1,382 research outputs found

    I riflessi della concezione ordinovista del potere sociale dal basso nel modello di democrazia economica-sociale recepito dalla Costituzione italiana

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    1. Le ragioni internazionali della fondazione del PCdI; 2. Le ragioni nazionali della fondazione del PCdI; 3. La necessità e i limiti della scissione; 4. L’avvio del processo di formazione di un nuovo gruppo dirigente e di un nuovo indirizzo politico tra continuità, discontinuità e rinnovamento; 5. L’impostazione teorico-politica del gruppo dell’Ordine Nuovo e la concezione del potere sociale dal basso; 6. Ordinovisti e bordighisti: le ragioni del dissenso e della temporanea unità di azione; 7. Da Lione a Salerno: la continuità della matrice culturale ordinovista; 8. I Costituenti comunisti, la disciplina costituzionale dei rapporti economici e la concezione del potere sociale dal basso; 9. Le norme della Costituzione sui rapporti economici e sociali fra inattuazione, parziale attuazione e boicottaggio; 10. Le cause del declino e dello scioglimento del «partito nuovo»; 11. Ripartire dalle matrici culturali dell'Ordine nuovo per uscire dal caos della crisi della globalizzazione


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    The aim of this paper is to stimulate the new generations of constitutional law scholars to deepen the work of a legal expert considered by the most heretical, since, inspired by the Gramscian idea of the philosophy of praxis, perceived as expressive of the responsibility of the social function of intellectual, pursued the practice of “telling the truth to power”. The paper therefore aims to outline the characteristics of the method used by Salvatore d’Albergo in the analysis of public and constitutional law. A method inspired by the Gramscian philosophy of praxis and therefore of an interdisciplinary nature and inserted in the perspective of history, which aimed at a unitary and organic knowledge and therefore critical of reality. Some applications of this method can be identified in the demystification of the category of “material constitution” developed by Sergio Panunzio and developed by Costantino Mortati and in the criticism of Norberto Bobbio's theory on the “non-existence of a Marxist theory of the state”. From the vast work of d’Albergo, some essays can then be identified that critically analyze the causes of the transition from the phase of the democratization process of the seventies, to the phase of the modernization process of the eighties of the twentieth century, up to the current phase characterized by a profound Issn 2421-0528 Note e commenti Diritto Pubblico Europeo Rassegna online Fascicolo 1/2022 50 democratic, economic, social and environmental crisis. Furthermore, some valuable indications are drawn from the reflection of d’Albergo to get out from the phase of regression and to start again a democratic and progressive path


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    Il lavoro, dopo aver analizato le caratteristiche della Costituzione italiana in materia di enti autonomi, ricostruisce e valuta il processo di compressione politica, economica e sociale subito da Regioni, Provincie e Comuni nell'era della "globalizzazione neo-liberista

    Regimi abilitativi degli impianti da fonti rinnovabili: il “punto” sulla giurisprudenza costituzionale più recente

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    The article aims to provide a brief review of the constitutional jurisprudence on the licensing regimes of installation based on renewable sources, assigned by art. 117, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, to the concurrent legislative power of the State and of the Regions. After a survey of State sources containing the fundamental principles on the subject of authorization systems, the article analyzes the judgements about the relationship between the "Guidelines for the authorization of installations based on renewable sources" and regional laws. The article then analyzes the Court's jurisprudence in the field of the planning and location powers of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as well as the "restrictions" to regional legislation in this context; and, again, the decisions of the Court which consecrates the measures on the procedural form (CDS, AUA, deadline for conclusion) as general principles

    Dopo la Pandemia: il futuro e la memoria costituzionale

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    This work highlights how the economic-pandemic crisis did not lead to the definitive crisis of the system of principles and values underlying the Constitution, which continues to be an essential tool to face up the problems that afflict the country. It represents the indispensable tool for resolving ongoing social conflicts in a progressive direction and thus guaranteeing a new democratic perspective of social life. In short, the collapse of the economic, social and environmental order cannot be confused with the collapse of the program of personal and social emancipation prescribed by the Constitution. The economic-pandemic crisis has revealed the limits of the neoliberal model based on the pursuit of profit, financial rent and wild mass consumption. The Constitution with its principles of solidarity and social justice therefore represents a fundamental guideline for getting out of the chaos caused by the crisis of economic globalization. The parties and movements that claim the need to rebalance the altered relationship between political control and the power of the economy and technology placed at its service, should return, in particular, to reflect on the powers of democratic government of the economy provided for by the Constitution in order to verify their relevance or the need for their remodeling, which makes them capable of facing the problems posed by a globalized economy, but no less in need of being governed, according to the purposes of economic, social and environmental justice


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    L’articolo si propone di riportare una breve rassegna della giurisprudenza costituzionale in materia di regimi abilitativi degli impianti da fonti rinnovabili, assegnata dall’art. 117, comma 3, Cost., alla potestà legislativa concorrente dello Stato e delle Regioni. Dopo una ricognizione delle fonti statali contenenti i principi fondamentali in tema di regimi autorizzativi, l’articolo analizza, in particolare, le pronunce attinenti ai rapporti fra le “Linee guida per l’autorizzazione degli impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili” e la legislazione regionale. L’articolo analizza, poi, la giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale in materia di poteri pianificatori e localizzativi delle Regioni e delle Province autonome, nonché i “vincoli” alla normativa regionale in tale settore; e, ancora, le decisioni della Consulta che consacrano come principi generali le disposizioni in tema di modulo procedimentale (CDS, AUA, termine di conclusione.).The article aims to provide a brief review of the constitutional jurisprudence on the licensing regimes of installation based on renewable sources, assigned by art. 117, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, to the concurrent legislative power of the State and of the Regions. After a survey of State sources containing the fundamental principles on the subject of authorization systems, the article analyzes the judgements about the relationship between the "Guidelines for the authorization of installations based on renewable sources" and regional laws. The article then analyzes the Court's jurisprudence in the field of the planning and location powers of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as well as the "restrictions" to regional legislation in this context; and, again, the decisions of the Court which consecrates the measures on the procedural form (CDS, AUA, deadline for conclusion) as general principles

    Simultaneous submicrometric 3D imaging of the micro-vascular network and the neuronal system in a mouse spinal cord

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    Defaults in vascular (VN) and neuronal networks of spinal cord are responsible for serious neurodegenerative pathologies. Because of inadequate investigation tools, the lacking knowledge of the complete fine structure of VN and neuronal systems is a crucial problem. Conventional 2D imaging yields incomplete spatial coverage leading to possible data misinterpretation, whereas standard 3D computed tomography imaging achieves insufficient resolution and contrast. We show that X-ray high-resolution phase-contrast tomography allows the simultaneous visualization of three-dimensional VN and neuronal systems of mouse spinal cord at scales spanning from millimeters to hundreds of nanometers, with neither contrast agent nor a destructive sample-preparation. We image both the 3D distribution of micro-capillary network and the micrometric nerve fibers, axon-bundles and neuron soma. Our approach is a crucial tool for pre-clinical investigation of neurodegenerative pathologies and spinal-cord-injuries. In particular, it should be an optimal tool to resolve the entangled relationship between VN and neuronal system.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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