21 research outputs found

    PenQuest Volume 2, Number 1

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    Table of Contents for this Volume: Untitled by Janet Collins Untitled by Judy Gozdur Last Hour of Light by Susan Reed Untitled by Judy Godzur Untitled by Rick Wagner Untitled by Carol Groover Untitled by R. Wagner Only in the Portico by Linda Banicki Untitled by Helen Hagadorn Private Place, Pubic Place by David Reed Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Madison Knights by Susan Reed Untitled by Sissy Crabtree The Price by Sandra Coleman Untitled by Ann Harrington Invasion of Privacy by Mark Touchton Untitled by Bruce Warner Untitled by Tom Schifanella Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Bloodwork by Laura Jo Last Untitled by David Whitsett Burial Instructions by Bill Slaughter Untitled by S. Trevett PenQuest Interview: Joe Haldeman by David Reed Her Name Came from the Sea by Richard L. Ewart Untitled by V. Williams In the Woodshed by R. E. Mallery Untitled by Modesta Matthews Untitled by David Olson Illumination by E. Allen Tilley Untitled by Joseph Avanzini Everywoman by Laura Jo Last Untitled by Beth Goeckel Believe Me by Donna Kaluzniak Untitled by Judy Gozdur Untitled by Judy Gozdur Unicorn by David Reed Untitled by Susan Reed untitled by Paul Cramer Unititled by Lucinda Halsema The Violin by Richard L. Ewart Untitled by Maria Barry Untitled by Roger Whitt Jr. Haiku by Lori Nasrallah Rhymer鈥檚 Revolt by R. E. Mallery Untitled by Valerie William

    The position of the measurement of electric safety parameters of large power receivers

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    Przedmiotem referatu jest stanowisko pomiarowe, za pomoca kt贸rego mo偶na wyznaczy膰 warto艣ci elektrycznych parametr贸w bezpiecze艅stwa oraz parametry energetyczne odbiornik贸w o mocy zawartej w przedziale warto艣ci od 0.1 kW do 66kW. Do pomiaru elektrycznych parametr贸w bezpiecze艅stwa tych odbiornik贸w wykorzystano system pomiarowy firmy ET Testsysteme GmbH typu Tipturn E 500. Pomiar parametr贸w energetycznych realizowany jest za pomoc膮 miernika parametr贸w sieci typu MPS. Do aktywizacji wynik贸w pomiar贸w, uzyskanych za pomoc膮 wymienionych przyrz膮d贸w, wykorzystywany jest komputer PC.The position to measurement of the electric safety parameters and power parameters of receivers of power from 0.1 to 66kW is presented in the paper. To the measurement of electric safety parameters of these receivers was used the measuring system Tipturn E 500 produced by firm ET Testsysteme GmbH. The power parameters are measured by means of the power network parameters measure MPS. To acquisition of results of measurements obtained by means of these instruments a computer PC is used

