetima kroz ekstenzivne razgovore s članovima i uposlenicima obitelji. Članak nastoji odgovoriti na pitanja zašto je jedno šarplaninsko selo postalo izvorištem migracije na Učku te koja je priroda i motiv transnacionalne egzistencije Manianijevih.The term transhumant cattle-breeding denotes a form of traditional living and economy occurring between several locations which, by its antiquity, by far surpasses the ideas of nation and transnationalism. By following the case of the family Maniani, sheepherders from Šar-planina who have moved to the desolated mountain of Učka, the article analyzes the way in which this ancient form of life has now been interpreted as having a transnational component. Data for this article have been collected on both the above mentioned localities, through extensive interviews with members of the family and their employees. The article is trying to answer the question on why has one village on Šar-planina become the starting point of migration to the Učka Mountain as well as the questions of the character and the motifs for the transnational existence of Maniani’s

    Učka Nature Park: A Protected area as a place Dedicated to Social Memory

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    Koncept baštine, bilo prirodne ili kulturne, nalazi se u srži uspostave zaštićenih pod- ručja kao manifestacija želje da se očuva neko danas ugroženo stanje, proces ili pojava baštinjena iz prošlosti. Autor analizira različite ideološke podloge ovog poriva za oču- vanjem te iz te perspektive samopropituje vlastito djelovanje kao stručnog suradnika za kulturnu baštinu u Parku prirode Učka. Izlaže se povijest planinske Istre isprepletena različitim primjerima pohrane ili zadrža- vanja društvenog sjećanja u tom krajoliku, te se u tom kontekstu preispituje društvena uloga zaštićenog područja kao mehanizma prijenosa i kreacije društvenog sjećanja.The concept of heritage, whether natural or cultural, is at the heart of the establishment of protected areas as a manifestation of the desire to preserve a now endangered state, a process or a phenomenon inherited from the past. The author analyzes different ideological basis for this urge for preservation it and from that perspective he examines his own work as a scientific assistant for cultural heritage in the Učka Nature Park. The history of the mountainous Istria is presented intertwined with different examples of the storage or retention of social memory in that landscape, and in this context, it examines the social role of protected areas as a mechanism of transfer and creation of social memory

    Conservation Study of Lovranska Draga Village

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    U procesu izrade Detaljnog plana uređenja naselja Lovranska Draga 2010. godine provedeno je i konzervatorsko istraživanje čiji je cilj bio pružiti smjernice za daljnji održivi razvoj naselja uz maksimalno očuvanje njegove baštinske i vizurne vrijednosti. U okviru tog posla prikupljene su spoznaje o povijesnom razvoju, rurizmu, tradicijskom životu, ekonomiji i graditeljstvu ovog mjesta te je napravljen popis fonda graditeljske baštine koja se u njemu nalazi. Ovaj rad prezentira rezultate te studije i s nešto vremenskog odmaka od njene izrade nudi razmatranja o potencijalima za održivi razvoj ovog naselja.In 2010’ the conservation study for the village of Lovranska Draga was conducted as a part of preparation of spatial planning documentation. Its goal was to offer guidelines for sustainable development of the settlement, with maximal preservation of its heritage and landscape values. As a part of this assignment findings about historical development, rural structure, traditional life, economy and architecture of this village were collected, and a catalogue of its architectural heritage was made. This paper presents the findings of this study and, with some temporal distance, offers some thoughts on potential for sustainable development of this settlement

    Ethnological Research as a Source of Data for Designing Strategies of Sustainable Development of Rural Regions Case study: Žumberak

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    U ovom se radu preispituje razvojna uloga etnologije kao znanosti te predlaže metoda kojom bi se podaci dobiveni etnološkim istraživanjem iskoristili u svrhu stvaranja strategije razvoja ruralnog područja. Kao ogled za ilustraciju rečenih ideja poslužio je slučaj žumberačkog područja koje je zbog povijesnih, zemljopisnih i socioekonomskih razloga u posljednjem stoljeću doživjelo ubrzano ruralno propadanje. Prilagodivši metodu SWOT-analize, uzetu iz ekonomije, autor je koristi kako bi napravio snimak današnjega društvenog stanja na Žumberku i širih okolnosti koje utječu na njega te dobivene rezultate uz pomoć predložene metode SWOT-relacijskog dijagrama koristi za sintezu ogledne strategije održivog razvoja žumberačkog područja.This article questions the developmental role of ethnology as a science and suggests a method by which the data obtained through ethnological research could be used with the purpose of creating a strategy for the development of rural regions. As a case study for the proposed ideas, I have used the example of Žumberak which, during the last century, has been experiencing rapid devastation of rural regions due to historical, geographical and socioeconomic regions. The author adapted the method SWOT-analysis, which he borrowed from the language of economy, and used it to make an overview of the current social conditions in Žumberak amd wider circumstances influencing it. He used the result obtained by the suggested method of SWOT relational diagrams for the creation of the experimental strategy of sustainable development of Žumberak region