74 research outputs found

    CARBON: A Counterfactual Reasoning based Framework for Neural Code Comprehension Debiasing

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that code intelligence models are sensitive to program transformation among which identifier renaming is particularly easy to apply and effective. By simply renaming one identifier in source code, the models would output completely different results. The prior research generally mitigates the problem by generating more training samples. Such an approach is less than ideal since its effectiveness depends on the quantity and quality of the generated samples. Different from these studies, we are devoted to adjusting models for explicitly distinguishing the influence of identifier names on the results, called naming bias in this paper, and thereby making the models robust to identifier renaming. Specifically, we formulate the naming bias with a structural causal model (SCM), and propose a counterfactual reasoning based framework named CARBON for eliminating the naming bias in neural code comprehension. CARBON explicitly captures the naming bias through multi-task learning in the training stage, and reduces the bias by counterfactual inference in the inference stage. We evaluate CARBON on three neural code comprehension tasks, including function naming, defect detection and code classification. Experiment results show that CARBON achieves relatively better performance (e.g., +0.5% on the function naming task at F1 score) than the baseline models on the original benchmark datasets, and significantly improvement (e.g., +37.9% on the function naming task at F1 score) on the datasets with identifiers renamed. The proposed framework provides a causal view for improving the robustness of code intelligence models

    Domain Knowledge Matters: Improving Prompts with Fix Templates for Repairing Python Type Errors

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    Although the dynamic type system of Python facilitates the developers in writing Python programs, it also brings type errors at run-time. There exist rule-based approaches for automatically repairing Python type errors. The approaches can generate accurate patches but they require domain experts to design patch synthesis rules and suffer from low template coverage of real-world type errors. Learning-based approaches alleviate the manual efforts in designing patch synthesis rules. Among the learning-based approaches, the prompt-based approach which leverages the knowledge base of code pre-trained models via pre-defined prompts, obtains state-of-the-art performance in general program repair tasks. However, such prompts are manually defined and do not involve any specific clues for repairing Python type errors, resulting in limited effectiveness. How to automatically improve prompts with the domain knowledge for type error repair is challenging yet under-explored. In this paper, we present TypeFix, a novel prompt-based approach with fix templates incorporated for repairing Python type errors. TypeFix first mines generalized fix templates via a novel hierarchical clustering algorithm. The identified fix templates indicate the common edit patterns and contexts of existing type error fixes. TypeFix then generates code prompts for code pre-trained models by employing the generalized fix templates as domain knowledge, in which the masks are adaptively located for each type error instead of being pre-determined. Experiments on two benchmarks, including BugsInPy and TypeBugs, show that TypeFix successfully repairs 26 and 55 type errors, outperforming the best baseline approach by 9 and 14, respectively. Besides, the proposed fix template mining approach can cover 75% of developers' patches in both benchmarks, increasing the best rule-based approach PyTER by more than 30%.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ICSE'2

    SCALE: Constructing Structured Natural Language Comment Trees for Software Vulnerability Detection

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in automatic software vulnerability detection. Pre-trained model-based approaches have demonstrated superior performance than other Deep Learning (DL)-based approaches in detecting vulnerabilities. However, the existing pre-trained model-based approaches generally employ code sequences as input during prediction, and may ignore vulnerability-related structural information, as reflected in the following two aspects. First, they tend to fail to infer the semantics of the code statements with complex logic such as those containing multiple operators and pointers. Second, they are hard to comprehend various code execution sequences, which is essential for precise vulnerability detection. To mitigate the challenges, we propose a Structured Natural Language Comment tree-based vulnerAbiLity dEtection framework based on the pre-trained models, named SCALE. The proposed Structured Natural Language Comment Tree (SCT) integrates the semantics of code statements with code execution sequences based on the Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). Specifically, SCALE comprises three main modules: (1) Comment Tree Construction, which aims at enhancing the model's ability to infer the semantics of code statements by first incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) for comment generation and then adding the comment node to ASTs. (2) Structured Natural Language Comment Tree Construction}, which aims at explicitly involving code execution sequence by combining the code syntax templates with the comment tree. (3) SCT-Enhanced Representation, which finally incorporates the constructed SCTs for well capturing vulnerability patterns.Comment: Accepted by ISSTA 202

    Dynamically Relative Position Encoding-Based Transformer for Automatic Code Edit

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    Adapting Deep Learning (DL) techniques to automate non-trivial coding activities, such as code documentation and defect detection, has been intensively studied recently. Learning to predict code changes is one of the popular and essential investigations. Prior studies have shown that DL techniques such as Neural Machine Translation (NMT) can benefit meaningful code changes, including bug fixing and code refactoring. However, NMT models may encounter bottleneck when modeling long sequences, thus are limited in accurately predicting code changes. In this work, we design a Transformer-based approach, considering that Transformer has proven effective in capturing long-term dependencies. Specifically, we propose a novel model named DTrans. For better incorporating the local structure of code, i.e., statement-level information in this paper, DTrans is designed with dynamically relative position encoding in the multi-head attention of Transformer. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that DTrans can more accurately generate patches than the state-of-the-art methods, increasing the performance by at least 5.45\%-46.57\% in terms of the exact match metric on different datasets. Moreover, DTrans can locate the lines to change with 1.75\%-24.21\% higher accuracy than the existing methods
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