363 research outputs found

    Efekti betaina kao dodatka u ishrani na neke proizvodne osobine šarana (cyprinus carpio l.) gajenog u recirkulacionom sistemu

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ustanove efekti betaina kao dadatka u ishrani na stopu preživljavanja, prirast i konverziju hrane kod šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.), gajenog u recirkulacionom sistemu. Četrdeset i osam jedinki šarana čija je prosečna početna težina bila 1238.13±39.19 - 1241.25±29.73 g podeljeni su u tri grupe. Eksperiment je rađen u duplikatu. Ribe su gajene u betonskim tankovima zapremine 0.8 m3, koji su pripadali recirkulacionom sistemu. Riba je hranjena ekstrudiranom hranom ”Aqua VITAL“, koju proizvodi “Aqua garant“. Veličina peleta bila je 6 mm. 1% betaina dodat je hrani šarana koji je pripadao eksperimentalnoj grupi EG1, dok je hrana za drugu eksperimentalnu grupu (EG2) sadržala 3% betaina. Šaran iz kontrolne grupe (CG) nije dobijao betain u ishrani. Hrana kojom je riba hranjena predstavljala je 2% težine ribe. Ogled je trajao 60 dana, a kontrolni ulov obavljen je 30-og dana da bi se ispitao uticaj betaina kao dodatka u ishrani na prirast i odnos konverzije hrane kod šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.), koji se gaji u recirkulacionom sistemu. Težina ribe (g) na kontrolnom ulovu ustanovljena je tako što je svaka jedinka pojedinačno merena. Finalna težina šarana iz eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih grupa iznosila je: EG1 – 1727.50±40.52 g, EG2 – 1749.39±33.45 g and CG – 1646.88±26.51 g. Vrednosti ovog parametra kod ribe iz druge eksperimentalne grupe EG2 bile su više nego kod jedinki iz EG1 (1.27%) i CG (6.22%), međutim razlike nisu bile značajne (P>0.05). Prosečni individualni prirast kod šarana iz dve replikacione kontrolne grupe bio je 406.25±20.61 g, što je 20.46% i 25.08% niže nego kod riba koje su dobijale 1% i 3% betaina, dok su razlike bile značajne (P<0.001). Najbolji koeficijent konverzije hrane bio je kod šarana iz EG2 - 1.49. Ova osobina je imala niže vrednosti nego kod riba iz EG1 (3.36% ) i CG (24.16%) (P<0.001). Kada je reč o stopi preživljavanja riba iz svih grupa, diskrepance nisu uočene. Ekonomska efikasnost grupe koje je dobijala 1% betaina bila je 1.66, što je niže nego kod EG2 (10.34%) i CG (15.66%)

    Sn whisker growth mitigation by using NiO sublayers

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    The potential of NiO sublayers for whisker growth mitigation has been examined. A thin NiO film was applied on a Cu-coated substrate before the deposition of a thicker Sn layer. The growth of Sn whiskers was then followed by optical and scanning electron microscopy and was compared with the whisker growth on a control sample without the NiO sublayer. No whiskers were observed on the sample with the NiO layer even after 12 months, whereas the control sample developed whiskers of size and density that is generally expected, based on the vast amount of published work on the topic. The mechanisms of whisker growth and whisker growth suppression are briefly discussed as well.Comment: 7 figure

    Laser-Based Fabrication of Microstructures on Nickel Thin Films and Its Applications in On-Chip Thin Film Inductors

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    This work reports on the fabrication of microbump structures on Ni films by single-pulse, localized laser irradiation. Conditions for the reproducible formation of such microstructures have been identified in terms of laser-irradiation and film parameters after systematic studies involving a relevant parameter space. The cracks and voids morphology of the sputtered films was rendered undesirable and hence, smoother Ni thin film of same thickness (200nm) were deposited by vacuum evaporation. The continuous nature of the film resulted in radially symmetric thermal expansion and deformation, thus achieving a high yield of microstructures. An improvement in the inductance and the quality factor of on-chip spiral inductors incorporating such laser-microstructured ferromagnetic nickel thin films was observed, which demonstrates the potential of such a laser-based method for fabrication or fine tuning of various micro-/nanoelectric/electronic sensor and other components and systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Fabrication of optically smooth Sn thin films

