19 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of The Internet for MBA Course Delivery: The Instructor\u27s Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the relative effectiveness of delivering learning on the Internet. The method was to interview nine college professors who have taught both on line and in the traditional classroom. Professors were asked to compare the Internet with the traditional classroom as to learning delivery effectiveness and were also asked questions about conducting discussions and grading on the Internet and about the consequences of both the convenience inherent in and the necessary structure that accompanies on-line teaching. Among the results according to this sample of professors: teaching on the web has more weaknesses than strengths, the web was inferior when interaction and when one-on-one assistance were important for learning, it was superior when learning from the written word was important, the structure necessary for web delivery prevents flexibility, and the convenience reinforced impulses to avoid classroom intensity

    The Influence of Variables Easily Controlled by the Instructor/Administrator on Simulation Outcomes: In Particular, the Variable, Reflection.

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    This paper deals with two related topics. The first is the influence of variables under the control of the teacher/administrator on simulation outcomes. It contends that many teacher-controlled variables have considerable influence in simulations and this influence should be further studied. The second topic is reflection, which is part of the learning process. This paper explores this important aspect of learning, divides the reflection process into four sub-processes, argues that teacher/administrators can influence how and how much students reflect on their simulation experience, and explores the potential for undertaking research on the relationship between reflection and simulation outcomes

    A Model for Online Education Delivery and a Look at Online Delivery Effectiveness

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    This paper deals with delivery of education online. It has three connected purposes. The first is to survey and summarize the research up until today, in particular that which pertains to the efficacy of internet learning. The second purpose is to present a scheme categorizing the kind research that could and should be done to assess internet delivery effectiveness. This categorization will serve to suggest what kinds of research should be undertaken to gain a more complete understanding of the relative effectiveness of teaching online and a better understanding of how to attain effective outcomes. The third is to provide research-design suggestions to help internet delivery effectiveness research become more credible

    Total Enterprise Simulation Learning Compared To Traditional Learning in the Business Policy Course

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    This paper reports a study that examined the relationship between total enterprise simulation learning and learning developed in traditional components of the undergraduate business policy course. Also examined were the relation-ships between learning and simulation performance, be-tween learning and forecast accuracy, and between simula-tion performance and forecast accuracy. Learning was measured using researcher-developed tests administered at the beginning, after the completion of traditional compo-nents (theory and cases), and after the simulation-only components of the courses. Significant learning was found for both the traditional and the simulation components of the sections studied. There was no relationship found be-tween simulation learning and simulation performance or for simulation learning and forecast accuracy. Inconsistent results were found regarding simulation performance and forecast accuracy. These results suggest that the simulation effectively complements traditional approaches to the policy course and that forecast accuracy may be a proxy for simu-lation performance

    Antecedents of Learning in the Simulation: A Replication

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    This study replicated a study undertaken in 1997. It was exploratory, and its purpose was to find out why some participants learn more than others in TE simulations. Put another way, the purpose was to identify which variables are associated with greater learning in the simulation environment

    A Direct Approach to Teaching Business Ethics

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    This paper focuses on the teaching of business ethics experientially. It presents a relatively straightforward approach to encouraging business students to articulate their core personal values, and then apply them to a real-life situation that they encountered. In this paper, we contrast this more direct approach with an approach which is less direct, in that it seeks opinions, beliefs, actions, or intentions on the part of students in the context of a situation introduced by the instructor. We’ve implemented this approach twice, and we discuss the outcomes

    The Validity Investigation of a Test Assessing Total Enterprise Simulation Learning

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    This paper is the fourth in a series dealing with the construction of a test bank of items designed to assess the degree to which learning takes place from playing a total enterprise simulation. It provides data as to whether the test central to this research is valid. In this study, relationships between results on this study’s learning test and two criterion variables – self report of learning and forecasting accuracy - were examined. The results revealed no relationship between learning scores on the test and forecasting accuracy, and they showed a correlation of .33 between learning scores and the degree to which students said they learned financial analysis by playing the game

    Test Assessing Total Enterprise Simulation Learning

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    This paper is the third in a series dealing with the construction of a test bank of items designed to assess the degree to which learning takes place from playing a total enterprise simulation. It provides data as to whether the test central to this research is valid. In this study, relationships between results on this study’s learning test and two criterion variables --self-report of learning and forecasting ac-curacy--were examined. The results show at best a cloudy picture with respect to the test’s validity, partially because of a low number of subjects (N=23). On one hand, the results reveal a negative relationship between learning scores on the test and forecasting accuracy. On the other, they show marginally significantly greater learning scores for those who said on a self-report measure that they learned the game’s complexity and financial analysis

    Analyzing and Thinking While Playing a Simulation

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    This paper builds on the premises that optimal learning from an experiential experience includes reflection and thinking as well as experiencing and that reflection includes an active analyzing component. The paper’s focus is on that that analysis component of the reflection process. That component is defined it as the part of the learning process in which contemplations are organized into plans, reports, and/or conclusions. This paper discusses this concept, places it in the overall context of the learning process, describes appropriate previous research, proposes potential sub-components of the process, and suggests future research. 3 key phrases: Reflection, Analysis, Annual reports

    Beginning with the End: Creating an Experiential Exercise from Assessment Criteria

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    In this roundtable discussion, the facilitators will first provide an introduction to assessing/evaluating experiential exercises and then share their own experience with a very successful exercise. Next, each participant will share his or her own experience with a successful exercise. After the sharing, a facilitator will record the criteria that participants glean from all these “successes.” The group will then create an exercise using the success criteria. The proposers hope that each participant will use the new exercise back home, collect data on its success (as measured by the criteria used for the design), and come together to write an ABSEL paper for 2007 based on these data