6 research outputs found

    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad

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    Fac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte

    Reconstrucción artística del esqueleto del cérvido del Mioceno medio Heteroprox moralesi Azanza, 1989

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de reconstrucción esquelética del cérvido basal Heteroprox moralesi (Aragoniense medio, Mioceno medio) que sirva de base a futuros trabajos de la reconstrucción muscular y de la apariencia externa de esta especie y de otras especies de cérvidos miocenos. Algunos restos asignados a esta especie han sido hallados en varios yacimientos madrileños, si bien gran parte de los fósiles conocidos asignados a este taxón aparecen muy fragmentados y con muy pocos elementos postcraneales publicados, lo que dificulta en gran medida su reconstrucción esquelética. Por lo tanto, la reconstrucción propuesta en este trabajo se basa en anatomía comparada con otras especies de cérvidos tanto extintas como actuales, además de las evidencias más recientes en cuanto a su clasificación filogenética

    The fallow deer Dama celiae sp. nov. with two‑pointed antlers from the Middle Pleistocene of Madrid, a contemporary of humans with Acheulean technology

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    We describe fossils of a new species of fallow deer, Dama celiae. It is the end member of the lineage Dama farnetensis–D. vallonnetensis– D. roberti–D. celiae, which reduced the number of points of the antler from four to two, while the parallel lineage leading to the living fallow deer evolved more complex and palmate antlers. The fossils are from localities Pedro Jaro I and Orcasitas in the + 25–30-m terrace of the Manzanares river, which is correlated to MIS9 (337–300 ka) and which also yielded fossils of Megaloceros matritensis, a recently named species, end member of a lineage that survived longer than previously believed. A younger terrace of the Manzanares yielded remains of Haploidoceros, a rare deer known from two older localities in southern France and one younger locality in Spain. So many rare deer species in this valley indicates either endemism and a very special environment or that the record of fossil deer is much less known than generally assumed. Until recently, the European Middle Pleistocene record of deer had only one middle-sized species at a time. Now, it appears that there were up to three contemporaneous species of the size of a fallow deer. Acheulean lithic assemblages have been documented from the same sites as Dama celiae. This species was contemporaneous to Neanderthals with Acheulean culture. Cut marks suggest that it was consumed by them and probably was hunted.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUECSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Open-access funding was provided by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The paper was writted in the framework of grants PGC2018-093612-B-100 and PID2021-122355NB-C33 fundeDepto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEinpres

    GEODIVULGAR: Geología y Sociedad

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte