5 research outputs found

    Influence of The Distribution of Gas Molecules by Temperature on The Rate of Gas-Forming Reactions

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    A method is proposed for calculating the temperature distribution of gas molecules depending on the gas temperature  . The method consists of determining the mean free path of molecules that characterizes the gas temperature, at which the maximum number of molecules with temperature , and then the desired distribution. The results show that at a given gas temperature, the total mass of molecules contains a large number of molecules whose temperatures are much different from the total gas temperature. From this, it follows that the ceramic technology of synthesis in principle does not allow us to obtain highly pure substances

    The Basic Law of Dynamics and The Mach Principle

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    The dependences of inertial and gravimetric masses from each other are derived taking into account the response of the Universe to interacting bodies. It was found that the inertial mass depends not only on the size of the corresponding gravitational mass, but also on the force acting on the body, and the relations of the inert and gravitational masses depend not only on the force acting on the body, but also on the gravitational mass of this body. However, if instead of the ratio of inert and gravitational masses we choose the difference of the inverse values ​​of these masses, the resulting formula turns out to be independent of the gravitational mass of the body. A formula for the basic law of dynamics is proposed taking into account the response of the Universe to interacting bodies in accordance with the Mach principle. It is shown that the error from the use of Newton’s second law without taking into account the response of the Universe to interacting bodies in many experiments can exceed the error caused by other factors

    Method of Determinining Radii and Enthalpies of The Formation of Poliatomic Ions

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    Based on the Born-Haber cycle, a method is proposed for determining the thermochemical radii and enthalpies of the formation of polyatomic ions. In order to be able to compare the values ​​of the enthalpies of the formation of ions and salts, a method is proposed for normalizing these values ​​by relating them not to one mole of a substance, but to an averaged gram atom. The method is approved on vanadium oxide compounds. The values ​​of 22 radii and enthalpies of the formation of polyatomic ions containing vanadium, the energies of the crystal lattices and the enthalpies of formation of  81 vanadate are calculated. The obtained values ​​are compared with the experimental data

    Realization of Equilibrium Distributions of Molecules in Gases Boris Georgievich Golovkin

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    It is shown that all possible distributions of molecules of an ideal gas with zero dimensions of monatomic molecules that collide elastically with each other are in equilibrium, and with nonzero dimensions, a universal equilibrium distribution of the gas molecules along with the velocities and angular momentum must arise. In a real gas in an isolated system, due to dissipation, evolution goes simultaneously toward the universal distribution and toward the occurrence of an equal-velocity distribution, and also towards the degradation of the gas due to the decrease of the molecular velocities to zero values. In a non-isolated system, the real gas has a distribution close to the Maxwell distributio