3,624 research outputs found

    Who Gains from Trade Reform? Some Remaining Puzzles

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    This paper focuses on three unresolved issues with regard to the impact of trade reform. First, many studies linking trade reform to long run growth are surprisingly fragile. To illustrate the problems with this literature, we examine a popular measure of openness recently introduced by Sachs and Warner (1995). We show that their measure fails to establish a robust link between more open trade policies and long run growth. The second puzzle we identify is the small impact of trade reform on employment in developing countries. Finally, we analyze evidence on the relationship between trade reform and rising wage inequality, focusing on the 1985 Mexican trade reform. Wage inequality in Mexico rose after the reform, which is puzzling in a Heckscher-Ohlin context if Mexico has a comparative advantage in producing low skill-intensive goods.

    Fixing numbers for matroids

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    Motivated by work in graph theory, we define the fixing number for a matroid. We give upper and lower bounds for fixing numbers for a general matroid in terms of the size and maximum orbit size (under the action of the matroid automorphism group). We prove the fixing numbers for the cycle matroid and bicircular matroid associated with 3-connected graphs are identical. Many of these results have interpretations through permutation groups, and we make this connection explicit.Comment: This is a major revision of a previous versio

    Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behavior

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    Case studies of export behavior suggest that firms who penetrate foreign markets reduce entry costs for other potential exporters, either through learning by doing or through establishing buyer- supplier linkages. We pursue the idea that spillovers associated with one firm's export activity reduce the cost of foreign market access for other firms. We identify two potential sources of spillovers: export activity in general and the specific activities of multinational enterprises. We use a simple model of export behavior to derive a logit specification for the probability a firm exports. Using panel data on Mexican manufacturing plants, we find evidence consistent with spillovers from the export activity of multinational enterprises but not with general export activity.

    Ask about degree and department)Handwoven Fabrics for Outerwear

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    I intend to create a group of fabrics suitable for use in outerwear. I will explore various historical weaves and patterns and present them in a contemporary context using a variety of textures, colors, and fibers

    Tale Of Two Mergers: A Case Study In Leading Change

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    The case study examines P Pharmaceuticals’ horizontal merger experiences; first with S Pharmaceuticals, and later with U Pharmaceuticals.  The case compares and contrasts each merger process from leading and communicating the change effort to the resultant transformations in corporate culture.  As the case study unfolds, the aftermath of leading change and the resulting corporate merger outcomes are discussed

    Using a mouse model to investigate male bias in autism spectrum disorder incidence.

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    The review (Chapter 1) overviews our current understanding of the sex bias in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), whereby males are 4 times more likely to develop the condition. The longstanding uncertainty surrounding the etiology of autism can be informed by inclusion of both sexes in future research to better understand the mechanism responsible for this sex bias. Both clinical studies and animal models are useful tools to elucidate the underlying cause(s) of sexual dimorphic morphological, physiological, and behavioral differences in the ASD phenotype. Sex differences in social behaviors are common across species, underscoring the importance of assessing baseline sex differences in behavior, especially when sexually dimorphic effects on behavior are expected. I examined pre-pubertal behavior (Chapter 2) in 3 strains of mice (C57BL/6, CFW, and CF1) using a wheel-running assay developed to be relevant to autism-like behaviors. The results indicated no sex differences in wheel running behaviors or social interaction with all mouse strains displaying typical wheel running behavior, i.e. more time running on the wheel when it would turn and increased performance of other activities when it was jammed. Studies have found that elevated levels of fetal testosterone (fT) are correlated with later ASD diagnosis. Prenatal valproic acid (VPA) treatment is a common animal model of ASD in rodents, mimicking many of the features of ASD including increased male vulnerability. I used the VPA model (Chapter 3) to evaluate sex-specific responses to prenatal VPA treatment, and to assess if masculinization of females with perinatal testosterone propionate (TP) after prenatal VPA treatment would masculinize their susceptibility for abnormalities in development relevant to ASD. My findings confirmed that VPA exposure results in impaired motor development abilities, and provide novel evidence that the combined effects of VPA, TP, and maleness (triple hit) led to more severe motor development deficiencies in some tasks. I also present evidence that the triple hit resulted in reduced anxiety, but elevated cognitive rigidity and self-grooming compared to control females. The results provide some evidence for increased vulnerability of triple hit males to behavioral deficits relevant to ASD, but more research is needed to better understand this effect
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