2,695 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Cooling with Non-Abelian Anyons

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    We show in this Letter that the ground state degeneracy associated with the presence of non-Abelian anyons can be probed by using an adiabatic cooling process based on the non-Abelian entropy. In particular, we show that when the number of such anyons is increased adiabatically at sufficiently low temperatures, the non-Abelian liquid undergoes cooling, whereas heating occurs in the Abelian case. Estimates are provided for the cooling power produced by the non-Abelian anyon refrigerator, and its implementation in non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall liquids is discussed

    The Quantum Group Structure of 2D Gravity and Minimal Models II: The Genus-Zero Chiral Bootstrap

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    The F and B matrices associated with Virasoro null vectors are derived in closed form by making use of the operator-approach suggested by the Liouville theory, where the quantum-group symmetry is explicit. It is found that the entries of the fusing and braiding matrices are not simply equal to quantum-group symbols, but involve additional coupling constants whose derivation is one aim of the present work. Our explicit formulae are new, to our knowledge, in spite of the numerous studies of this problem. The relationship between the quantum-group-invariant (of IRF type) and quantum-group-covariant (of vertex type) chiral operator-algebras is fully clarified, and connected with the transition to the shadow world for quantum-group symbols. The corresponding 3-j-symbol dressing is shown to reduce to the simpler transformation of Babelon and one of the author (J.-L. G.) in a suitable infinite limit defined by analytic continuation. The above two types of operators are found to coincide when applied to states with Liouville momenta going to \infty in a suitable way. The introduction of quantum-group-covariant operators in the three dimensional picture gives a generalisation of the quantum-group version of discrete three-dimensional gravity that includes tetrahedra associated with 3-j symbols and universal R-matrix elements. Altogether the present work gives the concrete realization of Moore and Seiberg's scheme that describes the chiral operator-algebra of two-dimensional gravity and minimal models.Comment: 56 pages, 22 figures. Technical problem only, due to the use of an old version of uuencode that produces blank characters some times suppressed by the mailer. Same content

    Operator Coproduct-Realization of Quantum Group Transformations in Two Dimensional Gravity, I.

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    A simple connection between the universal RR matrix of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) (for spins \demi and JJ) and the required form of the co-product action of the Hilbert space generators of the quantum group symmetry is put forward. This gives an explicit operator realization of the co-product action on the covariant operators. It allows us to derive the quantum group covariance of the fusion and braiding matrices, although it is of a new type: the generators depend upon worldsheet variables, and obey a new central extension of Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) realized by (what we call) fixed point commutation relations. This is explained by showing that the link between the algebra of field transformations and that of the co-product generators is much weaker than previously thought. The central charges of our extended Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) algebra, which includes the Liouville zero-mode momentum in a nontrivial way are related to Virasoro-descendants of unity. We also show how our approach can be used to derive the Hopf algebra structure of the extended quantum-group symmetry U_q(sl(2))\odot U_{\qhat}(sl(2)) related to the presence of both of the screening charges of 2D gravity.Comment: 33 pages, latex, no figure

    Quantum Group Structure and Local Fields in the Algebraic Approach to 2D Gravity

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    This review contains a summary of work by J.-L. Gervais and the author on the operator approach to 2d gravity. Special emphasis is placed on the construction of local observables -the Liouville exponentials and the Liouville field itself - and the underlying algebra of chiral vertex operators. The double quantum group structure arising from the presence of two screening charges is discussed and the generalized algebra and field operators are derived. In the last part, we show that our construction gives rise to a natural definition of a quantum tau function, which is a noncommutative version of the classical group-theoretic representation of the Liouville fields by Leznov and Saveliev.Comment: 38 pages, LaTex file. Proceedings of the Vth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Strings and Quantum gravity, Alushta, Ukraine 199

    Resistively Detected NMR in Quantum Hall States: Investigation of the anomalous lineshape near ν=1\nu=1

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    A study of the resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR) lineshape in the vicinity of ν=1\nu=1 was performed on a high-mobility 2D electron gas formed in GaAs/AlGaAs. In higher Landau levels, application of an RF field at the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency coincides with an observed minimum in the longitudinal resistance, as predicted by the simple hyperfine interaction picture. Near ν=1\nu=1 however, an anomalous dispersive lineshape is observed where a resistance peak follows the usual minimum. In an effort to understand the origin of this anomalous peak we have studied the resonance under various RF and sample conditions. Interestingly, we show that the lineshape can be completely inverted by simply applying a DC current. We interpret this as evidence that the minima and maxima in the lineshape originate from two distinct mechanisms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, EP2DS 17, to be published in Physica

    Strong-Coupling Effects in "Dirty" Superfluid 3He^3He

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    The contribution of the strong-coupling effects to the free energy of the "dirty" superfluid 3He^3He is estimated using a simple model. It is shown that the strong-coupling effects are less susceptible to the quasiparticle scattering events in comparison to the weak-coupling counterpart. This supports the conclusion about stabilization of the BB-phase in aerogel environment at pressures where the AA-phase takes over in bulk superfluid 3He^3He, in accordance with recent experimental observations in zero magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file. This is a revised version of the paper with some additional comments and references, and corrected typos. Submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte