236 research outputs found

    Tibor Barna: the redistributive impact of taxes and social policies in the UK 1937-2005

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    Regular annual studies made by the Office of National Statistics in the UK are intended to show how far taxing household incomes and giving benefits in cash and kind to households redistributes income from rich to poor. The first attempt to do this in the UK was made by Tibor Barna for the year 1937. Subsequently his approach has been replicated and elaborated. This study reworks and compares data from various studies to see how the scale and nature of the state’s redistributive role has changed over the past seventy years. Differences in methods and data make comparisons difficult but some broad conclusions can be drawn. Some methodological issues are also discussed on the question of how to approach household equivalisation when services in kind are treated as income

    The sustainability of western welfare states

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    US poverty studies and poverty measurement: the past twenty-five years

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    This paper discusses the contribution made by American social scientists to the study of poverty in the past twenty five years. It has three parts. The first concentrates on the measurement of poverty and the fact that the US poverty line remained unchanged in that period despite its increasingly important deficiencies. Proposals to produce a revised poverty line and an Annual Poverty Report are advanced. The second part traces the change of emphasis in US writing about poverty both in terms of academic emphasis and prescription. The final part considers the policy impact of American work on poverty policy beyond America. This paper has been published as: "US Poverty Studies and Poverty Measurement: The past twenty-five years", Social Service Review, March 200

    US Poverty Studies and Poverty Measurement: The past 25 years

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    This paper discusses the contribution made by American social scientists to the study of poverty in the past twenty five years. It has three parts. The first concentrates on the measurement of poverty and the fact that the US poverty line remained unchanged in that period despite its increasingly important deficiencies. Proposals to produce a revised poverty line and an Annual Poverty Report are advanced. The second part traces the change of emphasis in US writing about poverty both in terms of academic emphasis and prescription. The final part considers the policy impact of American work on poverty policy beyond America.Poverty, poverty measurement, United States

    United Kingdom Education 1997-2001

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    This paper reviews the achievements of the Labour Government's education policy between 1997 and 2001. Tony Blair claimed that his Government would make education a priority. The first part of the paper reviews the scale of education spending in relation to the economy at large and within the education budget. The second part of the paper looks at the productivity of schools. How far have the changes that have affected schools in the past ten years and the past five in particular affected the quality of school achievements? The paper suggests there have been significant improvements not just on average but especially in the gains made in poor areas and in the least good schools. Finally the paper discusses the funding of higher education, the introduction of income related loans to cover maintenance and up front fees. The paper concludes some serious errors were made in policy design. Even so the use of the Inland Revenue as the collection agency was a successful innovation and should be built upon.education productivity, higher education finance, Labour education policy

    A Wealth Tax Abandoned: The role of the UK Treasury 1974-6

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    The distribution of wealth is widening in many countries and with it the importance of inherited wealth. In 1974 a Labour Government came to power in the United Kingdom committed to introducing an annual wealth tax. It left office without doing so. Using the official archives of the time and those of a key advisor this paper traces both the origins of the policy and its fate in Whitehall. It explores two related questions. What does this experience tell us about the role of the civil service in the policy process in the UK and what lessons might be learned by those wishing to tackle the issue of widening wealth disparities today?wealth tax, policy process, UK Treasury

