112 research outputs found

    Louis Pasteur and Dom Pedro II engaged in rabies vaccine development

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    Louis Pasteur is the renowned chemist and microbiologist of the 19th century involved in the development of the rabies vaccine. He worked with a researchers team in the laboratory, mainly Pierre Paul Emile Roux, and also physicians in the  clinical practice approach and the defense of Pasteur’s antirabies technique  in the Académie Nationale de Médecine,  Alfred Vulpian being the most notable. Pasteur´s his first studies on rabies are noted in his 1881 publication. But in 1885, he revealed that he had already immunized 50 dogs against rabies. However, in the meantime, he was looking for human subjects. The most polemic of this search involves the second and last emperor of Brazil, D. Pedro II, who was a patron of the arts and sciences and followed and supported the work of the great scientist. At Dom Pedro´s reign, the first Pasteur´s Institute was found in Rio de Janeiro, nine months before the Parisian one, also supported with Dom Pedro´s contribution. This article deals with the interaction between the two outstanding characters, especially in the development of prophylactic treatment against rabies, and with the utilitarian aspects of this vaccine researches development against  individual autonomy

    Insomnia and sleep deprivation in patients with epilepsy: issues about the pathophysiological interaction between them

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    There is a known relationship between seizures and sleep deprivation that increases epileptiform abnormalities and slow waves expressed in the EEG, but chronic insomnia, greater in patients with epilepsy (PWEs) than in healthy control, supposedly has a different mechanism linked to a hyperarousability state with increased rapid EEG activity and associated “restless REM”. Therefore, there is a complex interaction at various levels between insomnia and epilepsy that may play a role in seizure presentation. The recognized interconnection between mood and anxiety disorders and insomnia should also advise special care in the management of psychiatric comorbidities in PWEs. This article raises questions related to the interaction between the brain basis of insomnia and epilepsy and the triggers of seizures, particularly sleep deprivation

    Luigi Luciani (1840-1919) - the Italian Claude Bernard with German shaping, and his studies on the cerebellum with projections to nowadays

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    Luigi Luciani (1840-1919) was an illustrious Italian citizen and physiologistwhose research scope covered mainly cardiovascular subjects, the nervous system, and fasting. He published in 1891 a modern landmark of the study of cerebellar physiology - “Il cervelletto: nuovistudi di normal and pathología physiology” / “The cerebellum: new studies on normal and pathological physiology.” In his experiment, a dog survived after cerebellectomy, reporting a triad of symptoms (asthenia, atonia, and astasia). In this way, the eminent neurophysiologist improved the operative technique and sterile processes toredirect the issue of cerebellar symptoms. Luciani died at age 78, a hundred years ago, and left mainly the understanding of the role of the cerebellum in regulating postural tone and muscle strength, which represented a step forward in understanding cerebellar motor physiology. In recent decades, cognitive / affective function has been added to the cerebellar motor, and there has also been a better understanding of cerebellar circuits.

    Unveiling the Dual Talents: The Artistic Gifts of Renowned Neuroscientists

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    This narrative review approaches four exceptional neuroscientists whose lives embody the convergence of scientific innovation and artistic expression. Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), William Richard Gowers (1845-1915), Harvey Williams Cushing (1869-1939), and Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) remain icons in the neurosciences. Not only did these four luminaries make groundbreaking advances in neuroscience, but they also possessed artistic abilities, especially Cajal. Their lives exemplify the harmony between scientific rigor and creative expression. Through their interdisciplinary talents, they illustrated how art and science are inextricably linked, enhancing their scientific endeavors through artistic skills. This article provides insight into the intriguing relationship between the arts and neuroscience, showing how these notable figures leveraged their artistic aptitude to advance scientific communication and understanding

    Dr. Helio Bello

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    150 years of “Alice\u27s Adventures in Wonderland”: some considerations about the Cheshire cat and neuropsychiatric phenomena

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    Alice\u27s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, pseudonymof Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, is a psychedelic dream tale apparently made for amusement. But, many speculations may be raised about its characters and phenomena created by a devout, learned and imaginative mathematician/logistician. Some issues based on the Cheshire cat due to its vanishing apparitions and its clever arguments are considered. The interpretation of the visual perception may include the “binding problem” issue. Regarding the cat\u27s thought about inquiry, fundamental for researchers, this represents similar reasoning to that of Claude Bernard. Secondarily, some neurological and psychopathological speculations are also focused