38 research outputs found

    Application of Advanced Techniques for Metals Identification and Characterisation

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    The appraisal of metallic materials requires application of advanced characterisation techniques. In this paper, the use has been made of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy techniques to characterise morphological, structural and chemical composition of 316-stainless steel and unknown brass sample. The determined lattice parameter of unknown brass sample was 3.6812A and consisted of 63% Cu and 37% Zn by weight. The XRD analysis indicated a faced-centred-cubic crystal structure and the sample concluded to be an alpha brass. The measured dislocation density in 316-stainless steel increased with increasing plastic strain and the dislocation structures varied from relatively uniform distribution at low strains to cell-like structures at high strains. The spread of X-ray diffraction peak related linearly with the dislocation content of 316-stainless steel. Keywords: Characterisation, Crystal Structure Dislocation Structure, Diffraction Peak, Stainless Steel

    Digital Image Analysis for Chemical Phase Identification and Particle Size Determination

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    A methodology employing digital image analysis for chemical phase identification and particle size determination is presented. The phase of unknown iron-oxide based particulate sample was identified by analyzing its transmission electron microscope diffraction patterns and diffraction contrast images using ImageJ pattern recognition software. A standard diffraction pattern with known crystallographic spacing and a standard diffraction contrast image with known fringe spacing were used to calibrate the sample’s diffraction patterns and diffraction contrast images, respectively. The phase of unknown sample was identified as iron (III) oxide with an average particle size of 8.9 nm computed from digitized binary images through thresholding process. The particles size distribution closely resembled Poisson cumulative distribution function with 61% of the particles having diameters between 1-10 nm. Keywords: Phase identification, ImageJ, Diffraction pattern, Digital image, Particle size determination

    Industrial Waste-water Characterisation and Image-Based Assessment of its Color Load

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    The characteristics of waste-water discharged from a reactive dyeing machine are examined and a simple method of quantifying its color load proposed. The discharged waste-water is typified by a pH value of 10.2, a turbidity value of 230 NTU, a color load of 290 mg/L and total suspended solids of about 970 mg/L. Application of digital image correlation to assess the color load in waste-water is explored through the use of Image Correlator plugin installed in the ImageJ software. The pixel scatter plot from the image correlation exhibit a characteristic spread with increasing concentration of dye solution thus demonstrating its applicability for waste-water color load assessment. The correlation coefficient derived from the image measurement, correlates almost linearly with the dye concentration in water and can thus be used for assessing the efficacy of color removal from the waste-water. With proper calibration, the resultant correlation curve can be applied in the quantification of the colour load in waste-water. Keywords: Digital Image Correlation, Waste-water, ImageJ, Color Load, Image Correlator, pixel scatter plo

    Atomic Analogy of Poverty

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    An analogy between the model of an atom and poverty of an individual in a poverty field is presented to construe that poverty levels are quantized in similar notions as in the models of an atom. This analogy provides a rational explanation of the observed phenomena in society in part as well as it can be used to predict future observations. Concepts proposed in this paper may lead to a framework to quantify poverty, absolute or relative, and suggest enhanced collaboration between moral science and natural science to study poverty dynamic

    Analysis of Effect of Heat-Setting Temperatures on Crimp Parameters in Polypropylene Single-Fibres via Favimat-Robot

