26 research outputs found

    Shipboard Ballast Water Treatment Systems on Seagoing Ships

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    This review paper summarizes the legislative framework and the available technologies for ballast water treatment with regard to the approval process and relevant issues. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) sets the limits of organism concentration in ballast water allowed to be discharged into the sea. The 2004 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments is the first international document that introduced obligatory ballast water management and control. Even though ballast water treatment systems are not 100 % effective, they significantly reduce the risk of spreading of invasive species through ballast water exchange. An increased manufacturer interest in the systemā€™s approval or development of new technologies is not expected in future because the procedure is time-consuming and expensive. The final choice of optimal ballast water treatment system depends on the ship owner or operator taking into account the price, type of the ship, whether it is a newbuilding or an existing ship, ballast system capacity and the seas where ships ply as well as harbours at which they call

    Integration Sea and River Ports ā€“ the Challenge of the Croatian Transport System for the 21st Century

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    This paper discusses the indicators of development possibilities for sea ports of national importance which are opened for public traffic: Rijeka, Ploče, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik, as well as for inland water ports: Vukovar, Osijek, Slavonski Brod and Sisak. Development of traffic and logistic integration processes have been proposed for Croatian sea and river ports, based upon development factors analyses. Croatian sea ports Rijeka, Ploče and inland water cargo ports Osijek, Vukovar, Slavonski Brod and Sisak have been analysed as delivery/forwarding points (nodes), taking into account the directions of goods flows, the participation in the traffic of goods, and all other relevant indicators. The integrated and coordinated approach to the ports and other subjects in the logistic chain redirects the traffic from roads to railways and inland waterways as energy efficient and environmentally ā€“ friendly forms of transportation, increases business rationality and optimal organisation users and transportation entities

    Studentsā€™ Attitude to Online Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and Faculty of Maritime Studies Split during COVID-19 Crisis

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    COVID-19 pandemic has set new challenges to education systems in the Republic of Bulgaria and in the Republic of Croatia, particularly to higher education systems. In summer semester 2020/2021, emergency remote teaching (ERT) was imposed at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA) and at University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies (UoS FMS) under the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. As researches related to the studentsā€™ satisfaction with learning in digital environment at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis are very rare in Bulgaria and in Croatia, the aim of the paper is to analyse studentsā€™ attitude to the quality of three-month ERT in specialized compulsory navigation courses at NVNA and at UoS FMS. Anonymous survey on studentsā€™ attitude was conducted on 154 students majoring in Navigation at NVNA and 98 students majoring in Nautical Studies at UoS FMS. The study revealed that students were generally satisfied with the quality of ERT at NVNA and at UoS FMS. The studentsā€™ primary concerns regarding ERT (online/hybrid) in navigation courses included the quality of ERT, difficulties with technology, motivation, as well as time management. This useful information can help both lecturers and faculty managements to adapt their teaching strategies and provide adequate support to the students. MET institutions should support students to build skills and behaviours based on studentsā€™ concerns, but also to train and support lecturers to develop and deliver high-quality hybrid courses. Although the study has limited value, it could be used as a reference point for further studies and should encourage MET institutions, as well as maritime administrations, to give strong support to the implementation of hybrid courses in MET. This study could also inspire maritime administrations to conduct pilot projects on hybrid courses introduction in MET, in line with global trends in education and stakeholdersā€™ growing demand for distance learning, without compromising quality of MET

    The Worldwide Tanker Shipping Market (2010 ā€“ 2020) Information Model

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    The aim of this paper is to provide the information model for the worldwide tanker shipping market 2010 ā€“ 2020. The evaluation and analysis of the relevant variables of the model and the resulting growth rates are used to describe the most important theoretical principles of the worldwide tanker shipping market over the observed period of time. The research produced direct growth rates of the variables on the index scale from 1 to 100: 1. Innovations in maritime shipping (37.5), 2. Global economy (25.0), 3. Shipbuilding (14.3). 4. Globalisation (12.5) and 5. Freight rates (12.5). It can be concluded that the direct growth rates of all model variables of the worldwide tanker shipping market 2010 ā€“ 2020 have realistic chances to be implemented. By 2020 it is expected that the demand on the tanker shipping market will increase more intensely than the demand in other trades


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    Cilj ovoga rada je predočiti sistem dinamički model ponaÅ”anja otpada nastalog uzgojem riba u morskom okoliÅ”u. Pomoću modela može se odrediti održivost uzgoja na promatranom području. Sam model podijeljen je u četiri podsustava (podsustav organske tvari, podsustav otopljenog kisika, podsustav otopljenog duÅ”ika, te podsustav algi i fitoplanktona). U modelu je definirano Å”est osnovnih varijabli, međusobno povezanih uzročno - posljedičnim vezama. Svaka od tih varijabli definira se pomoću jedne ili viÅ”e funkcija stanja. Osnovni ulaz u sustav je količina otpada koja dolazi u promatrani okoliÅ” iz uzgajaliÅ”ta. Prezentirani sistem dinamički model može se iskoristiti u procjeni održivosti uzgajaliÅ”ta u marikulturi.The aim of this paper is to present a model of mariculture waste in the marine environment. The model can help determine the sustainability of mariculture in the area. It is divided into four sub-systems (organic matter, dissolved oxygen, dissolved nitrogen and algae-phytoplankton subsystem) and is defined by six basic variables connected by cause-effect relationships. Each of these variables is defined by one or several functions of state. The basic input into the system is the amount of waste generated by mariculture entering the observed water environment