    L'educaciĂł al Regne Unit

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    Este estudio evalĂșa los resultados de las polĂ­ticas de educaciĂłn del gobierno laborista britĂĄnico entre 1997 y 2005. Tony Blair asegurĂł que su gobierno convertirĂ­a la educaciĂłn en un asunto prioritario. La primera parte del estudio evalĂșa el grado de gasto educativo en comparaciĂłn con el resto de la economĂ­a. DespuĂ©s de un descenso en el porcentaje de los ingresos nacionales dedicados a educaciĂłn en los años previos al 2000, que obedecĂ­a a los planes de gasto anteriores de los conservadores, se produjo un incremento significativo del gasto. La segunda parte del estudio analiza el impacto del cambio de incentivos que las escuelas han experimentado en cuanto a los resultados escolares. Entre estos cambios hay la introducciĂłn de un plan de estudios nacional, el examen regular de los alumnos, la publicaciĂłn de los resultados de estos exĂĄmenes por escuelas, la devoluciĂłn a las escuelas de parte de los presupuestos y la flexibilizaciĂłn de la elecciĂłn de escuela por parte de los padres, y la asignaciĂłn de fondos en funciĂłn de los alumnos como base de la financiaciĂłn escolar. Todo eso ha llevado la escuela, en efecto, a una situaciĂłn de quasi mercado. La tercera parte del estudio analiza la financiaciĂłn de la educaciĂłn superior. DespuĂ©s de corregir los fracasos iniciales de diseño de los programas, el nuevo patrĂłn de financiaciĂłn universitario en Inglaterra se ha convertido en un modelo Ășnico en Europa. El estudiante devuelve los crĂ©ditos que haya utilizado para pagar las tasas y cubrir sus gastos cuando se ha licenciado, en funciĂłn de los ingresos y mediante la declaraciĂłn de renta. Los estudiantes procedentes de familias pobres reciben becas estatales que cubren tanto las matrĂ­culas como los gastos. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cette Ă©tude Ă©value les rĂ©sultats des politiques d’enseignement du gouvernement travailliste britannique entre 1997 et 2005 ; Tony Blair avait assurĂ© que son gouvernement ferait de l’enseignement une affaire prioritaire. La premiĂšre partie de l’étude Ă©value le niveau des dĂ©penses Ă©ducatives par rapport au reste de l’économie. AprĂšs une baisse du pourcentage des revenus nationaux consacrĂ©s Ă  l’enseignement dans les annĂ©es antĂ©rieures Ă  l’an 2000, qui obĂ©issait aux plans de dĂ©penses antĂ©rieurs dus aux conservateurs, il se produisit une augmentation significative de la dĂ©pense. La deuxiĂšme partie de l’étude analyse l’impact du changement des incitations vĂ©cu par les Ă©coles en ce qui concerne les rĂ©sultats scolaires. Parmi ces changements, il y a l’introduction d’un cursus national d’études, l’examen rĂ©gulier des Ă©lĂšves, la publication des rĂ©sultats de ces examens par Ă©coles, le remboursement aux Ă©coles d’une partie des budgets et la flexibilisation du choix de l’école de la part des parents, ainsi que la dotation de fonds en fonction des Ă©lĂšves comme base du financement scolaire. Tout cela a menĂ© l’école, en effet, Ă  une situation de quasi-marchĂ©. La troisiĂšme partie de l’étude analyse le financement de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur. AprĂšs avoir corrigĂ© les Ă©checs initiaux de la conception des programmes, le nouveau modĂšle de financement universitaire en Angleterre est devenu un modĂšle unique en Europe. En effet, l’étudiant rembourse les crĂ©dits qu’il a utilisĂ©s pour payer les frais d’inscription et couvrir ses frais lorsqu’il a terminĂ© sa licence en fonction de ses revenus et grĂące Ă  la dĂ©claration d’impĂŽts. Les Ă©tudiants provenant de familles pauvres reçoivent des bourses d’État qui couvrent aussi bien les frais d’inscription que les autres frais.This work assesses the outcome of the education policies of the Labour Government in Britain between 1997 and 2005. Tony Blair promised that his government would make education a priority issue. The first part of the study evaluates the level of investment in education in the context of overall government spending. Despite an initial drop in the percentage of the national revenue dedicated to education in the years prior to 2000 – in keeping with the previous spending plans of the Conservatives – a significant increase in spending followed. The second part of the study analyses the impact of the changes imposed on schools in relation to performance. These included the introduction of a national study plan, the regular examining of pupils, the publication of exam results by schools, the refunding of parts of the school budget, increased freedom for parents to choose their children’s school, and the allocation of funds according to pupil numbers as the basis for school financing. The result of this approach has been to leave schooling in what is effectively a quasi-market situation. The third part of the study deals with the financing of third-level education. Despite some initial shortcomings in design, the British approach to funding university education has now become a model of its kind in Europe. Following graduation, the student repays the loans taken out to cover university fees and expenses through tax returns, according to his/her level of income. Students from poor families receive state grants covering both registration fees and living expenses.Este estudio evalĂșa los resultados de las polĂ­ticas de educaciĂłn del gobierno laborista britĂĄnico entre 1997 y 2005. Tony Blair asegurĂł que su gobierno convertirĂ­a la educaciĂłn en un asunto prioritario. La primera parte del estudio evalĂșa el grado de gasto educativo en comparaciĂłn con el resto de la economĂ­a. DespuĂ©s de un descenso en el porcentaje de los ingresos nacionales dedicados a educaciĂłn en los años previos al 2000, que obedecĂ­a a los planes de gasto anteriores de los conservadores, se produjo un incremento significativo del gasto. La segunda parte del estudio analiza el impacto del cambio de incentivos que las escuelas han experimentado en cuanto a los resultados escolares. Entre estos cambios hay la introducciĂłn de un plan de estudios nacional, el examen regular de los alumnos, la publicaciĂłn de los resultados de estos exĂĄmenes por escuelas, la devoluciĂłn a las escuelas de parte de los presupuestos y la flexibilizaciĂłn de la elecciĂłn de escuela por parte de los padres, y la asignaciĂłn de fondos en funciĂłn de los alumnos como base de la financiaciĂłn escolar. Todo eso ha llevado la escuela, en efecto, a una situaciĂłn de quasi mercado. La tercera parte del estudio analiza la financiaciĂłn de la educaciĂłn superior. DespuĂ©s de corregir los fracasos iniciales de diseño de los programas, el nuevo patrĂłn de financiaciĂłn universitario en Inglaterra se ha convertido en un modelo Ășnico en Europa. El estudiante devuelve los crĂ©ditos que haya utilizado para pagar las tasas y cubrir sus gastos cuando se ha licenciado, en funciĂłn de los ingresos y mediante la declaraciĂłn de renta. Los estudiantes procedentes de familias pobres reciben becas estatales que cubren tanto las matrĂ­culas como los gastos