    Pomiary strat mocy w rdzeniach nanokrystalicznych i amorficznych

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    Artyku艂 dotyczy zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z pomiarem mocy strat w rdzeniach magnetycznych wykonanych z niskostratnych ta艣m nanokrystalicznych i amorficznych. W artykule zaprezentowana zosta艂a opracowana metoda mostkowa pomiaru strat mocy. Metoda nale偶y do grupy bezpo艣rednich metod pomiaru mocy strat w uk艂adzie mostka niezr贸wnowa偶onego. W tre艣ci zamieszczono najwa偶niejsze elementy analizy obwodowej, schematy uk艂ad贸w pomiarowych i algorytm pomiaru stratno艣ci w pr贸bkach magnetycznych zamkni臋tych. Aplikacj臋 proponowanej metody przedstawiono na przyk艂adzie pomiaru stratno艣ci w toroidalnym pakietowanym rdzeniu amorficznym wykonanym z materia艂u Metglas-2605S3A i toroidalnym rdzeniu zwijanym wykonanym z ta艣my Magnetec Nanoperm. W zestawieniach wynik贸w pomiar贸w uj臋to stratno艣ci wyznaczone w szerokim zakresie indukcji przy cz臋stotliwo艣ci 50Hz. Osi膮gni臋t膮 rozdzielczo艣膰 i dok艂adno艣膰 metody potwierdzaj膮 wyniki pomiar贸w stratno艣ci kt贸rych warto艣膰 nie przekracza艂a 200mW. Dodatkowo w artykule zaprezentowano bud偶et niepewno艣ci i analiz臋 dok艂adno艣ci zaprezentowanych wynik贸w pomiar贸w.The paper refers to the measurement of power loss in magnetic cores made of low-loss amorphous and nanocrystalline ribbons. Elaborated bridge method of power loss measurement is presented in the article. The most important issues of circuit analysis, circuit diagram and algorithm of measurement in closed magnetic specimens have been included in the content. Application of the suggested method is shown on the example of power loss measurements in toroidal, stacked amorphous core made of Metglas-2605S3A and toroidal, winding core made of Magnetec - Nanoperm ribbon. In the measurement results there are power losses determined for different maximum induction by the magnetizing frequency of 50Hz included. Achieved resolution and accuracy of the method confirm the measurement results whose values have not crossed 200mW/kg. Additionally in the paper the analysis and budget of uncertainty is presented

    Ultrasonic measurement system for detection of water phase and form transitions

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    W artykule zaprezentowano system z termoelektryczn膮 kaskadow膮 pomp膮 ciep艂a do detekcji przemian fazowych i postaciowych wody. Zastosowanie metod ultrad藕wi臋kowych zwi臋ksza radykalnie mo偶liwo艣ci oraz jako艣膰 identyfikacji proces贸w przemian wody zachodz膮cych na powierzchniach wymiennik贸w sprz臋偶onych z kaskadami modu艂贸w Peltiera. System ze wzgl臋du na jego charakterystyczne w艂a艣ciwo艣ci pozwala na identyfikacj臋 przemian fazowych wody i okre艣lanie czy zachodz膮ce procesy maj膮 stochastyczny czy te偶 chaotyczny charakter przebiegu.The paper deals with systems coupled with Peltier pumps for detecting and identifying the water phase and form transition (condensation, frosting, icing, sublimation, melting, drying). The developed multisensory interface system combines conventional measurement techniques with ultrasound techniques. Use of ultrasound methods radically enhances the capabilities and the quality of identifying transition processes of accumulated liquid water, frost or ice on the surface coupled with Peltier pump module cascades. Due to its properties, the system is capable of identifying and determining whether phase transitions have stochastic or chaotic flow. The described system also enables identifying and measuring the water phase transition parameters with high accuracy and repetitiveness. As opposed to other non-contact methods of detection (pyrometric, thermovisual and visual), the presented system with use of ultrasound method allows for unambiguous detection and identification of the phase and form of water transitions. Considering that the analysis of phenomena occurring on the surface of the exchanger relates exclusively to 1D signals and not 2D or 3D images it can be concluded that this system is simpler and cheaper than alternative solutions. This refers mainly to software and metrological system requirements. This system enables the use of simpler methods of calibration and transfer measurement standards than visual methods which are often used to identify phase transitions

    The investigation of spin Seebeck effect in Co鈧団倝Si鈧佲個X alloys

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    The paper presents experimental study of the spin Seebeck effect based on the widely used ferromagnetic Co鈧団倝Si鈧佲個X layer, partially covered with Pt layer. The total thickness of tested sample is about 20 渭m, which makes it the first confirmed presence of the spin Seebeck effect in bulk material. Experiment was carried out under magnetic flux density 300 mT, room temperature and for constant temperature difference across the sample ranging from 1 K to 21 K. The measured value of induced voltage drop achieved 0.5 渭V per 1 K

    Thermoelectric generation based on Spin Seebeck effect in NiFeCuMo alloy

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    An overview of the achieved Inverse Spin Hall Effect voltage (V_{ISHE}) is presented to find upper limit of this V_{ISHE}. Comprehensive review confirms that the most significant spin systems are based on YIG substrate. The Pt ISHE interfaces are the most popular, however, the best result was reported for the Ir鈧傗個Mn鈧堚個 ISHE interface. Moreover, in this paper the transvers spin Seebeck effect (SSE) is measured in bulk sample of Ni_{76.1}Fe_{15.9}Cu_{4.3}Mo_{3.6} with Pt interface. The max. measured value of V_{ISHE} for NiFeCuMo alloy with Pt is 0.493 渭V with 螖T= 21.5 K

    Magnetic properties and flux distribution in the LaFeCoSi/FeCoV hybrid structure

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    The study contains a description of magnetic properties of LaFeCoSi/FeCoV structure. The hybrid structure contains magnetocaloric LaFeCoSi core with high-induction ferromagnetic laminations. The magnetic field inside the magnetic structure is gained by the fringe field from FeCoV laminations. Results of modelling and experimental investigations of modified magnetic properties of LaFeCoSi/FeCoV structure were presented and discussed in the paper

    Fast static correction of thermometric NTC thermistor characteristics

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    W artykule przedstawiono metod臋 szybkiej korekcji statycznych charakterystyk termometrycznych termistor贸w. Zastosowano komputerowy system pomiarowy z wzorcowym czujnikiem platynowym oraz elementem wykonawczym w postaci pompy ciep艂a Peltiera. Zaprezentowano wyniki pomiar贸w. Przestawiono metod臋 wyznaczania zmodyfikowanych parametr贸w charakterystyki termometrycznej na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiar贸w.The paper presents a method for fast correction of static characteristics of NTC thermistors and a measurement-control system with dedicated software. The measurement system uses a high performance current source and ADC card with 16-bit converter and a USB interface. The control unit uses a three-stage Peltier heat pump that enables fast and simple stabilization of the temperature in the range (20 梅 85) °C. Using a software PID controller and a standard Pt100 temperature sensor the stability achieved was at the level of 拧 0.02°C over the full range. Corrections were carried out by classifying sensors to one of three categories (I, II, III) and then a specific set of coefficients was assigned for the static characteristics. The paper presents the detailed algorithm for the procedure including the method for determining the adjusted static characteristic coefficients. The coefficients were determined by the optimal value search method minimising along orthogonal directions. Approximately 20% of the test sample that contained 35 pcs sensors did not require correction. The accuracy of other sensors was improved three times at least by the correction applied

    Measurements of power losses in low loss nanocrystalline cores

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    Referat dotyczy problemu pomiar贸w ma艂ych mocy przy wsp贸艂czynniku mocy znacznie poni偶ej 0,1. Problem taki ma miejsce przy okre艣laniu stratno艣ci niskostratnych lub ma艂ogabarytowych magnetowod贸w. W referacie przedstawiona zosta艂a aplikacja definicyjnej metody pomiaru mocy strat oraz wyniki pomiar贸w dla rdzeni wykonanych z ta艣my nanokrystalicznej. Wyniki pomiar贸w uzyskane zosta艂y metod膮 planimetrowania pola powierzchni p臋tli histerezy. W dyskusji nad wynikami uwzgl臋dniona zosta艂a analiza metrologiczna zastosowanej metody, analiza 藕r贸de艂 b艂臋d贸w wyniku pomiaru.The paper concerns the problem of low power measurements at the power factor significantly less than 0.1. Such a problem occurs in determining the power loss of nanocrystalline or low-dimensioned cores. The paper presents application of the definitional method of measuring the power loss and measurement results for cores made of a nanocrystalline ribbon. The presented measurement results, graphs, and data were obtained from a measuring system developed by the authors. The paper contains the system description and specification of its technical parameters. The measurement results were obtained by defining the area of the magnetic hysteresis loop. The measurements were taken in the frequency range from 0.001 Hz up to 50 Hz. Calculations of the error are given for two significant values of the frequency. In the discussion of the results there were taken into account: metrological analysis of the method, analysis of uncertainty sources in the measurement result and comparison of the method with modern methods for measuring low power values