75 research outputs found

    Finding gaps in a spectrum

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    We propose a method for finding gaps in the spectrum of a differential operator. When applied to the one-dimensional Hamiltonian of the quartic oscillator, a simple algebraic algorithm is proposed that, step by step, separates with a remarkable precision all the energies even for a double-well configuration in a tunnelling regime. Our strategy may be refined and generalised to a large class of 1d-problems

    A new dynamical approach of Emden-Fowler equations and systems

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    We give a new approach on general systems of the form (G){[c]{c}% -\Delta_{p}u=\operatorname{div}(|\nabla u| ^{p-2}\nabla u)=\epsilon_{1}|x| ^{a}u^{s}v^{\delta}, -\Delta_{q}v=\operatorname{div}(|\nabla v|^{q-2}\nabla u)=\epsilon_{2}|x|^{b}u^{\mu}v^{m}, where Q,p,q,δ,μ,s,m,Q,p,q,\delta,\mu,s,m, a,ba,b are real parameters, Q,p,q1,Q,p,q\neq1, and ϵ1=±1,\epsilon_{1}=\pm1, ϵ2=±1.\epsilon_{2}=\pm1. In the radial case we reduce the problem to a quadratic system of order 4, of Kolmogorov type. Then we obtain new local and global existence or nonexistence results. In the case ϵ1=ϵ2=1,\epsilon_{1}=\epsilon_{2}=1, we also describe the behaviour of the ground states in two cases where the system is variational. We give an important result on existence of ground states for a nonvariational system with p=q=2p=q=2 and s=m>0.s=m>0. In the nonradial case we solve a conjecture of nonexistence of ground states for the system with p=q=2p=q=2 and δ=m+1\delta=m+1 and μ=s+1.\mu=s+1.Comment: 43 page

    A unique extremal metric for the least eigenvalue of the Laplacian on the Klein bottle

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    We prove the following conjecture recently formulated by Jakobson, Nadirashvili and Polterovich \cite{JNP}: on the Klein bottle K\mathbb{K}, the metric of revolution g0=9+(1+8cos2v)21+8cos2v(du2+dv21+8cos2v),g_0= {9+ (1+8\cos ^2v)^2\over 1+8\cos ^2v} (du^2 + {dv^2\over 1+8\cos ^2v}), 0u<π20\le u <\frac\pi 2, 0v<π0\le v <\pi, is the \emph{unique} extremal metric of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian viewed as a functional on the space of all Riemannian metrics of given area. The proof leads us to study a Hamiltonian dynamical system which turns out to be completely integrable by quadratures