7 research outputs found

    Satellite Imagery-Based Damage Assessment on Nineveh and Nebi Yunus Archaeological Site in Iraq

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    During the last decades, archaeological site looting throughout Iraq has increased significantly up to a point where some of the most famous and relevant ancient Mesopotamian cities are currently threatened in their integrity. Several important archaeological monuments and artifacts have been destroyed, due to ISIL attacks and associated looting. Since 2016, the policies of the European Union have been increasingly harsh to condemn these atrocious acts of destruction. In such a scenario, the European Union Satellite Centre can be an invaluable instrument for the identification and assessment of the damage in areas occupied by ISIL. A detailed view of the damage suffered by the Nineveh and Nebi Yunus ancient sites, in Iraq, was assessed via visual inspection. The analysis was conducted considering the main events that occurred in the city of Mosul, between November 2013 and March 2018. More than 25 satellite images, new acquisitions and archived, supported by collateral data, allowed the detection and classification of the damage occurred over time. A description of the methodology and the classification of category and type of damage is presented. The results of the analysis confirm the dramatic levels of destruction that these two ancient sites have been suffering since 2013. The analysis reported in this paper is part of a wider study that the SatCen conducted in cooperation with the EU Counter-Terrorism Office and PRISM Office. The whole activity aimed at confirming to EU institutions the massive looting and trafficking operated in the area. The results have been provided to archaeologists in the field as well in support of local authorities who are trying to evaluate the current situation in the area

    Advanced General Survey Tools Description: TIRAMISU deliverable D.210.1

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    Description des outils développés en support à l'Enquête Générale, dans le cadre de la lutte contre les mines (déminage humanitaire).info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Advanced General Survey Tools Description: TIRAMISU deliverable D.210.2

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    Advanced General Survey is a first step, followed by Non-Technical Survey, in the process of assigning and delimiting the Suspected Hazardous Areas. This deliverable describes the tools foreseen in D210 that are already developed or being in the process of development. Also a first draft version of guidelines on how to use the tools is provided, together with proposals to assess their performance as well. All these tools are designed to support decision making and help in prioritization.TIRAMISU D210.2info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Non-Technical Survey Tool Description: TIRAMISU deliverable D.220.1

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    Description des outils développés en support à l'Enquête Non-Technique dans le cadre de la lutte contre les mines (déminage humanitaire).info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Advanced General Survey Tools - Performance Evaluation Report: TIRAMISU deliverable D.210.3

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    Advanced General Survey is a first step, followed by Non-Technical Survey, in the process of assigning and delimiting the Suspected Hazardous Areas. The term “Adavanced General Survey” has been introduced in TIRAMISU because the term “Land Impact Survey” had a bad connotation in the Mine Action community. Meanwhile, the MA community is referring to “GMAA” General Mine Action Assessment.This deliverable describes the tools foreseen in D210 that are already developed or being in the process of development. Also a first draft version of guidelines on how to use the tools is provided, together with proposals to assess their performance as well. All these tools are oriented to support decision making and help in prioritization.TIRAMISU D210.3info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Non-Technical Survey Tool Description: TIRAMISU deliverable D.220.3

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    During the Non-Technical Survey, information on a Suspected Hazardous Area (SHA) is collected and analysed for assessment and reduction/ inclusion purposes. This phase focuses on a scale that is more local than the Advanced General Survey (WP210). Unlike the Technical Survey, the Non-Technical Survey does not involve entering the SHA physically. This deliverable includes a description of the advancement in the development of the tools, an outline of guidelines for using them and a framework for evaluating their performanceTIRAMISU D220.3info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Non-Technical Survey Tool Description: TIRAMISU deliverable D.220.2

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    During the Non-Technical Survey, information on a Suspected Hazardous Area (SHA) is collected and analysed for assessment and reduction/ inclusion purposes. This phase focuses on a scale that is more local than the Advanced General Survey, but unlike the Technical Survey, the Non-Technical Survey does not involve entering the SHA physically. This deliverable includes a description of the advancement in the development of the tools, a first outline of guidelines for using them and a first version of the framework for evaluating their performance.TIRAMISU - D220.2info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe