8,499 research outputs found
Jets at CDF
Recent jet results in collisions at =1.96 TeV from the
CDF experiment at the Tevatron are presented. The jet inclusive cross section
is compared to next-to-leading order QCD prediction in different rapidity
regions. The -jet inclusive cross section is measured exploiting the long
lifetime and large mass of -hadrons. Jet shapes, W+jets and W/Z+photon cross
sections are also measured and compared to expectations from QCD production.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures Presented at the workshop on Low-x Physics,
Lisbon, Portugal, June 28-July 1, 200
Performance of the CDF Miniplug Calorimeters
Two Miniplug calorimeters, designed to measure the energy and lateral
position of particles in the forward pseudorapidity region of 3.6<|\eta |<5.1,
have been installed as part of the CDF upgraded detector for Run II at the
Tevatron. Proton-antiproton beams are colliding at =1.96 TeV. One
year after installation, Miniplug detector performance and first results are
presented.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures Proceedings 8th Topical Seminar on Innovative
Particle and Radiation Detectors 21-24 October 2002 Siena, Ital
Diffractive physics: from the Tevatron to the LHC
Measurements of soft and hard diffractive processes have been performed at
the Tevatron p-pbar collider during the past decade. Diffractive events are
studied by means of identification of one or more rapidity gaps and/or a
leading antiproton. Here, results are discussed within the Tevatron data and
compared to those obtained at the HERA ep collider. The traditional ``pomeron''
is described within the framework of QCD and the issues discussed include
pomeron structure, diffractive cross section factorization, and universality of
rapidity gap formation. Exclusive dijet and low-mass state production in
double-pomeron exchange processes, including predictions for Higgs production
at the LHC from dijet measurements at the Tevatron.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures Pub. Proceedings "International Conference on High
Energy Physics" - Beijing, China, Aug 16-22, 200
Upgrades for the Precision Proton Spectrometer at the LHC: Precision Timing and Tracking Detectors
The CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (CT-PPS) is an approved project
to add tracking and timing information at approximately 210~m from the
interaction point around the CMS detector. It is designed to operate at high
luminosity with up to 50 interactions per 25~ns bunch crossing to perform
measurements of e.g. the quartic gauge couplings and search for rare exclusive
processes. During 2016, CT-PPS took data in normal high-luminosity
proton-proton LHC collisions. In the coming years, high radiation doses and
large multiple-vertex interactions will represent difficult challenges that
resemble those of the high-luminosity LHC program. A coordinated effort of
detector upgrades with the goal of reaching the physics goals while mitigating
the degradation effects is under way. Upgrades to the tracking and timing
detectors are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures - Proceedings of Diffraction 2016, International
Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics, Acireale (Italy), September
2-8, 201
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