1 research outputs found

    Sistema de medios de ense帽anza audiovisuales para la motivaci贸n en Formaci贸n Agropecuaria (Original).

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    The article deals with the motivation in the Agricultural Training subject, in the Bachelor of Education. Biology, to achieve it, audiovisual teaching aids are incorporated. This subject focuses on agricultural education and deals little with education that should have been its essence. As an objective: to elaborate a system of audiovisual teaching aids was developed for agricultural training. Theoretical and empirical methods were used in the elaboration of the system and a qualitative analysis of its partial implementation was carried out. The system includes the context in which it was developed, its subsystems and its functionality. The results of its partial implementation are offered: an increase in student motivation by incorporating the education through audiovisual teaching aids.El art铆culo trata la motivaci贸n en la asignatura Formaci贸n Agropecuaria, en la Licenciatura en Educaci贸n, Biolog铆a. Para lograrla, se incorporan medios de ense帽anza audiovisuales. Esta asignatura se enfoca en la ense帽anza agropecuaria y se ocupa poco de lo educativo que debi贸 ser su esencia. Como objetivo se propuso: elaborar un sistema de medios de ense帽anza audiovisuales para  la motivaci贸n en  Formaci贸n Agropecuaria. Se utilizaron m茅todos te贸ricos y emp铆ricos en la elaboraci贸n del sistema y se realiz贸 un an谩lisis cualitativo de su implementaci贸n parcial. El sistema incluye el contexto en que se desarroll贸, sus subsistemas y su funcionalidad. Se ofrecen los resultados de su implementaci贸n parcial:  un aumento en la motivaci贸n de los estudiantes al incorporar lo educativo mediante los medios de ense帽anza audiovisuales