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    The fabrication of optically smooth thin Sn films by vacuum or electrodeposition techniques is usually challenging. Little has been published on how to address this challenge mainly because very few applications require such smooth Sn surfaces. The excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on Sn surfaces by prism-based methods represents a case that requires very smooth surfaces and has motivated this work. It is shown that the deposition rate and the substrate temperature of a vacuum evaporation method can be optimized to obtain very smooth Sn films and this is supported by direct imaging evidence from atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.Comment: 7 figure

    Cultivating Metal Whiskers by Surface Plasmon Polariton Excitation

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    This work presents a preliminary experimental study on the possibility to initiate growth of whiskers on the surfaces of some technologically important metals utilizing the enhanced electric field of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). The results provide evidence that a relatively high concentration of what appear to be whisker nuclei form in the region where SPPs were excited, whereas no such changes are observed on the untreated surface.Comment: 7 figure

    Lokalizacija i oblik stenoza u centralnom karcinomu pluća - osjetljivost i preciznost MDCT VB i FB

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    The objective is to present diagnostic capabilities of virtual bronchoscopy (VB) and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FB) for determining the localization and shape of stenoses in patients with central lung carcinoma. A systematic study was performed on 220 patients aged 11-83 (54.36±17.24) years with endobronchial disease using the FB and VB methods during the 2013-2017 period. Central carcinoma of the lung was found on VB in 130 patients and on FB in 120 patients. Other nosologic diseases were found in 22 patients. Right localization of central carcinoma prevailed over left localization in both sexes. A significant difference in the localization criterion was found in female patients examined by VB (U-test, p=0.01). VB and FB yielded 86.5% vs. 91.60% precision and 85% vs. 94.5% sensitivity. In conclusion, VB was found to be a successful noninvasive method for determining the localization of lung tumors and shape of stenoses, which are essential in the diagnosis of malignant processes.Cilj je prikazati dijagnostičke mogućnosti virtualne bronhoskopije (VB) i fiberoptičke bronhoskopije (FB) za određivanje lokalizacije i oblika stenoze u bolesnika sa središnjim karcinomom pluća. Sustavna studija provedena je na 220 bolesnika u dobi od 11 do 83 godine (54,36±17,24) s endobronhijalnom bolesti primjenom metoda FB i VB u razdoblju od 2013. do 2017. godine. Središnji karcinom pluća otkriven je na VB u 130 bolesnika i na FB u 120 bolesnika. U 22 bolesnika pronađene su druge nozološke bolesti u oba spola. Desnostrana lokalizacija prevladavala je nad lijevostranom lokalizacijom središnjeg karcinoma. Značajna razlika u kriteriju lokalizacije pronađena je u žena koje su pregledane pomoću VB (U-test, p=0,01). Preciznost VB bila je 86,5% prema 91,60% za FB, dok je osjetljivost VB bila 85% u usporedbi s 94,5% za FB. Zaključeno je da je VB uspješna neinvazivna metoda za određivanje lokalizacije tumora pluća i oblika stenoza, koji su neophodni u dijagnostici zloćudnih procesa

    Modification of Tin (Sn) Metal Surfaces by Surface Plasmon Polariton Excitation

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    We report on the modification of tin (Sn) film surfaces under a laser beam irradiation that triggers surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitations. The observed surface features in the form of small raised grains, with well-defined rooting, look similar to tin whisker nodules. We attribute the appearance of those features to the field-induced nucleation caused by the SPP related strong electric field. Possible implications of our findings include accelerated-life testing for tin whisker growth-related reliability as well as applications to nanoparticle nucleation.Comment: 5 figure