    The post war welfare state: stages and disputes

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    It has been suggested that the COVID epidemic, and its profound economic and social consequences, may produce major changes in the dominant ideas that help set the boundaries to social action. This note reflects on significant shifts that have taken place in the way collective action has been thought about at various stages in British history since the Second World War and the part that economic and demographic trends have played in prompting such changes. The periods it distinguishes are four: 1945-1976 the Post War Settlement’; 1976-1997 Constraint and Change; 1997-2010 An Expanded Welfare Role; 2010 to 2019 Austerity. These are familiar, if sometimes contested periods, but the paper seeks to distinguish both the continuities to be found in each period and the forces that stimulated change

    Reducing the Risks to Health: The role of social protectionReport of the Social Protection Task Group for the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England Post 2010

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    We demonstrate that the introduction of social protection systems as well as their generosity and coverage have significant impacts on health. Who receives the benefits within the household affects the health outcomes for the family. The eligibility for and administration of benefits matters. We examine the growth of means testing in the UK and its recent modifications. We find serious difficulties facing those with long term medical conditions who are on the margins of the labour force. Collaboration between the health and social protection systems is poor. We give particular attention to gender and health and the implications this has for the social protection system. We also consider the fate of groups like asylum seekers who are excluded from its normal working.health inequality, social protection, social security

    Life after Covid-19: start planning now

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    COVID-19 has exposed Britain’s failure to plan for both a pandemic and a growing elderly population, write Nicholas Barr and Howard Glennerster (LSE). Splitting the budget for care between hospitals, social care and GPs has given each an incentive to pass on costs to each other, rather than trying to prevent problems developing in the first place