    The application of dispersants for the removal of oil pollution

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    Disperzanti su skupina kemikalija koje svojim djelovanjem, tj. rasprÅ”ivanjem uljne mrlje, ubrzavaju proces prirodne disperzije. Uporabom disperzanata smanjuju se Å”tete uzrokovane plutanjem ulja. Najučinkovitiji su neposredno nakon izljeva, prije no Å”to ishlape najlakÅ”e komponente. Međutim, uporaba disperzanata ima ograničenja i treba ih pozorno planirati i kontrolirati. Svaka država ima listu odobrenih disperzanata, pa tako i Republika Hrvatska, u Planu intervencije kod iznenadnih onečiŔćenja ima popis odobrenih disperzanata.Dispersants are group of chemicals which by means of their actions i.e. by dispersing oil slick make the process of natural dispersion quicker. The goal of the usage of dispersants is to reduce the damage caused by oil slick. They are the most efficient ones when being applied immediately after the spillage, before the lightest components evaporate. However, the application of the dispersants has its limitations and its usage must be carefully planned and controlled. Each State has a list of approved dispersants and The Republic of Croatia too. The Plan of Intervention on Sudden Sea Pollutions contains the list of approved dispersants

    Analysis of Female Interest in Maritime Education at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Varna and at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split

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    The promotion of gender equality and womenā€™s empowerment is one of the main goals of the United Nations. The aim of this study is to analyze the gradual change of conservative perceptions about the role of women in shipping. Maritime education and training institutions are fully involved in the process. The Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and the Split Universityā€™s Faculty of Maritime Studies are a part of this process of general change in human attitude towards the acceptance of women on merchant ships. Data on female admittance and graduation are collected by both academies. In the period examined, i.e. Ā 2012 ā€“ 2018, 129 women were enrolled at and 60 graduated from the NVNA. 281 women were enrolled at and 68 graduated from the Faculty of Maritime Studies. The attitudes of female candidates at the academy Nikola Vaptsarov were studied by means of a questionnaire. The growing number of female candidates at Nikola Vaptsarovā€™s Navigation, Ship Engineering and Electrician studies proves that a competitive environment was created on a completely new basis, namely the ability of women to work at an equal footing with men in a purely male-dominated profession. This paper opens the door to future research of the recruitment market required to establish the reasons behind skepticism about women on board and the ways to overcome this conservative line of thinking

    Key Ballast Water Management Regulations With a View on Ballast Water Management Systems Type Approval Process

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    Over the last few decades, the spread of invasive aquatic organisms via shipsā€™ ballast water became one of the global environmental issues of most concern. The Ballast Water Management Convention is the main instrument of the International Maritime Organization through which a number of regulations and standards have been developed and implemented to manage and control the discharge of ballast water from ships internationally. Since the United States is not a signatory to the BWMC, all ships operating in United States waters must comply with United States Ballast Water Management federal regulations. The paper highlights the essential The Ballast Water Management Convention and United States national Ballast Water Management regime topics to be recognised by the stakeholders of the shipping industry, predominantly ship operators and shipowners. Particular attention is given to the Ballast Water Management Systems type approval process where United States testing protocol and requirements are considered to be more rigorous and comprehensive compared to the International maritime Organization\u27s type approval protocol. Although the Ballast Water Management regulations are considered to be matured they are still ā€œlivingā€ provisions, and further regulatory enhancements are likely to be expected in the future. Therefore, it would be beneficial for all Ballast Water Management stakeholders to harmonize the Ballast Water Management Systems type approval requirements

    Methods of Pollution Removal After Tanker ā€œErikaā€ Accident

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    Marine accident of the Maltese tanker Erika is the biggest environmental disaster ever to hit France. 12th of December 1999, on the way from Dunkerque (France) to Livorno (Italy), Erika broke in two and sank near the French coast, spilling around 20.000 tons of heavy fuel oil into the sea. About 11.000 tons of dangerous cargo, trapped inside the sunken wreck, presented a danger to the environment. Severe weather conditions prevented any offshore clean-up operations. Oil trapped inside the wreckage was pumped out, while the on-shore clean-up operations lasted for another two years. This accident had a direct impact on the economy of affected regions and resulted in numerous lawsuits against the ship owners, charterers and classification societies. This paper aims to provide an overview of oil spill pollution clean-up methods and technologies after the accident of tanker Erika