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    The study on the effects of heat-setting temperature on crimp parameters of Polypropylene (PP) single-fibres was initiated by a non-woven manufacturing industry. The study is therefore important as it is addresses the real need raised by the industry to have a better comprehension of effects of heat-setting temperatures  in order to optimize and develop a superior end-product. The exploratory research was conducted on non-conventional single-fibre tester Favimat-Robot (Technico), Germany at the Textile Physical testing Laboratory of Vakgroep Textielkunde Universiteit Gent (Ghent University), Belgium. Testing of PP single-fibres was limited to the following crimp parameters: Crimp Force, Crimp Length, Crimp Extension, Crimp Amplitude and Number of Crimps per cm. The collected data was statistically analyzed by the Analysis of Variance test ANOVA, using STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI.II software, while chart was generated using Microsoft excel program. Major findings of this study reviled that all crimp parameters show a high variation. The study also revealed that the Number of Crimps per cm is increasing with increased temperature, while Crimp Length and Crimp Amplitude are decreasing with increased temperature. From the results it can be also concluded that neither of heat-setting temperatures had a clear effect on Crimp Force and on Crimp Extension. Two crimp parameters-Crimp Extension and Number of Crimps per cm-showed statistically significant difference. For more definite conclusions, the study recommends, in further research-experiments, to break the temperature-range into smaller segments, and to increase subject-temperature from two to five, by incorporating 125,130 and 135o C. Keywords: single fibre, Polypropylene, crimp, Favimat, testing

    Characterization of Clay Bricks Surface Deformation Behavior through Digital Image Analysis

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    Handmade compacted clay bricks are an important integral building material especially for the low cost durable and affordable housing segment. Characterisation of physical, mechanical and deformation behavior of handmade clay bricks is essential to ensure material integrity and durability. In this paper, physical and mechanical properties are determined and the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method is used to assess deformation behavior of bricks under uniaxial compressive loading. The bricks exhibit brittle failure with high strain localized along the cracks. The initiation and development of cracks on loading redistribute compressive strain within the brick with some regions experiencing minimum strain at failure. The relatively large displacements between cracks account for relatively large failure strain for the brittle bricks. A good concurrence is established between the strain assessment based on uniaxial compressive test and on image correlation using the PIV method. The average vector magnitude derived from PIV measurements, correlate well with the engineering strain and can thus be used for strain estimation in handmade clay bricks. Keywords: clay brick, Digital Image Correlation, deformation, particle image velocimetry, characterisation

    Fragmented health systems in COVID-19: rectifying the misalignment between global health security and universal health coverage

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has placed enormous strain on countries around the world, exposing long-standing gaps in public health and exacerbating chronic inequities. Although research and analyses have attempted to draw important lessons on how to strengthen pandemic preparedness and response, few have examined the effect that fragmented governance for health has had on effectively mitigating the crisis. By assessing the ability of health systems to manage COVID-19 from the perspective of two key approaches to global health policy—global health security and universal health coverage—important lessons can be drawn for how to align varied priorities and objectives in strengthening health systems. This Health Policy paper compares three types of health systems (ie, with stronger investments in global health security, stronger investments in universal health coverage, and integrated investments in global health security and universal health coverage) in their response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and synthesises four essential recommendations (ie, integration, financing, resilience, and equity) to reimagine governance, policies, and investments for better health towards a more sustainable future

    Fabrication, Characterization and Deformation Behavior of a New Acrylate Copolymer-based Nonwoven Structure

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    A method of fabricating nonwoven structure from dry-laid cotton fibers and atomized acrylate copolymer is presented. The method based on a consolidation pressure of about 2kPa and room temperature curing, is used to produce structures with fiber mass to binder volume ratio (FBR) of 0.7, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3. Structurally stable structures are produced and characterized in terms of their bursting strength, areal density, water absorption, and monotonic deformation behavior. At constant FBR, the bursting strength and areal density of the structures increases with the fiber mass. The structures’ water absorption capacity reduces with the increase in the volume of binder applied. At FBR of 1 and area density of 295 grams per square meter, the structure’s load-strain curve is characterized by a linear and non-linear behavior corresponding to elastic and inelastic strain, respectively. At peak loads, the structure’s deformation is relatively uniform but becomes localized as the failure point is approached. A good correspondence is established between the strain assessment based on uniaxial tensile test and on image correlation using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. The average vector magnitude derived from PIV measurement, correlate well with the engineering strain and can thus be used for strain estimation. Keywords: Nonwoven, Dry-laid, Deformation, Particle Image Velocimetry, acrylate copolyme