20,971 research outputs found

    A Cheeger-Buser-Type inequality on CW complexes

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    We extend the definition of boundary expansion to CW complexes and prove a Cheeger-Buser-Type relation between the spectral gap of the Laplacian and the expansion of an orientable CW complex

    Cut locus and heat kernel at Grushin points of 2 dimensional almost Riemannian metrics

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    This article deals with 2d almost Riemannian structures, which are generalized Riemannian structures on manifolds of dimension 2. Such sub-Riemannian structures can be locally defined by a pair of vector fields (X,Y), playing the role of orthonormal frame, that may become colinear on some subset. We denote D = span(X,Y). After a short introduction, I first give a description of the local cut and conjugate loci at a Grushin point q (where Dq has dimension 1 and Dq = TqM) that makes appear that the cut locus may have an angle at q. In a second time I describe the local cut and conjugate loci at a Riemannian point x in a neighborhood of a Grushin point q. Finally, applying results of [6], I give the asymptotics in small time of the heat kernel p_t(x,y) for y in the same neighborhood of q
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