15 research outputs found


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    The nowadays continuously expansion of the market for higher education services puts a high pressure on the management of such institutions. Universities are trying to keep their position on the market by applying theories and practices that have traditionally been used by the business environment. This paper proposes to adapt such a practice to higher education institutions. This is the strategy of backward vertical integration. We understand this by highlighting the possibilities that higher education institutions have to take over some of the activities carried out in high schools. Starting from the experience of a project to whose implementation the authors participated, the paper describes how the counseling and vocational guidance activities addressed to high school students can be carried out by the higher education institutions

    The Influence of Feeding Level on Growth Performances of European Catfish (Silurus glanis L., 1758) Juveniles under Recirculating Water Conditions

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    The study was carried out with one summer-old Silurus glanis juveniles, having the mean size 23.04±2.05 cm and weight 73.84±19.12 g, reared in recirculating water condition, in order to assess the impact of feeding level on growth performances and body size variation of fish. Two feeding levels were tested (R1=1.5% BW/day and R2=2.5% BW/day), in duplicate, during 6 weeks, and the biomass gain (BG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), morphometric relationship between length-weight (LWR) and coefficient of variation (CV) were assessed. Data revealed that the overall mean weight of the biomass was doubled during the trial, from 14.92 kg to 31.17 kg, and the body growth significantly increases with the increment of the feeding rate (13.48 kg in R1 and 17.70 kg in R2), underlying the good potential of the species, at this life stage, for fast-growing under intense conditions. The calculated SGR in R1 was 1.43%/day and in R2, significantly higher, as 2.05 %/day, for the almost similar values of FCR (0.74 g/g) and PER (2.50 g/g) recorded between the treatments

    Osobine obrade soma (silurus glanis) iz spoljašnjih protočnih i unutrašnjih recirkulacionih uzgojnih jedinica

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    Wels (European) catfish, Silurus glanis L., is a high valued fish of European pond aquaculture. Recently, the quality of its flesh, suitability of very good growth performance in high stocking densities and ability to ingest artificial pelleted diets, led to its wider utilisation under conditions of intensive warm-water farming units including recycling systems. The evaluation of processing yields was performed using fish cultured in two different farming units – (1) outdoor pond aquaculture system (PAS) with flow-through regime (24.6±0.2°C) and (2) the indoor tank aquaculture system (TAS) with recirculation regime (26.0±1.0°C). Despite no significant differences appeared in their processing traits, the condition coefficients (based on eviscerated body weight) were significantly higher in PAS fish. However these coefficients were almost identical when calculated from the total weight of fish. Visceral, ventral and dorsal fat deposits were significantly higher in TAS fish in comparison to PAS fish and also in females as compared to males.Evropski som, Silurus glanis L., je visoko vredna riba koja se gaji u Evropskim rubnjacima. U poslednje vreme, kvalitet njegovog mesa, pogodnost veoma dobrih performansi rasta u velikoj gustini nasada, kao i sposobnost korišćenja peletirane veštačke hrane, dovela je do povećanog obima gajenja u intenzivnim toplovodnim uzgojnim jedinicama, uključujući i recirkulacione sisteme. Procena prinosa prerade je obavljena ispitivanjem prerađenog proizvoda ribe gajene u 2 različita sistema: (1) ribnjačkom jezeru na o tvorenom (PAS) sa protočnim režimom (24.6±0.2°C) i (2) u tankovima u zatvorenom sistemu (TAS) sa recirkulacionim režimom (26.0±1.0°C). Iako nije bilo značajnih razlika u osobinama obrade, koeficijent kondicije (zasnovan na telesnoj masi bez viscere) je bio značajno viši kod riba iz PAS sistema. Ovi su koeficijenti bili gotovo identični kada bi se preračunali iz ukupne težine ribe. Visceralni, ventralni i dorzalni depoziti masti su bili značajno viši u riba iz RAS sistema u odnosu na ribe iz PAS, kao i kod ženki u poređenju sa mužjacima

    Supporting the Design and Choice of Wage Systems According to Ergonomic Requirements

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    The interdependence between wage system and employees implication-participation in work generated and it continues to permanently generate a preoccupation of managers of all improvement levels of wage methods, wages set up and differentiation criteria.To elaborate or project an adequate wage system it is necessary to take into account: the market for which the company works, technology and manufacture factors that is using, labor market context and socio-cultural environmentwage system, ergonomy, performance, employee, wage level

    Teleworking Survey

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    This paper examines teleworking, a modern concept, more and more present in the work relationships in our society. We will review some introductive elements, the evolution, the current status of telewoking in Europe and US and the development of teleworking in Romania.teleworking, cost, benefit, telecenter, productivity.

    Artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms, Internet of Things sensing networks, and sustainable cyber-physical management systems in big data-driven cognitive manufacturing

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    Research background: With increasing evidence of cognitive technologies progressively integrating themselves at all levels of the manufacturing enterprises, there is an instrumental need for comprehending how cognitive manufacturing systems can provide increased value and precision in complex operational processes. Purpose of the article: In this research, prior findings were cumulated proving that cognitive manufacturing integrates artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms, real-time big data analytics, sustainable industrial value creation, and digitized mass production. Methods: Throughout April and June 2022, by employing Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, a quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science databases was performed, with search terms including "cognitive Industrial Internet of Things", "cognitive automation", "cognitive manufacturing systems", "cognitively-enhanced machine", "cognitive technology-driven automation", "cognitive computing technologies", and "cognitive technologies". The Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR) was leveraged, a software program for the collecting, processing, and analysis of data for our research. The quality of the selected scholarly sources was evaluated by harnessing the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT). AMSTAR (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews) deployed artificial intelligence and intelligent workflows, and Dedoose was used for mixed methods research. VOSviewer layout algorithms and Dimensions bibliometric mapping served as data visualization tools. Findings & value added: Cognitive manufacturing systems is developed on sustainable product lifecycle management, Internet of Things-based real-time production logistics, and deep learning-assisted smart process planning, optimizing value creation capabilities and artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms. Subsequent interest should be oriented to how predictive maintenance can assist in cognitive manufacturing by use of artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms, real-time big data analytics, sustainable industrial value creation, and digitized mass production