40 research outputs found

    Measurement and Effects of the Magnetic Hysteresis on the LHC Crossing Angle and Separation Bumps

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    The superconducting orbit corrector magnets (MCBC, MCBY and MCBX) in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be used to generate parallel separation and crossing angles at the interaction points during the different phases that will bring the LHC beams into collision. However, the field errors generated by the inherent hysteresis in the operation region of the orbit correctors may lead to unwanted orbit perturbations that could have a critical effect on luminosity. This paper presents the results obtained from dedicated cryogenic measurements on the orbit correctors and the resulting simulations performed to quantify the impact of the hysteresis on the LHC orbit

    The Test Facility for the Short Prototypes of the LHC Superconducting Magnets

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    The LHC development program relies on cryogenic tests of prototype and model magnets. This vigorous program is pursued in a dedicated test facility based on several vertical cryostats working at superfluid helium temperatures. The performance of the facility is detailed. Goals and test equipment for currently performed studies are reviewed: quench analysis and magnet protection studies, measurement of the field quality, test of ancillary electrical equipment like diodes and busbars. The paper covers the equipment available for tests of prototypes and some special series of LHC magnets to come

    Protection of the Superconducting Corrector Magnets for the LHC

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    n the LHC about 6500 superconducting corrector magnets will be powered either in stand-alone mode or in electrical circuits of up to 154 magnets. Single corrector magnets are designed to be self-protected in case of a quench. The protection scheme of magnets powered in series depends on the energy stored in the magnet and on the number of magnets in the circuit. A quench is detected by measuring the resistive voltage of the circuit. The power converter is switched off, and for most circuits part of the energy is extracted with a resistor. Some magnets may require a resistor or possibly a diode parallel to the magnet in order to avoid overheating of the superconducting wire or an unacceptable voltage level. Experiments have been performed to understand quenching of prototype corrector magnets. In order to determine the adequate protection schemes for the magnet circuits the results have been used as input for simulations to extrapolate to the LHC conditions

    Measurements of the LHC Corrector Magnets at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures

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    The superconducting twin aperture main dipole magnets of the LHC accelerator are equipped with pairs of sextupole and decapole correctors at their ends. Similarly, octupole correctors are aligned at t he end of the main quadrupole magnets. Dedicated stations have been built for tests of these correctors at room temperature as well as superfluid helium temperature. Measurements of the training behav iour and of the magnetic field quality are routinely performed. The search for the magnetic axis and the transfer of its position to fiducials are performed at room temperature. A description and the performances obtained with these two benches are also presented

    The Measurement Bench for the LHC Spool Corrector Magnets in Industry

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    The LHC accelerator will be equipped with more than 3500 superconducting spool corrector magnets. CERN has awarded the contract for the series production and testing of these corrector magnets to industry. Magnetic field measurements are done at the factory. Dedicated magnetic measurement benches have been built to test these corrector magnets in the resistive state at room temperature. The benches allow to measure the strength of the main field, normal and skew harmonics, the magnetic axis position and orientation of the main field with respect to the mechanical reference points of the magnet. This paper presents the objectives, a description and the performances obtained with the benches during first measurements at industry

    Qualification of the LHC Corrector Magnet Production with the CERN-built Measurement Benches

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    The LHC will incorporate about 7600 superconducting single aperture corrector magnets mounted in the main magnet cold masses. In order to follow up their production, we have designed and built 12 different benches for warm magnetic measurements based on rotating coils. Each bench was manufactured in two copies, one installed at the industry sites and the other kept at CERN for cross checks and monitoring of the measurement quality. These systems measure the main field, the field quality and the position and orientation of the field relative to the mechanical construction, all properties that are required for an effective use of the magnets. After calibration, the benches automatically refer the measured quantities to the mechanical interfaces used to align the correctors in the cold masses (pin holes or keys). In this paper we evaluate the global uncertainty achieved with the benches and compare the field measurements performed at room temperature in industry with measurements at 1.9 K performed at CERN on samples of each corrector type

    Further Development of the Sextupole Dipole Corrector (MSCB) Magnet for the LHC

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    Combined sextupole-dipole corrector magnets (MSCB) will be mounted in each half cell of the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) being built at CERN. The dipole part, used for particle orbit corrections, will be powered individually and is designed for low current, originally 30 A but now 55 A. The sextupole part, used for chromaticity corrections, is connected via cold busbars in families of 12 or 13 magnets and is powered with 550 A. Several versions of this corrector magnet were tested as model magnets in order to develop the final design for the series. In the first design the coils are nested, with the dipole coil wound around the sextupole coil to obtain as short a magnet as possible, accepting the slight cross-talk between the coils due to persistent currents, and increased saturation effects. The design has evolved and an alternative design, in which the dipole and sextupole coils are separated, is now favored. Tests at 4.5 K and at 1.9 K were conducted to determine the training behavior, the field quality, and the cross-talk between the windings. This paper discusses the results for the different configurations

    Test Results of a Variant-Design LHC Twin-Aperture Dipole Magnet

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    Since 1989, KEK and CERN carried out jointly an experimental program in the frame of the R&D work for the LHC main dipole. The mechanical structure of this design is based on a separate coil/collar and "horizontally split iron" concept. A total of four single aperture and two twin-aperture 1 m long dipole magnets were built. The last twin-aperture magnet was tested at CERN, reaching a maximum field of 9.55 T at 1.9 K. This paper reports the magnet training performance and quench localization at 1.9 K and 4.5 K. The performance as a function of current ramp rate and measurements of the field quality are also reported

    Design, Performance and Series Production of Superconducting Trim Quadrupoles for the Large Hadron Collider

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be equipped with several thousands of superconducting corrector magnets. Among the largest ones are the superconducting trim quadrupoles (MQTL). These twin-aperture magnets with a total mass of up to 1700 kg have a nominal gradient of 129 T/m at 1.9 K and a magnetic length of 1.3 m. Sixty MQTL are required for the LHC, 36 operating at 1.9 K in and 24 operating at 4.5 K. The paper describes the design features, and reports the measured quench performance and magnetic field quality of the production magnets. The MQTL magnet production is shared between CERN and industry. This sharing is simplified due to the modular construction, common to all twin-aperture correctors